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Thread: The Myspace Experiment

  1. #1

    Lightbulb The Myspace Experiment

    Hello everyone, I am conducting an experiment (as part of my course), to find out if "real life relationships are influenced by online social mediums".

    I hope you can spare the time to fill out my questionnaire and thus help me analyse whether real-life friendships might be influenced by online friend ratings on a social network such as myspace.

    Empirical Research Questionnaire

    Please select your response in the following situations:

    1. Your best friend moved you from first position in their myspace friends list to 5th position do you:
    A: (Angry) Call them up straight away and demand an explanation
    B: (Upset) Ask them about it once you see them in person
    C: (Annoyed) Bring it up casually when you next see them
    D: (Concerned) Comment them in myspace and ask them about it
    E: (Unperturbed) Not discuss it with them

    2. Your 2nd best friend moved you from second position in their myspace friends list to 8th position do you:
    A: (Angry) Call them up straight away and demand an explanation
    B: (Upset) Ask them about it once you see them in person
    C: (Annoyed) Bring it up casually when you next see them
    D: (Concerned) Comment them in myspace and ask them about it
    E: (Unperturbed) Not discuss it with them

    3. A friend moves you from fifth position, to out of there top myspace friends list do you:
    A: (Angry) Call them up straight away and demand an explanation
    B: (Upset) Ask them about it once you see them in person
    C: (Annoyed) Bring it up casually when you next see them
    D: (Concerned) Comment them in myspace and ask them about it
    E: (Unperturbed) Not discuss it with them

    4. Someone you hang around with at TAFE deletes you from there myspace friends list do you:
    A: (Angry) Call them up straight away and demand an explanation
    B: (Upset) Ask them about it once you see them in person
    C: (Annoyed) Bring it up casually when you next see them
    D: (Concerned) Comment them in myspace and ask them about it
    E: (Unperturbed) Not discuss it with them

    5. Someone you met at a party the other night and spoke with briefly adds you to myspace and then deletes you the next day:
    A: (Angry) Call them up straight away and demand an explanation
    B: (Upset) Ask them about it once you see them in person
    C: (Annoyed) Bring it up casually when you next see them
    D: (Concerned) Comment them in myspace and ask them about it
    E: (Unperturbed) Not discuss it with them


    Please comment your answers or send them to

    Thankyou for your time and if anyone is interested I will happily place the final results of this experiment once it has concluded for discussion, dave
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  2. #2
    ANBU Shi_No_Shikaku's Avatar
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    1 e
    2 e
    3 e
    4 c
    5 c
    I Don't like to say anything twice

  3. #3
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    Empirical Research Questionnaire

    Please select your response in the following situations:

    1. Your best friend moved you from first position in their myspace friends list to 5th position do you:
    E: (Unperturbed) Not discuss it with them

    2. Your 2nd best friend moved you from second position in their myspace friends list to 8th position do you:
    E: (Unperturbed) Not discuss it with them

    3. A friend moves you from fifth position, to out of there top myspace friends list do you:
    E: (Unperturbed) Not discuss it with them

    4. Someone you hang around with at TAFE deletes you from there myspace friends list do you:
    E: (Unperturbed) Not discuss it with them

    5. Someone you met at a party the other night and spoke with briefly adds you to myspace and then deletes you the next day:
    E: (Unperturbed) Not discuss it with them

    Side Note: I don't use Myspace, but I wouldn't care anyway.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I would answer E on all

  5. #5
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I have no use for Myspace but if I did, it would be E for everything. But since I don't use it, I guess the significance of my answers is negligible at best.

  6. #6
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    E on everything. Who cares about things like that seriously? The last question is real funny, why the fuck should i care if someone i met at a party the day before added me and then removed me?

  7. #7
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PSJ
    E on everything. Who cares about things like that seriously? The last question is real funny, why the fuck should i care if someone i met at a party the day before added me and then removed me?
    You say that now, but look how many people take reputation on this forum seriously. Some people take myspace too seriously. Remember that Seinfeld episode where that one chick moved people up and down her speeddial and Jerry got upset because he'd been moved down the list? People are weird that way.

    For me, I don't use myspace, so it's easy to answer all Es right now. If I used the service, it might be more Cs and Ds than I'd like to admit.

    For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?

  8. #8
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    You may have a point there. That's basically why I made that comment about the significance of my answers. It's pretty hard to estimate something if you don't use it at all. However, I doubt my answers would change any, though (seeing how I don't usually talk too much about myself to people out there anyway, nor do I ask about their affairs unless for humorous purposes or I know they simple yearn to tell and thus it's polite to ask).

    Your reference to reputation might be correct to a degree, but, once again referring to myself, I was concerned about my reputation solely because I wanted to reach as soon as possible the 1500 required for a custom title... It was kind of bothersome, though. Dunno if I was the only one trying to reach that star or if someone else thought likewise. So, in my case I'd need some external purpose for Myspace to care.

  9. #9
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Animeniax
    Remember that Seinfeld episode where that one chick moved people up and down her speeddial and Jerry got upset because he'd been moved down the list? People are weird that way.
    Nice reference.

    For me, I don't use myspace, so it's easy to answer all Es right now.If I used the service
    Even if i did it would still be all E, because who cares its inconsequential.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  10. #10
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Myspace friends is evil.

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