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Thread: Gundam 00 Episode 06

  1. #1
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain

    Gundam 00 Episode 06

    last time on "the new adventures of old Gundam Wing..."

    Gundam00 - Episode 6 - mkv format - Mendoi Conclave fansubs

    edit - so i also got a little 'Kyrios' about Allelujah and went and wiki'd the name of his Gundam. Quite an interesting find. I sure wouldn't call my Gundam that... I mean, the real guy might get angry...

    edit again - also, some numbnuts in #nipponsei basically spoiled the entire episode for me. yay...
    Last edited by masamuneehs; Sun, 11-11-2007 at 06:51 PM.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  2. #2
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Oh yea, i knew about the "Kyrios" thing...funny thing about ever see Equilibrium? Same thing going on there...

  3. #3
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    In the previous episode discussion threads I was blaming this series for intentional unbalancing of the fights and general lack of realism in failing to make the sides more equal (even tactically if not directly technologically), but during this episode I finally realised it was my mistake, entirely. I couldn't stop laughing while watching the action scenes in this episode, and naturally that made me realise this is an action comedy series. Now it all makes a lot more sense.

    AniDB doesn't have comedy classification for this series but it's so evident in this episode anybody could see it.

  4. #4
    Is it me, or is Gundam 00 copying FMP scenario ?
    Gauron / Souske relationship ... seems the same Setsuna / That Mercenary guy with red hair
    Mithril / Celestial beings as the Non Gov organisation smashing bad guys
    The Technological upper hand the heroes got ...
    The Mothership ...
    Sniper side chars ...

  5. #5
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I don't think mecha series have ever been especially sensitive about borrowing elements from each others. Gundam might of course be a special case as it could be viewed as an archetype, which, as such, has surely been an inspiration to countless other manga/anime series.

    Besides, things aren't exactly like that in Gundam. For one, Celestial Being is a terrorist organization opposing the legit states, whereas Mithril was an organization often employed by countries. So, the Gauron / Sousuke and Setsuna / Mercenary setting would be quite twisted as the younger one would be the criminal and the older one the "good" guy (he's probably a ruthless merc, though, so he isn't a good guy either).

    Also, in FMP the technological upper hand belonged to Amalgam, not Mithril (though there wasn't any huge gap there). I suppose in that sense it would be similar to this series; terrorists having the upper hand, but Amalgam was, still, a somewhat shapeless organization and looked more like a collection of individual faces, really.

    Still, the CB personnel here look more like tools after this episode. The shopping, witless girls, but especially the transvestite guy who is a model example of the kind of person who very strictly and to the letter follows instructions and rules with no own idea where they lead (or he might think he knows but in reality doesn't), and is thus extremely easy to use by some shadowy mastermind who planted some of those ideas in him for his own purposes.

  6. #6
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    It's more than just that. Tieria apparently believes that he is the only one "worthy" of being a Gundam Meistar. He hasn't said it to Lockon yet, but I'm sure he will at some point. I don't know what the hell his problem with everyone is, but I hope they explain it soon. Even if they do it soon, he's already so much of a douchebag that I probably won't care. Waiting is only going to make it worse.

    Another thing I noticed is they way he fights. It's largely a matter of his weapon systems, but the other three tend not to kill the pilots of the mobile suits they fight. Admittedly, Kyrios does somewhat, but at least the Allelujah side of him feels bad about it. Exia slices enough parts off (usually the legs) and Dynames blows the head and all the sensors off. Tieria just doesn't seem to mind at all how many people he kills.

    It seems that Saji will be fulfilling the whiny emo role that the Gundams are going about it the wrong way...

    Anything with Sumeragi is enough to kindle interest, but not only does she know Billy (and probably Graham as well) but she was involved in some sort of 'incident' involving command or some military action. Now I'm very curious.

  7. #7
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Hmm...was it me, or did Dynames' new armor remind anyone of the Deathscythe even more?? I have some gripes too, but I'll get to that later.

    P.S. (for some reason, Lockon's "I love surprise attacks" made me laugh)

  8. #8
    If Setusna keeps getting bullied and flustered by every pilot with a modicum of talent his link to Heero Yui is going to start unraveling pretty quickly.

    And what's going on with the story? I know we're only 6 episodes in but there is so much going on and very little of it is fitting together to form a clear picture of where this show might be going. CB just randomly attacks militaries all over the place but we still don't know why or what if any, their ulterior motives may be. The Queen chick seems completely unnessecary to the story yet they keep trying to show horm her in. I know they are doing it so that when the story actually starts to involve her she won't be unfamiliar but still randomly seeing her do stuff unrelated to anything in the rest of the plot is getting annoying. Basically all we've had for 6 episodes is lots and lots of character development, now the development is generally good but it would be nice if something would actually happen to advance the plot or give us background information about why It doesn't even matter what the why is, I just wish they would explain the reasons for something that doesn't have to do with a characters past.

  9. #9
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    i sort of like that the 'direction' of the show has yet to be established. I mean, they brought back PMC (Private Military Corporation is always what I think of when I see this acronym, and it fits them perfectly) out of an earlier mission that didn't seem to matter then... I like that we don't know where it's going right away, as other Gundams were fairly predictable...

    (although the potential continuing similarities with Gundam Wing, which was also 50 episodes, would signal a major shift in objectives around episode 8 or so... An "operation daybreak" or something of the sort where our Gundam friends' stubborn 'mission objective' finally gets used against them and the real enemies and their objectives begin to surface... This show has a very complex political backdrop for it, and I'm not surprised at all that they're using the 'one episode = one mission' approach right now to get us used to the situation and characters)

    also, yay for Keiji Fujiwara (Ali)! That guy is really one of the best current VAs out there. His voice is very distinct and lends itself nicely to the "gruff, grizzled, but somewhat sarcastically cold veteran". I'm glad he's in this one.

    So Sumeragi was once with the Union... or at least educated at the same school that produce Billy... Given that Graham knows of 'the incident' as well, it's safe to say it was something big that happened in the Union...

    Setsuna makes me lol by being so serious and getting pwned still.

    Tieria also makes me smile, mostly because of my Wing - 00 theory of how he'll end up. Of course you take the psycho split personality guy and lock him up in a padded room for a week... jesus...

    I like how they did the AEU. I have no idea where Moralia came from (it looked to be split off of France, the region around Montepelier or to the south of that...right on the Mediterranean). I'd understand if it was Morocco, or even the Catalan region of Spain, but...

    Having five AEU nations at a table for 9 making all the decisions about this was quite interesting, especially with their different priorities... I liked that scene a lot. I also liked when the French politician told the Queen Relena "Oh, we can't send you anything you'd actually want. How about some bread?" Even in the 24th century humanitarian aid remains woefully inept...

    also, i'm pissed because it seems my computer just can't handle the 1240 HD files... I have to get teh smaller resolution or I lag like a bitch...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  10. #10
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    @Masa: Are you using CoreAVC? My computer is pretty old and plays the 1280s fine with it. Only Eclipse hi-res releases still give me stutters anymore.

    How deeply this series is mired in the politics really makes it stand out.

    I liked the AEU discussions as well. They outright said that their attitude was to the economics only, and the rest of the world be damned. They want to use CBs interventions to increase their own reputation, rather than make CB do their work for them like we initially thought the Union secessionist country was doing. We only found out later that the Union and [whateverthatcountrywas] had planned it out from the start. One way or another, CBs actions would be beneficial to them both.

    It seems like CB has immense superiority on the battlefront, but not on actual pilots, nor the political 'battlefield.' I wonder if the AEUs little plan won't work as smoothly as they hoped, even despite Setsuna's current issue. If Sumeragi is on the same level as Billy and Graham but in terms of tactics, then she should have learned from the Union intervention last time. The countries are starting to figure out how to use CB (at least from our current perspective).

    As a side note, I enjoyed Christina's (blonde/brunette operator) discussion with the others. Felt and Sumeragi assumed she was busy from all the shopping, and she just casually remarks she hacked the AEU in the morning.

  11. #11
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Aye. The AEU meeting was nice. Germany still, after centuries, doesn't want to send troops anywhere... Another good detail was the map; Koreas never managed to unite, and all in all it looked like a map of our times. I suppose it reveals there never was a third world war nor anything bigger in general.

  12. #12
    I'm enjoying this show quite a bit...
    I liked how Graham (or was it just the translation?) made fun of the AEU "ace"!
    all and all, It was a nice intro from what must be the most diverse political body in the show so far

  13. #13
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    i dont seem to have the coreAVC thinga bobber...

    also, one thing i remembered from this episode: They really establish, hardcore, that there is a BIOLOGICAL similarity between Allelujah Haptism and Soma -Crazy super soldier loli- that makes me think..

    the one thing that i like about the characters so far are that they appear to be from very diverse backgrounds. Allelujah was probably connected with the same Designer Baby program as Soma, Setsuna's childhood war sensei is a selfish merc for an evil Euro trash PMC, and Tieria has some superiority compex cuz of 004. I'm sure Lockon's haro will provide the key to his harrowing past...

    finally, i also liked that they talked about SPACE COLONIES in this episode. The thing that really allured me about Gundam at first was its setting in the last frontier, and I hope this show moves towards that somewhat.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  14. #14
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Enhanced Glial cells...I wonder if Allelujah was originally from the HRL project, or whether he was CB's own creation using similar technology. Most likely the former, but the latter's still lingering in my mind.

    From the title of the preview, Setsuna might be deviating from the "mission only" thing and start acting on his own a bit.

    Also noticed some nice similarities between Sumeragi and Tsunade.

  15. #15
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Also noticed some nice similarities between Sumeragi and Tsunade.
    Sumeragi's breasts are out of control...I'm amazed at what kind of physics the artists think can hold those things in that blue dress she was wearing toward the end of the episode.

  16. #16
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Yet another interesting supporting character arrives in Ali-Al Serge. The fact that he has ties to the same movement Setsuna was in when he was a kid just makes him more interesting.

    I love how CB is almost considered as the bad guys by alot of people. You rarely see the main gundam be anything but a complete good guy.

    AEU's ace is extremly annoying but even he is more interesting than the main characters.

  17. #17
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    Quote Originally Posted by PSJ
    I love how CB is almost considered as the bad guys by alot of people. You rarely see the main gundam be anything but a complete good guy.
    So far, this is what makes the main characters and CB stand out the most. The older Gundams sometimes involved a 'no side is much better than the other' theme, but there was generally a few villains on the side the main character fought against, swinging the balance in the favor of the protagonist's group.

    The one thing that keeps bugging me is who has been behind CB all this time? There's the Chinese girl, those two guys (Europeans?) and Sumeragi was from the Union... All of it is traced back to the 200 year old dead guy, but how did he manage to keep things heading toward where they are now in between?

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  18. #18
    i agree that the supporting characters are way more interesting so far than the main.

  19. #19
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    OP1 as well, since I can't see where it was posted initially

  20. #20
    Excellent episode, after the introduction of the political environment, along with the HRL and Union responses to CB, we finally see the AEU adapt to a world with CB in it. Like everyone before me, i loved the roundtable discussion with the AEU leaders, as well as that little scene where the 'Relena' person asked for aid, but the AEU basically looks out for its own interests before humanitarian aid, speaks volumes about countries today.

    The whole PMC allying with the AEU militarily was well set up, and I liked the reasoning behind how both parties could benefit from CB in that case. I also loved the moment when the AEU 'ace' lands at the PMC HQ and announces himself, and all he gets is a "who is this asshole" line from a random pilot, that made me laugh haha.

    Dynames is now my favourite gundam in this series, the whole sniper angle is just cool because i don't think any gundam has done that before, plus his 'I love surprise attacks' line is awesome. And yes, I too, had a Deathscythe Hell deja vu when i saw his shield.

    All in all, this series is looking pretty good, but then again, so did Seed at this point, i can only hope they maintain this quality consistently. But with the way things are looking so far, it doesn't seem to be a problem.

    For some strange reason I'm starting to like that blond guy (dunno his name) in the red suit who always does the 'conversing with no one in particular' moments regarding CB's actions. What's his name? He always holds the wine glass and talks out of the balcony, i dunno, he smecks of villain material to me.

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