Yeah it's not an illusion, Zaraki is holding back Tesla's fist (which you can see a little) like when Ichigo saved Rukia at the execution. Which means pwnage time and a dead Tesla.Originally Posted by Yukimura
Last edited by Knives122; Sat, 10-27-2007 at 05:07 PM.
R.I.P Captain America.
So that's what that thing was behind him...I couldn't make it out, but now that you mention it it does look like a giant fist.
I don't think Tesla is a just servant to Noitora. He was sitting at the table in the latest anime episode with all the other Espada. At least I think he was, the guy with the pink hair.
Corn chips are no place for a mighty warrior!
I haven't seen the latest bleach episode but I think you are referring to Szayel Aporro, who has pink hair, and not Tesla.Originally Posted by Mhalador
I haven't minded the latest chapters that much... definitely hasn't "killed" Bleach like some have said. It's certainly not as interesting as the Soul Society arc though.
Lets all hope that Zaraki finally learned his zanpaktou's name and can release it now. Last we saw him fight he explained how he didn't even care about any of that. If his power was super kickass without even using his zanpaktou's power then his power would be at least 2x as great if he learned how to tap the power of his sword. He's probably one of my favorite captains in the series... glad Tite Kubo is bringing him back into the storyline. Can't wait for some Kenpachi ass-kicking!
Not to mention that they're fighting in hueco mundo (They said earlier that there u have even greater reiatsu/powers then at SS or whatsoever^^), and Zaraki has low reiatsu naturally eh? :POriginally Posted by Viscero
Oh yea, you're right. Tesla had an eyepatch and Aporro had the glasses.Originally Posted by Splash!
Corn chips are no place for a mighty warrior!
Dear Mr. Kubo,
You are a cunning bastard.
Having sown the seeds of your own story's salvation early enough during the peak of its success to avoid detection, you suddenly revitalize this beaten, dead horse with the grace of Zaraki Kenpachi. Way to go- you, sir, are an expert on grasping at straws.
Exasperated Reader
I would half expect a captain from research corps to come to fight (Save Renji and Ishida). Or save Chad - because Chad with his hollow would make and interesting research subject. Scientist vs ScientistThey would analyze each other to death
And don't discount that beast captain, who thinks he was betrayed by his blind comrade. I think he should show up for sure.
That brings up another question. Why SS did not raid Hueco Mundo before. They would pwned the place in earlier times.
I had made an interesting and long post but got an error while trying to post it. Anyway I only expect to see Sajin Komamura, Tōshirō Hitsugaya, and Byakuya Kuchiki because they are the only ones who have a personal interest with either Ichigo's or Aizen's group. Mayuri Kurotsuchi won't go to Hueco Mundo because he has a very selfish personality and most importantly he values his own life above all else. Zaraki ofcourse is there simply because he loves to fight.
The reason SS never raided Hueco Mundo was stated twice when Aizen left and when Orihime left though I could be wrong because I can't remember the specifics but I think a reason was given.
Dreaming impossible dreams.
Sapphire is awesome!
if kenpachi is there i hope that yachiru shows up too and pwns somebody !
I wasn't at all expecting kenpachi of all people to come.. i was expecting the vaizard to show up. wonder if kenpachi has anything new up his sleeve
been lagging with Bleach releases because it wasn't that interesting, even stopped watching the anime totally, but man, the last page of this chapter is just made of pure win
-edit- wrong thread.