Tobi indeed... and, yeah, I've been thinking that when someone posted in a Bleach thread about "Flomp is better than DB anyway" that as of recent that sure seems to becoming more and more of a true statement...
I'll be sure to get both versions this time. People stick with DB out of habit, but there's no excuse for doing a shitty job because they've grown complacent. I'll gladly switch away from that bunch of asshats...
I was surprised that I enjoyed this episode, as I was not a fan of the manga part. I happen to really like Sai. First, well, you'll see... And people bitch because his midriff is showing? OMG! How dare they show us parts of a man like that?!?!
Seriously, this show has always been packed with bishounen and hot women, but moreso with fanservice for guys (sexy no jutsu, Tsunade's entire character design) than for ladies.