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Thread: Naruto Shippuden Episode 31

  1. #21
    Now that was what shipuuden should be like. I actually really enjoyed this episode, its the first time i felt myself tearing up at Naruto since Haku's arc. Great stuff. The music in the second part, as mentioned earlier, was top notch.

    It actually gave me more hope for this show. Maybe i'll stick around.

  2. #22
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    I definitely enjoyed this episode there were very few things for me to criticize. That being said it tells you alot about the show when one of the best episodes so far was all dialogue and no action whatsoever. The music and animation was top notch makes me wonder who wasn't doing their job before. If this is what they can do after two weeks i wish they would just release the anime bi-weekly or take however much time they need so as not to lower the quality.
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  3. #23
    Genin FullMetalAlchemist's Avatar
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    Like someone stated earlier, this was one of the worst arcs in the manga for shippuden so just stick with it things willl get really better trust me. The animation for this episode was really good, from the characters to the sorroundings, everything was top notch. The only beef i had with this episode was the two girls acting like retards with garaa, and at the beginging some of the music was retarded but the second half music was great.

    The outro is awesome music and animation wise. The intro music sucked the lyrics and sound of it was gay as hell. naked sasuke covered in snakes was kinda disturbing lol.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    I'm hoping at the very least the episode will show us what Gaara's status is, power-wise, now that he's lost Shukaku. I'm interested to know that.

    I mean, he can't very well be Kazekage anymore if all he has are some basic ninja moves.
    True, but that would require that there be fighting of some sort. Judging from the preview it just didn't look like we would be seeing any. You're right though, he can't very well remain the Kazekage if he's no longer the strongest ninja in the village. Well, i suppose he could if they let him but it sure wouldn't make much sense.

  5. #25
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I wonder if that's even relevant. Gaara might want to hunt down the people who killed him instead of sitting in an office, anyway. I know I would...

  6. #26
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    I don't see why you all seem to think that Gaara can no longer be Kazekage as far as i see it he is still the strongest ninja in the village. Its not as if he is Naruto who we all know is nothing without the Kyuubi, Gaara as far as i know stopped using the Ichibi's chakra a long time ago so although the sand he uses may still take the form of Shukaku its all Gaara. So while losing Shukaku may take some rapid healing abilities and he may not be able to replenish his chakra as quickly it doesn't affect his fighting style or strength whatsoever. In fact i think he is better off without it as he no longer has to worry about holding back or restraining himself for fear of releasing it.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  7. #27
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I very much doubt you are correct there. The whole idea of jinchuuriki was to seal bijuu inside people to create extraordinary fighters. If you were correct, it would be all a wasted effort and risk because it wouldn't give anything to the people. Not likely. Gaara will be significantly weaker.

    In fact we don't even know how much he can use his old techniques without the beast. Naruto had few techniques that would have required the existence of the beast (mainly summoning Gamabunta, and even that he might now be able to perform without). Who knows how it will turn out. In any case Gaara's integration with his beast always seemed higher than Naruto's.

  8. #28
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    I very much doubt you are correct there. The whole idea of jinchuuriki was to seal bijuu inside people to create extraordinary fighters. If you were correct, it would be all a wasted effort and risk because it wouldn't give anything to the people. Not likely. Gaara will be significantly weaker.

    In fact we don't even know how much he can use his old techniques without the beast. Naruto had few techniques that would have required the existence of the beast (mainly summoning Gamabunta, and even that he might now be able to perform without). Who knows how it will turn out. In any case Gaara's integration with his beast always seemed higher than Naruto's.
    That is my point. Naruto's reliance on the Kyuubi was merely to provide the raw chakra he required to perform his high level techniques. Gaara's relationship with Shukaku was way more complex because it was sealed within him before he was even born. My theory is that since then Gaara and Shukaku have spent 15+ years assimilating to each other and acquiring each other's abilities so at this point Gaara should be able to control the sand on his own and simply rely on the Shukaku merely for chakra. If that is the case with Shukaku gone Gaara should still have most of his techniques and only have lost the essential mass of chakra that was the Ichibi which could be compensated by him just training and increasing the amount of chakra his body is able to produce which should be easy since his body will be used to containing more chakra than any human could produce.

    - Some idiot neg repped me claiming that my post at the top of this page is asking for more fillers. In case you can't read or don't comprehend English. I was simply suggesting that they release the anime every other week or twice a month if all they require to make a good episode is more time to work on it. I said nothing of more fillers as this method would also help to slow the anime down so they could use more chapters within each episode without worrying about catching up to the manga which would also reduce the need for fillers. So to whoever that person was " Have a nice Day!!!."
    Last edited by Abdula; Sat, 10-20-2007 at 01:37 PM.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  9. #29
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    I wonder if that's even relevant. Gaara might want to hunt down the people who killed him instead of sitting in an office, anyway. I know I would...
    You mean the guy who was stabbed in the heart, or the guy who blew up?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  10. #30
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Heh. Well, let's say those would be a good seed money for him. Because technically speaking he was killed when the bijuu was extracted. That would make the whole bunch of Akatsuki his killers.

  11. #31
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Well, if one Akatsuki could capture Gaara, and don't forget, Deidera was having trouble NOT killing him, then defeating the rest of the team of Akatsuki without his bijuu would seem very difficult. I can remember in past encounters between Gaara and his opponent, it's always been commented that the sand he carries around with him is mixed with his chakra. If we take that to mean his own, and not the bijuu's then Gaara will still be able to manipulate sand, though the effectiveness of it without the massive chakra boost is yet to be seen. One thing technique that Gaara would definitely lose is the sand's automatic defence. Unlike his sand control, which can be argued to require chakra alone, regardless of the source within Gaara, the defence sand moved without his conscious thought, and will protect him against his will. We can therefore deduce that it's not under his control, and losing the bijuu will also result in a loss of that technique. Not sure about the Shukaku absolute defence move, or the Spear of Shukaku move. (Is the spear even in the manga? We saw it in the last filler arc.)

  12. #32
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    Well, if one Akatsuki could capture Gaara, and don't forget, Deidera was having trouble NOT killing him, then defeating the rest of the team of Akatsuki without his bijuu would seem very difficult.
    Nah. Assassination is far easier than capturing someone alive and largely unharmed (unharmed enough not to be immediately life-threatening). Naruto might have troubles here because he practically never kills anybody, but Gaara is a real ninja who has no such weaknesses of the mind. Also, assassination is far easier than defending a whole city, which is what brought Gaara down. If he remains a ninja of any above average potential after losing the bijuu, he has what it takes to kill Akatsuki one by one.

  13. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    That is my point. Naruto's reliance on the Kyuubi was merely to provide the raw chakra he required to perform his high level techniques. Gaara's relationship with Shukaku was way more complex because it was sealed within him before he was even born. My theory is that since then Gaara and Shukaku have spent 15+ years assimilating to each other and acquiring each other's abilities so at this point Gaara should be able to control the sand on his own and simply rely on the Shukaku merely for chakra. If that is the case with Shukaku gone Gaara should still have most of his techniques and only have lost the essential mass of chakra that was the Ichibi which could be compensated by him just training and increasing the amount of chakra his body is able to produce which should be easy since his body will be used to containing more chakra than any human could produce.
    AFAIK all we ever saw him do was manipulate sand, and he only got that power because of the Ichibi. Think about it. The sand came to his rescue again and again wether he wanted it to or not. Clearly this shows that the sand manipulating was not his own doing but something he gained from the Ichibi. Noone besides Gaara could even remotely manipulate the elements like him. Yeah they could do techniques using the elements (think 3rd vs. Orochimaru and Kakashi vs. Zabuza) but that was nowhere near Gaara's ability. So I think it's safe to say that that is not something you can just 'learn'. By all rights Gaara should be pretty worthless now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Nah. Assassination is far easier than capturing someone alive and largely unharmed (unharmed enough not to be immediately life-threatening). Naruto might have troubles here because he practically never kills anybody, but Gaara is a real ninja who has no such weaknesses of the mind. Also, assassination is far easier than defending a whole city, which is what brought Gaara down. If he remains a ninja of any above average potential after losing the bijuu, he has what it takes to kill Akatsuki one by one.
    I agree as far as the assassination / defending a city thing goes, but hunting down Akatsuki now is another story. Like I said, Gaara should be stripped of all his powers now.

  14. #34
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Janusz
    Like I said, Gaara should be stripped of all his powers now.
    Well, we know nothing at all about Gaara's potential. Even Naruto, if he wasn't so bloody stupid, would still have quite a bit of potential without the beast. His own chakra pool is probably above average and he learns at least some straight-forward techniques fast so he has natural talent. It might take Gaara a few years to reach a suitable level but if he dedicated himself to transforming into an Akatsuki killing machine, he might be able to do it.

  15. #35
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    i think janus has it right on the head. ALL of Gaara's techniques have been about manipulating sand, which has been implied to be a special trait he recieved because he had the Ichibi Bijuu sealed inside of him. With the bijuu gone, I doubt he'll be able to manipulate sand any more (especially not the high-speed sand or the instant defense that were particularly powerful).

    Face it, Gaara without the Bijuu powers probably couldn't beat a decent Genin. We'll see if he retains some sand manipulation abilities, but if not, he's certainly one of the weakest Naruto characters now...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  16. #36
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    It's pretty much agreed that the bijuu was required to learn Gaara's sand techniques. Now all we can do is wait and see if extraction of the bijuu will cause him to "unlearn" it.

  17. #37
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    Face it, Gaara without the Bijuu powers probably couldn't beat a decent Genin. We'll see if he retains some sand manipulation abilities, but if not, he's certainly one of the weakest Naruto characters now...
    Well, that one filler arc with Gaara in it showed that he's pretty decent with weapons. But then, that's filler so it doesn't really count.

  18. #38
    Even if he still knows how to do it, it's use would be extremely limited for him. Without the bijuu his chakra capacity will be massively limited compared to what it was before. Unless he's taken the time to master a lot of good "normal" ninja techniques these last 3 years he's still not going to be that strong because trying to use his old sand tech's isn't going to be chakra efficient. Especially not against an Akatsuki. Hell no one so far has been strong enough to truly kill a member of that organization. Gaara got whooped by Deidara when he had a bijuu, then later Chiyo says Sasori let them kill him, and in the end Deidara held back all of Team Gai with no arms and exploded himself. I really just can't see Gaara being a large factor in the fight after this.

  19. #39
    Maybe he'll go and master the Third Kazekage's Ironsand. I don't think he had a bijuu in him, and it's probably close enough to his own sand, but a lot more dangerous potentially.

  20. #40
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Wasn't Sandaime Kazekage's ability a Kekkei Genkai?

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