Those new threads are awesome.
"Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。
Yeah. I'm looking forward to them. There's a trailer for the new alts.
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Trailer: New Costumes Alternate Outfits
Super Street Fighter 4 3DS
Looks fking awesome, N3DS can't come soon enough ;D
There's going to be a patch for Super Street Fighter IV on October 26th and it will apparently be a big download.
The first costume pack in Super Street Fighter IV's second round of download content will be available on the 26th. This time, you're going to have to do just a bit of preparation if you want to get those new Ultra Arrange Costumes in your copy of the game.
On the 26th, Capcom will make available a title update. Boot up your copy of Super while connected online, and the game will automatically update to the new code. The update is mandatory.
New costumes that you've purchased from Xbox Live Marketplace or PlayStation Store will appear in the character select screen as Alternate 3 or Alternate 2, depending on the character. It should be noted that, different from the original set of costume packs, whose data was already on the disc, the Ultra Arrange costumes are physically downloaded to your system when purchased, so you'll need to have ample space (Capcom hasn't said how much just yet).
So what happens if you want to play against a player who's using a costume you haven't purchased? In this case, you'll see a message stating that the costume the player has selected does not exist, and you'll end up fighting against the default costume. This also applies to the Replay Channel mode.
Xbox 360 owners will be able to remedy this situation via a free "Catalogue" item. Once this is downloaded, costumes you haven't purchased will appear in fights and Replay Channel bouts. The Catalogue will be released in two sets, one on 10/26 (includes Challengers Pack 1, Shoryuken Pack, and Beauty Pack) and one on 12/21 (includes Challengers Pack 2, Gowan Pack, Shadaloo Pack, and Classic Pack).
Yung, Yang, Evil Ryu and Oni Akuma
Yeah. Back on Monday their achievements shown for the 360 version.
Evil Ryu and Oni Akuma have been unlocked in Arcades finally. There are some vids out, but they're all cell phone eyecancer quality.
EXCLUSIVE: Oni Akuma and Evil Ryu Media, Move Sets & Impressions »
Awesome to finally see them, guess I'm dropping all the other chars I play like flies for evil ryu, since I mained him in CvS2 ;D.
This still leaves room for 2 more chars though ....(karin and Q?)
Reasonable quality of both new chars (15mins)
It seems the characters being unlocked wasn't supposed to happen yet, all videos of them are being pulled by capcom lol ;P.
Yeah, shame really, since capcom already kinda showed them in the last trailer. But I guess having them actually playable confirms a console DLC release, with the previous leaked image of the achievements and all (which people labeled as fake).
I'm guessing capcom is mostly pissed about that and not so much about the chars themselves.
Though now they have to hurry the fuck up and release a "reveal" trailer asap.
Lol yeah silly stuff, the damage has already been done regardless.
Anyway it seems the PC version is still happening?
UK ratings board the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) has confirmed the home console release of Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition.
In a listing on its website the BBFC confirms it has given a 12 rating to six and a half minutes of new cutscenes, passing them with no cuts made.
The scenes in question are presumably intro and outro movies for Arcade Edition’s new characters. Street Fighter III: Third Strike twins Yun and Yang were included in the game upon its arcade release last December; Evil Ryu was unlocked last Friday and another, Akuma variant Oni, is known to be in the game as well.
UPDATE: The BBFC lists a release date for Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition: 24th June 2011.