I think that at that point of the design it was actually still a girl.
Super Street Fighter IV is listed at GameStop now.
3/23/2010 and $39.99
sorry for bumping the 3 week old hitler review... but it was halarious. Especially this :
my last 2 hour SF4 my opponents were Ryu 9/10 times. I played 2 zangiefs, 2 Dhalsims, 2 Guiles and a few kens. But the rest picked Ryu.
I kept getting owned last night... I had this akuma trap me in a corner w\ fireballs and i couldn't jump or anything, i'd have to block the fireballs and then he was able to sweep me before i could do anything and then more fireballs and repeat....
I'm also beyond sick of Ryu's ultra combo because ryu seems to have so many ways to juggle you in the air and make it 99.999% impossible to block his ultra. so many times when i throw an ultra, even if they're in the air... somehow all of a sudden they're on the ground in time to block my ultra.
also lots of lame sagat's online who think they're aweome or something playing w\ sagat even when I pick random and then close my eyes until the match starts so that it's 100% random surprise... yeah, i do that pretty often actually. I'm hardcore.
I have played most of my matches this week w\ fei long but i need to run through his challenges so i can get some combos together, i'm just not very competative yet w\ him.
Use a charge character if you have issues with Akuma. Well used Vega and Bison can rape him, but you might want to stick with Bison cause Vega is incredibly low tier, you really have to work hard to win.
Guile is a pretty good choice too, just eat the first fireball, then repay him with a flashkick, result: you do more damage.
Or if you can time it right ( with any char ), just eat the fireball with a focus attack, then release it the second it hits you.
The Replay mode looks pretty cool. It's always entertaining to watch really good players play games, especially fighters. The Bonus stages remind me of the old days playing SF2 on my SNES, haha.
The people playing in the first video were not very good...and seeing T-Hawk and Dee Jay brought back bad memories of SSF2 of a very frustrated 13 y/o me fighting against computer-controlled versions of said characters.
are they going to improve the battle system?
I've been playing alot this week and have come to realize how broken alot of things are. Such as juggling...why can some charactors juggle and others cant? why not have a uniform rule for juggling.
If I hit an opponent into the air and i'm using cammy, i should be able to hit them while they're in the air, yet it doesn't hit... but ryu has 2-3 moves that basically leave you helpless in the air while he pulls off his ultra.
Also, it happens all too often that my opponent is in mid-punch/kick or about to land from doing a move, but then when i do my ultra... wow... somehow they've landed already and are crouched blocking my ultra! how ... broken.
And then there are the throw priorities that I think are redonkulous. throws shouldn't take any priority over attacks that are being executed... it makes the game alot less realistic.
The throw priorities are indeed fucking stupid, especially seeing how throwing has been changed for the worse from SF2 > SF4, tech'ing a throw in SF2 is easier (somewhat, you could argue that the speed of the game makes it harder) but it also leaves you with a bit of damage, instead of nothing at all like in SF4.
Opponents being able to block your ultra while it seems that they are in an active frame state is probably due to lag.
And yes people like Ryu have a 1001 ways to effectively land an ultra, while someone like cammy only has 1, which is as a counter on active frames.... so fucking rediculous.
Sagat can even first give you his super, then follow up with his ultra, and land BOTH 100%, so stupid.
I still enjoy hdremix more then sf4.
It's the balance between SF characters which made me prefer the KOF games, which characters are really varied in gamplay and made more or less even. Not too sure if I will get the next installment, given the opinions stated here.
"Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。
You sound like the perfect candidate for playing Guilty Gear XX with Jam. I think I chained a 34 hit combo all in midair with her once.Originally Posted by itadakimasu
/a fellow Cammy player
I know a lot of the reason people still consider Street Fighter as king is because it fundamentally hasn't changed in so many years. It's the same reason Tekken gets praise despite a total lack of innovation. Unfortunately, this usually means a lot of old, unbalanced, or broken mechanics carry over from game to game.
I don't think they'll ever fix the advantages all the shoto characters. They're simply the most popular, and protagonists/antagonists of the series.
On the same vein as Psyke, I really prefer the hectic but subtly technical engines of the Arc System Works games. It's not hard for a beginner (with knowledge of dragon punch and quarter circle commands) to jump in and give a veteran at least a decent fight. The balance they put into the games is a lot better too, and the play styles for each of their characters vary tremendously. BlazBlue has only one character I'd actually consider a shoto. The others are completely out there and play totally uniquely. There are characters I've thought were certainly lower tier, but then played a practitioner of that character online and been completely dominated.
All that said, I'll probably still pick up SSFIV. More characters is always a plus, and I permanently loaned my first copy.
Old unbalanced broken mechanics? HDremix is pretty much the most balanced SF out there, it plays worlds different from SF4.
The gamespeed is different, the jumping is entirely different, the throwing is different, the recovery frames are different, priorities and hitboxes have been changed, plus they added EX, Focus and dashes(from sf3). Heck it is because they changed so much is why certain characters are just so superior over others in SF4.
Tekken and Doa are prolly the most unchanged, Where KOF had the biggest change.
I'm not arguing about HD Remix. I've got it, and it's great. I've seen the dev's log about the intricacies and problems he had with balancing. I've no complaints with it, they did an amazing job. I was critiquing the main series.Originally Posted by darkshadow
You brought up DOA, and I've played all of them, so I can't completely agree with you on this one. There were massive changes from DOA1 up through DOA2:Hardcore. The control scheme changed from P, K, and H(old) --> to P, K, F(ree) with a countering system added and throws being two button inputs. The format was changed from ringed fights with a "danger zone" to a more open 3D stage with a few dynamic elements for each stage (that Tekken later copied).
After that it was much smaller refinements. The counters were changed again in DOA3, with middle kick switching directions, the only attack countered with a forward tap. Then DOA4 added in unblockable charge moves that were taken from other franchises. DOA4 is pretty old now, but DOA had always been about character models over technical aspect of the fighting. It's more about a good chain of flowing attacks that also fake your opponent out so they can't use counters on you. Simple stuff, but still scratches that fighting game itch.
I'd say Tekken is the most unchanged, followed by Virtua Fighter, then DOA (post-2:Hardcore)
Yeah I don't really count Doa1 because its so different from the other entries in the series, but yeah most of the changes it had later on were mostly the counter inputs. I personally felt VF3tb > VF4E was a bigger change then doa2 > doa4, but maybe not.
Tekken is definitly the most unchanged.
I really hoped SF4 would've just be HDremix but in 3D ( and new chars ofcourse).
And lo, the clouds parted and Capcom, the LORD, did impart gifts upon the world.
Three characters in a single update, thats pretty nice of capcom, though I was hoping to hear more about the "Hakan" new character and the new ultras.
But this is nice news too.
Top right screen. Guy deflecting a Kunai. Ibuki?Originally Posted by bagandscalpel
Seems to be the general consensus.Originally Posted by RyougaZell
And now, a trailer for the newcomers, and their English voice work:
bad ass.
I wanna try out Juri. Also probably going to play w\ Adon.
This coming from a guy who still doesn't have Gouken or Seth unlockedIt is kinda lame to do a reboot game if it's going to be $60. Should be cheaper if you already own SF4.