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Thread: Anime Recommendation and Suggestion Query

  1. #1621
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    Wel.. catgirls are rather specific, if you are just looking for kemonomimi, there is probably way more.

    Shield Hero
    Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha. - not a hero story, not even MC falling in love with a fox-girl/deity there, but still an important part of that story. The anime ends at a point where it's clear that the fox-deity (which is the reason to watch this show, because she is freaking adorable) and MCs brother love each other, but I have no idea how the manga continues (or if there even is one)

    It's basically the same "deal". Cute ears and a tail, just fox/tanuki instead of cat.

    But its true that most of the time, the cute Fox Girls end up as side-chicks or worse. Like "Kon" from Tokyo Ravens for example, such an adorable little beast. (She has an adult form btw - just saying because otherwise people might think weird stuff...)

    Kemonomimi is okay, too, thanks. But unless things changed (I didn't watch the last season), there's not romance between Shield hero and the kemonomimi girl, right? She likes him, but he doesn't answer those feelings, so it's just a whole lot of frustrating teasing. I really am looking for anime where the romantic relationship is follow through with.

    Spice and Wolf I forgot, that's a popular show. Afaik the fox girl and the human hero are even married, right? Need to watch that one. Thx.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  2. #1622
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Ryll, since you read so many manga:

    is there any good stuff where isekai inhabitants come into a our real world, and it's a serious, grounded story, not your typical shallow harem moe bs? Like GATE, except better. Anything?

    Also, any serious stories where a male adult hero (no child face or such bs) gets into a relationship with a hot monster girl from an isekai? Not an ecchi manga (not predominantly, anyway).


    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  3. #1623
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Ryll, since you read so many manga:

    is there any good stuff where isekai inhabitants come into a our real world, and it's a serious, grounded story, not your typical shallow harem moe bs? Like GATE, except better. Anything?
    Orenchi ni Kita Onna Kishi to Inakagurashi Surukotoninatta Ken (How I Came to Live Out in the Country With a Female Knight Who Showed up at My Place) is probably the most serious-treated one,'s still mostly a slice of life and the general consensus is that it goes downhill sharply a few separate times until it becomes simply slow and boring.

    So, since this is the closest I'm going to have a chance to gush about this series...not really what you're asking for but trust me that it is more in line with what you want: Webtoon Character Na Kang Lim. It's a harem. The leads from the male lead's favorite webtoon series are sent to Earth, and he's replaced the male lead in terms of how that should function. Except that the male lead was a cartoonishly overpowered FSN expy of Shirou, and the premise of the webtoon is that the girls would typically end up in problem scenarios with lethal outcomes. I promise you that it is really good, the characters are portrayed naturally. Even given the scifi elements going on in the story. It's also complete because Korean series have defined endings before they start.

    Trinity Wonder - Another full-color webtoon, and notably the one that my avatar has long been from. Scifi Earth. The female lead builds a warp gate and the male lead come from a super-martial arts world and the second female lead is a mage that comes from a high-fantasy world. Overall plot is figuring out how to get them home and everything spirals from there. It is a serious approach to a reverse isekai, has great art, and all the relationships from the main cast are platonic. Also a completed series.

    Much of the other stuff out there already has anime, and in my opinion, is also weaker overall. Also, nothing else is finished in its manga form, even now.

    Also, any serious stories where a male adult hero (no child face or such bs) gets into a relationship with a hot monster girl from an isekai? Not an ecchi manga (not predominantly, anyway).
    You're being a little overly specific, so I'll expand as appropriate to catch the same vibe.

    Superior/Superior+ - Male hero gets stalked by the female demon lord, who then pretends she's a weak monster girl. Much more serious tone than that single sentence summary implies.

    Kuchi ga Saketemo Kimi ni wa - Male lead romances the "slit mouthed woman" from Japanese urban legend horror stories.

    Please Give Me Your Blood, I Will Serve You in Gratitude - Very tall buff dude brings home an exiled vampire girl. Zyugoya series, so know what you're getting into here (rough art, good stories).

    Serious stories...mostly nah. Not really the genre alignment you think it would be.

    Franken Fran - Various arcs of this near-guro satire series.

    Machikado Mazoku - It's yuri, but let's face it, the magical girl Chiyoda Momo is pretty handsome. Can strongly recommend the anime. Legitimately the best transformation music of all time.

    Dark Summoner to Dekiteiru - Very suggestive gag series about a Paladin and a half-demon demon summoner getting into an adult relationship.

    Yandere Dark Elf: She Chased Me All Way From Another World! - But you can see exactly where that's going from the title and it is in fact an adaptation from a hentai. It's okay. Uh...kid face too, so I can't really recommend this one after all.

    Urusei Yatsura - I mean...technically.

    Rosario to Vampire - Especially towards the end of the 2nd manga. And it's also very serious by then.

    I'm sure there's some much more appropriate ones I read a long time ago and forgot about.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sat, 11-30-2024 at 08:53 PM.

  4. #1624
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    THanks, of those, I'll check out Orenchi and Superior.

    Two additional questions: Does the story of GATE continue after the anime end and if so for how long? Maybe I'll just continue this one.

    Also, maybe my inquire for the second type of story was too vague: I'm not looking for romance manga, but manga of WHATEVER non-romance genre that simply feature a relationship between a male hero (or prominent side character) and a monster girl. Preferably some furry girl, not some boring demon/vampire who looks like a human really. And, ofc, still with a serious tone. Imagine "what if there was a Mass Effect-manga" lol.

    As for webtoons, I can't read those on my eReader, so manga only pls.-

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  5. #1625
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Two additional questions: Does the story of GATE continue after the anime end and if so for how long? Maybe I'll just continue this one.
    The manga is still ongoing. I have not read the novels, but from what I have heard: It's very different from the beginning. The series continues for quite a while from the equivalent events that the anime covered. It...uh...gets super nationalistic SUPER fast. Like, concerningly so.

    Also, maybe my inquire for the second type of story was too vague: I'm not looking for romance manga, but manga of WHATEVER non-romance genre that simply feature a relationship between a male hero (or prominent side character) and a monster girl. Preferably some furry girl, not some boring demon/vampire who looks like a human really. And, ofc, still with a serious tone. Imagine "what if there was a Mass Effect-manga" lol.
    There's simultaneously not much (I basically listed what is covered) that I have read, or it is hentai (lots and lots).

    And the non-hentai adventure/drama stuff that is out there? It is basically all vampires and demongirls. Or it is titled Spice and Wolf, or it is yaoi (which is also vampires and demons). There's a couple of Kraken-girls, but those aren't very far and they're romcoms.

    Monster girl series in general? They're ALL romcoms.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sun, 12-01-2024 at 05:19 PM.

  6. #1626
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Alright, disappointing but thanks.

    I'd just like to see a good story, real, fantasy or scifi, where the male hero or one of his close friends/comrades hits it off with an elf/animal girl/any girl that doesn't look like "human with tacked on accessoire". Imagine some Pokemon-trainer hitting it off with Ninetails or, following the meme, Vaporeon. Something like that, but it's neither the centerpoint of the story NOR ecchi/hentai. Just "oh, I fell in love with this monster girl and that's it now. Let's continue the story."

    Feels like something like that doesn't exist. It's either "THIS RELATIONSHIP IS ALL THAT'S IMPORTANT IN THIS STORY!!!1" or "we'll have the hero teased by all these girls with monster-accossoires and by the end of the story he picks the most plain girl". :/

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  7. #1627
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    @Ryll - I was about the drop Webtoon Character Na Kang Lim because of the blond bitch, but gamer girl showed up and is actually a relatively nice person, so I'm keeping at it, hoping to see what makes this good enough to earn your recommendation.
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  8. #1628
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    @Ryll - I just realized (way too late) that the premise of Webtoon Character Na Kang Lim makes no sense. He says that the webtoon characters came to real life, and he instantly recognizes them, but webtoon drawings don't look like real life at all, so that doesn't make sense.
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  9. #1629
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    You're thinking too literally.

  10. #1630
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I mean, what figurative way is there to think about this? Do all the people in this webtoon look like actual webtoon characters? Or do their webtoons look very realistic? I can buy either, but as is, with what webtoons look like versus reality, it makes no sense.

    In case it's not obvious, this is mostly tongue-in-cheek.
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