Quote Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
O Gotwoot sages - I am calling upon you for suggestions !

I am looking for something that will sooth my needs for quality.
I need something with good action citing as a reference REDLINE
I need depth, Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex depth
I need caracters I can like and a noire setting, Mardock Scramble Noire
Obviously Baccano! if you have not yet had the chance to see it. No way you won't like at least some of the cast. Baccano has enough style to share the wealth with the rest of this list.

Cowboy Bebop, also obviously.

Darker than Black, the first series only, again if you haven't yet seen it.

Black Lagoon, if you haven't seen it.

Gosick, but it is more about the noir and the depth, and less about the action.

Mawaru Penguin Drum, a bit light on the action, but stylistically interesting, good characters, and a deep plot that still somewhat eludes exact description.

Katanagatari, but that's not really a noir style. Every other part is covered though.

Mnemosyne, while short, but probably close to what you're looking for. No guarantee you'll like the characters though.

Witch Hunter Robin might be what you're looking for, but I can't say the cast is particularly likable.

Tegami Bachi if you can handle the constant crybaby nature of the main character (it does get to the point where you can't help but laugh at it every time). You'll likely pass on this one, but I'm still throwing it out there.

I guess there is always Noir, but that's highly overrated.