i was suggesed to ask here
looking for a anime headline.. it was shown on CR a year or 2 ago..
it started with the main char coming and killing a evil king to get a kingdom, he had 2 companions with him, one was a dude and oder a was a woman who was entertaining the king..
so after they get the kingdim they start invading oder kingdoms to get beace or something like that
in one epi i rember the "new king" needed a horse, and he tamed a horse which was never tamed before (somekind of evil horse) the way how he tamed it was by showing the horse its weaknes at the time (the horse was attacked by a wolf pack i thng and the horse was tryin to save a younger horse, the "new king" killed the young horse because it would fo died anyways..
thats kinda all i remer atm..
anyone know the anime name??
i would appreciate it
dont mind my english (from estonia)