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Thread: Anime Recommendation and Suggestion Query

  1. #461
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    you got a point there with the ending... but i really had to watch it twice to understand everything.. and i think it took a lot of "fun" away because storys got split up so much... for example one episode ended with a conversation between 2 persons (let it be episode 2 for example) but this conversation was finished later (let it be episode 8...) i already forgot everything they were talking about and that conversation was actually simply pointless then. because i couldn't understand a thing anymore..

    well but the funny thing is/was that even though i watched it twice ( 2-3 days pause between) it wasn't boring...
    it was like playing a game where you can choose between 2 path..right or left... if you go right, then you cant go left.. but since you don't want to miss out that part will play it again once you finished it and choose the other path then ^^..

    btw a good thing about the nonlinear order is that it remindet me of "Kill Bill" ^^

  2. #462
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    The non-linear order also emphasized the gradual exposition of characters rather than plot. It only makes sense since even if the characters know each other better as the series moves on, it doesnt necessarily show with every episode. Watching it in the airing order gives a better flow of character development.

    The arrangement of episodes was pure genius IMO.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  3. #463
    That's enough discussion from Haruhi... this is not the place to discuss it.

  4. #464
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    I didn't want to make a thread in the bleach section to ask this question so, is bleach still in fillers? I've stopped keeping up with bleach since fillers started.

  5. #465
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Bleach has apparently gone back to the manga for quite a while.

    There was one anime original episode (I hesitate to call it filler due to the negative tone "filler" implies) inserted somewhere, but it was considered to be quite good. I can't give you a definite number since I don't watch it, but well over the past ten episodes have been right from the manga.

  6. #466
    I'm looking for an anime that I don't know the name of... Don't know if I've come to the right place..

    The anime is about a corporation taking care of (using) people (mainly kids I think) with phsycic abilities. I think it's more specifically about a brother and his sister who is ill. He leaves the place (don't remember how it happens)....

    If anyone knows which anime I'm talking about it would be a great help. Thanks

  7. #467
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Well, it most sounds like the Korean manwha Zero (Mangaupdates)

    I have not seen it, so I can't say for sure, but Kurau Phantom Memory (AniDB) sounds like it might fit as well, but it is not about a brother and sister.

    It doesn't sound like anything I've seen, but Munsu always watches those kind of series (Kurau is one of his favorite series) so he'd know a lot better than I would.

    EDIT: I'm going to continue looking for better matches.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sun, 02-03-2008 at 11:17 AM.

  8. #468
    Haha, I remembered, not that name, but through one anime you can find another one. Fate/Stay Night's voice actor for Saber has a part in this anime as well. It's called E's Otherwise.

  9. #469
    It may be E's Otherwise.

    Edit: A couple of seconds too late.

  10. #470
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Details help us find things faster for you too.

    Nothing helps me more than voice actors. Oh well, glad you found it.

  11. #471
    Voice actors are my biggest help as well, that's why I found it through Fate/Stay Night

  12. #472
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    One Piece is just freaking awsome. The longer i watch it the more i love it and im glad i went for the jap version since the dub is pure shit. Then again... most dubs are pure shit.

  13. #473
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    are there more animes like BECK?

    i havn't watched the whole series but after seeing DyBre on stage @ episode 12 i was like "WHAT THE HELL!? give me more!" (

    actually i was looking for a good music-anime the whole time but never heard of it before until yesterday when i looked through anime6.

    is there more like this? and could it be that BECK is kinda infamous, i havn't watched such a good animation in a long time (even though the faces are a bit weird) and the sound is really great, but never heard anything about it nor did i read about this stuff .. it somehow deserves more publicity if you ask me... ah and a side-question... is The dying breed actually a real band? it song seemed kinda too professionel for an anime, it remindet me of ASH or even Linkin Park somehow, dunno why.

  14. #474
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Well, there are plenty of musical anime series out there, but I'm sure they are not quite what you are looking for. They tend to be series deeply geared towards female audiences. Beck is the exception, not the rule.

    But here are some anyway:

    Probably your best bet would actually be NANA (AniDB). It is a mature drama (falls under the Josei genre rather than Shoujo). One of the Nana's is the lead singer of a punk band, so it's close to Beck, just female oriented. Less Music Industry, more relationships. Pretty much the amount of relationships in Beck, is the amount of Music Industry in NANA, and vice versa. I highly recommend trying this one.

    There's also Gravitation (AniDB). I have not scene this one, can't say anything about it. My few female friends who are into anime tend to have enjoyed this one, and just as many haven't. It's Shonen Ai, so keep that in mind.

    After that, it's lower quality idol group series like Lovedoll and Lemon Angel Project (which showed promise, but got dropped by the subbers way back).

    There is also Full Moon wo Sagashite (AniDB), again, Shoujo. Unfortunately, this series was dragged out a bit too far in comparison of the source manga, and dumbed down considerably for the younger audience they were trying to attract. If you are at least interested in a supernaturally sponsored Idol, check out the manga, which has a much darker overall tone.

  15. #475
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    are there more animes like BECK?

    i havn't watched the whole series but after seeing DyBre on stage @ episode 12 i was like "WHAT THE HELL!? give me more!" (

    actually i was looking for a good music-anime the whole time but never heard of it before until yesterday when i looked through anime6.

    is there more like this? and could it be that BECK is kinda infamous, i havn't watched such a good animation in a long time (even though the faces are a bit weird) and the sound is really great, but never heard anything about it nor did i read about this stuff .. it somehow deserves more publicity if you ask me... ah and a side-question... is The dying breed actually a real band? it song seemed kinda too professionel for an anime, it remindet me of ASH or even Linkin Park somehow, dunno why.
    Throwing lyrics at google gives that:
    where you get Mark Gardener- My World Down
    then wikipedia

    I've been had once like that too.
    The lyrics and pronounciation were too good to be japanese baked.
    It was the Paradise Kiss ED. I found it nice, plenty of humor and so on. But
    it was by Franz Ferdinand. Song titleo you want to.
    I had heard from them at the time, just wasn't very interrested until that ED rang in my ears while watching this anime

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  16. #476
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    ah, im not looking for a new anime, just for the name of an anime i watched, not long ago.

    Was about a world, where people are normal, but sometimes there are people with psychic abilities. The main character has blond hair and his foster parents (all kids are raised by such) live a happy life. Then, he finds out that he has certain abilities and the head guy of these Mu people approches him, called "Blue". Later the main character becomes Blue´s successor.

    Whats the name of this series , argh ><

  17. #477
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Terra e... (Towards the Terra) (AniDB) sounds like what you are looking for.

    The only other thing with "Mu" of any kind that I can remember is RahXephon, and it's certainly not that.

  18. #478
    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    are there more animes like BECK?
    What exactly got you hooked with BECK? Was it the realistic tone or the music?

    If you're looking for music animes, Nana and Nodame Cantabile come to mind, but the former is a bit more dramatic and the latter almost the opposite.

  19. #479
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    well simply everything...

    the sound of the guitars/drumms/bass... the bass was really great and there was this awesome songs ( for example in episode 8 after he saw izumi again even though it was only for like 10 seconds ) he plays on the guitar..

    well the story was very great too and so were the lives (Dying Breed for example,see signature), so it was probably the ne plus ultra when it comes to seemed perfect in every case..

    Nana looks a bit strange.. the characters look awkward Oo Nodame Cantabile however seems to be nice, thx.

    btw another question:

    Animes with really Badass protagonists like in Kaze no Stigma? (i m not talking about standard crap like naruto or something like that... i m talking about real epic "badassness" ^^... kazuma is really epic in my eyes)

    so more something in the direction of Devil May Cry or maybe even Black Blood Brothers (however this is not really the stuff i like i don't know why but i dropped Devil May Cry it became boring even though i liked it at first.)

  20. #480
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    (I defend that Nana is far more like Beck than Nodame is...but it's your choice)

    First off, Berserk. Look no further than Guts.

    Basalisk is not a bad choice either. Ninjas with lots of powers, and it's all one big Team Deathmatch. As gory as Berserk, but with better animation to back it up. Some scenes are not for the weak-stomached.

    Elfen Lied. Your female uber-badass heroine in the demonic Lucy. Further improved by the comparison to her alter ego.

    Gurren Lagann Couldn't leave this one out. Not only do you get one badass, you get another after a timejump.

    Scryed. This serves as the generic badasses with super powers fight to the death anime of yesteryear.

    Black Lagoon. If you want to dip a little bit into the more realistic side, you've got Revy, Dutch, and Balalaika, and a few assassins here and there.

    If Munsu shows up, he can give you a few more.

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