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Thread: Anime Recommendation and Suggestion Query

  1. #401
    It doesn't mean that if said a certain character is pretty it necessarily mean that he's my type or i have a weird taste. You should at least consider that appreciating the character means appreciating the anime.
    Last edited by ian_sanzo; Thu, 11-01-2007 at 03:19 PM.

  2. #402
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I think what oyabin was saying is that all the pilots look like guys, and that you are the odd one for thinking that one of them looks like a girl.

    While it is true that oyabin mistook the character you were referring to as setsuna, this stupid argument is partly your fault for nitpicking at a show that has only 4 episodes released. Please let this be the last post on this matter. It is extremely off topic.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  3. #403
    I was just stating what i see. No more, no less.


    Last edited by Assassin; Fri, 11-02-2007 at 11:43 AM.

  4. #404
    I think ian_sanzo was right, the other character really looked like a girl. I was shocked too when i found out that he was a guy.


    Last edited by Assassin; Fri, 11-02-2007 at 11:43 AM.

  5. #405
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    This is one of my "hidden in the back corner when it shouldn't be" anime series that I have recently watched and enjoyed.

    Hitohira (lit. Petal)

    Plot summary (taken from ANN):
    Asai Mugi, a new student at Kumataka arts academy, has trouble speaking when she is confronted with her extreme stage fright. Forced to join the schools Drama Research Society by upperclassmen, she gradually changes due to the influence of drama.

    At first, I thought this was gonna be kinda lame, but I gave it a shot out of boredom. The series is actually not that bad. At 12 episodes, this is a short and sweet series for those who are not expecting much, but at the same time, won't be disappointed.

    Plus, it has two of our favorite voice actresses: Ayako Kawasumi (Saber in Fate/stay Night, Ohno in Genshiken, Nodame in Nodame Cantabile, etc.) and Satsuki Yukino (Yoruichi in Bleach, Chidori in Full Metal Panic, Milly in Trigun, etc.)..... okay, Satsuki Yukino is one of MY favorite voice actresses, haha, I don't know about anyone else.

    ANN Link
    AniDB Link
    Wiki Link

    Torrent for XviD versions
    Torrent for h264 versions

  6. #406
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kooshi
    Plus, it has two of our favorite voice actresses: Ayako Kawasumi (Saber in Fate/stay Night, Ohno in Genshiken, Nodame in Nodame Cantabile, etc.)
    Damn... Now that you proceeded to mention Ayako Kawasumi is in the cast, I've no choice but to check this series out. I mean, I even watched Polyphonica just because she was voice acting a minor character, and that series is bad enough to lower your IQ by 20% for six hours per episode.

  7. #407
    Sweet, Loved Fate/Stay Night, Gonna check this out right now. Thanks.

  8. #408
    About voice actors...Louise in 'Zero no Tsukaima', Shana in 'Shakugan no Shana' and Nagi in 'Hayate no Gotoku!' all have the same VA. And I love all three shows^^, recommended warmly...(though second season of ZnT was sort-of a dissappointment...plot?)
    Speaking of 'Hayate no Gotoku!'...The VA of the narrator is the same as that of the Gargoyle in 'Gargoyle of the Yoshinagas'[Doremi]...and that's one of the best anime comedies I've seen^^(well, at least I liked it a lot...) so check it out.

    Sincerely, Blanchimont

  9. #409
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    to make it short, iŽd like to watch some anime with focus on male main characters. Im not saying that those animes im currently watching are bad, but im kinda getting sick of all the girl-focused stories...emancipation is all nice, but there are too many shows with strong female characters at the moment.
    Any recommendation?
    Something along the lines of Eyeshield 21, Hikaru no Go or such.

  10. #410
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Planetez: Though the series begins with a focus on Ai, all the character development is really on Hachimaki. It's divided fairly evenly between the two of them, but she's not someone I would call a "strong female lead."

    Scyred: Not a glowing example of anime, but it is standard shonen fare. Two male leads and a smattering of largely worthless female characters.

    Peacemaker Kurogane: Mid 19th century samurai action/comedy. More comedy than action, but still an enjoyable series.

    Busou Renkin: Does have a strong female lead, but the male lead overshadows her in the later half of the series. A very enjoyable shonen series that rarely ever takes itself seriously.

    Okusama wa Mahou Shoujo: Romance-comedy series parodying the magical girl genre. Weak female leads, moderate male lead, but pretty funny. Can't go wrong with Inoue Kikuko.

    Gankutsuou: Highly stylized retelling of The Count of Monte Cristo.

    Vandread: Harem/mecha/comedy. Incredible stubborn male lead.

    Air Gear: Same as Vandred, but substitute extreme sports for mecha, and reduce the harem to two (in the anime).

    Great Teacher Onizuka: The unequaled classic. The manga is by far better, but the anime is extremely popular, has a great cast, and is very well done.

    Aishiteru ze Baby: It's a drama, but there's lots of good character development all around, and a strong male lead with a good sense of responsibility.

    Before Munsu gets it in:
    Hunter x Hunter: Obligatory.

    It's kind of slim pickings for this one. With such a vague concept, I'm a bit surprised I found so few. The "strong female lead wishy-washy male lead" has been dominating anime and manga for a very long time.

    It could just be the stuff I watch.

    EDIT: I'm adding a few things as I remember them.

    EDIT 2: I think that'll do it.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Thu, 12-06-2007 at 11:44 AM.

  11. #411
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    But you watch practically everything.


    Mai Hime
    Maria Sama ga Miteru
    Kannazuki no Miko


    Yu Yu Hakusho
    Law of Ueki
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  12. #412
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli

    to make it short, iŽd like to watch some anime with focus on male main characters. Im not saying that those animes im currently watching are bad, but im kinda getting sick of all the girl-focused stories...emancipation is all nice, but there are too many shows with strong female characters at the moment.
    Any recommendation?
    Something along the lines of Eyeshield 21, Hikaru no Go or such.
    Hajime no Ippo
    Grappler Baki
    Initial D
    Ookiku Furikabutte
    Juushin Enbu Hero Tales
    Salaryman Kintaro
    Kaze no Yojimbo
    Samurai 7
    Samurai Champloo
    Fullmetal Alchemist
    Death Note
    Master Keaton
    Legend of Galactic Heroes
    Tsubasa Chronicle

    And yes, of course, Hunter X Hunter.

  13. #413
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    You want male characters?

    Kyou Kara Maou. About half way through the first season, and I haven't seen any female love interests yet. Good laughs in this one btw.

  14. #414
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    are there any other animes(-movies) like Macross Zero or Yukikaze?

    air warfare, combat aircraft n stuff....

  15. #415
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Macross Plus. Short OVA about the awesomeness of test pilots.

    Outlaw Star is another good choice.

    Soukou no Strain is another good one.

  16. #416
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    Last Exile was the most enjoyable 'piloting' anime I've ever watched. At 26 episodes, it's more of an investment than a movie, but the plot, characters, and animation are top-notch. It's got an excellent blend of sci-fi and magical elements that go well with the story. I recommend it to anyone, but if you have a thing for planes (old planes especially), it's especially relevant.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  17. #417
    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    are there any other animes(-movies) like Macross Zero or Yukikaze?

    air warfare, combat aircraft n stuff....
    You can try Area 88. Also Zipang has a couple of good airplane fights, but it's majorly a battleship warfare anime.

  18. #418
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    well this question could sound a bit stupid because i could just download a few episodes but since there are alrdy 3 seasons out and a 4th comming this year i wonder:

    Is major a good sports anime? (ok, 4 seasons talk for themselves however...naruto does also have so many episodes but its not really "that" good)

    i like ookiku furikabutte very much but i heard major is a bit unrealistic and someone told me it has a big time-jump in it...

    how's the animation? can it keep up with ookiku furikabutte? or will i be dissapointed because i watched OF first.

  19. #419
    I just joined, been looking at this thread for awhile now, anyway I've been watching Major and I'm almost done with the 3rd season. This and Overdrive are the only sports anime I have ever liked.

    To answer your first question, it IS good, and I can see what some people may think, "oh god, 100+ episodes for this anime" but for Major you really, or at least I, want to see them reach the top. The only thing I don't like about it is that whenever the team is in a pinch during a game, it's always the same old "do your best!" but I just love seeing those wind-breaking pitches.

    As for ookiku furikabutte, I probably wont watch it because I think 1 or 2 sports anime is enough for me. As for the time jump, it's not that huge, it's only like a 3 year jump. As for unrealistic, eh, of course it would be.

    I think the animatopm is pretty good(I think all animation is good, I don't care too much about animation though, I'm more for the plot) especially when it comes to the pitches.
    *I talk a lot about the pitches but they're are just so cool!!!!*

    I'm searching for anime under these genres: school-life/romance/drama/harem
    Nothing too old (like before 2000), I did say I didn't care too much about the animation, but if I had to say, I really don't like old anime ><.
    If the recommendation is a bit broad here are some that I like:
    Ichigo 100%
    Final Approach
    Da Capo

    As for my recommendation, my friend calls it "tear jerkers"(makes you want to cry)
    Elfen Lied
    Kimi ga Nozomu Eien
    -The first season only. Out of all the tear jerkers I've seen, this is the one where any sound like a snap would make me burst into tears.

  20. #420
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Well for harem, you'll definitely want to try out

    Shuffle! - Not the second season (Memories), but the first. Most well executed harem series in a long time. Good amount of drama in that too, particularly the last three arcs. AniDB

    Maburaho - not my favorite series, but it's a very light series that doesn't require too much thought. AniDB

    Vandread - Aired in 2000, but has very good animation compared to several series that aired after it did. Space mecha harem. Not the "school-life" you were after, but any harem fan who has no issues with mecha should definitely see it. AniDB

    School Rumble - Not that much of a harem, but certainly worth the watch if you are into school life drama/comedies. AniDB

    School Days - Not for the faint of heart. A school-life harem for sure...but this series has earned its dark reputation several times over. AniDB

    Seto no Hanayome - Harem (pretty much), comedy (definitely), drama (sometimes). Boy meets girl, girl is mermaid, boy is engaged to mermaid. Hilarity ensues. AniDB

    Sumomomo Momomo - Harem-comedy, school life, and plenty of martial arts. AniDB

    Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru - Harem school-life series that tries to disguise itself as yuri. AniDB

    Since I put that down:
    Strawberry Panic - Actual yuri harem school-life series. AniDB

    For the ladies:
    Ouran High School Host Club - Reverse-harem school-life comedy. Definitely worth the watch for all, but few series bring out the "glomping" fangirls as quickly. AniDB

    Now as for "tear-jerkers," you are missing several of that list. Maybe you can check them out as well.

    Saikano AniDB
    Bokura Ga Ita AniDB
    The KEY series:
    Chrno Crusade AniDB (trust me on this last one)

    One final recommendation because it is both a school-life drama series and a tear-jerker to some, but is a must see for any and all:
    Aishiteru ze Baby - AniDB

    I believe my work here is done.

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