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Thread: Anime Recommendation and Suggestion Query

  1. #261
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    There is a distinction in the business between Shouenen and Seinen (Boy and Man) and between Shoujo and Josei (Girl and Woman). In manga, intrestingly enough, a good part of this distinction is drawn on whether or not Furigana (sp?), reading aids, are presented to help readers deal with complicated or vague Kanji.

    I think one problem is what you mean by 'targeted' towards adults. Surely some shows like Bokurano (see my sig), Now and Then Here and There, and others have a more 'serious' tone to them.... But where would a show like Gundam SEED fall? (More violence than previous Gundam series, but disposed to fanservice and focus on high-octane battles). A show like Evangelion also blurs the lines.

    although, if this is a trend or not, who knows? One thing is for sure, and it's that the most watched animes in Japan are almost all shows clearly targeted for children (Shin Chan, Pokemon, etc). This strongly suggests, to me, that MORE anime will be created targeted toward younger audiences. Also, alot of the anime that is popular on this board appear in obscure, seldomly viewed time slots (Death Note airing at 1am in Japan while many here considered it a 'prime' anime of the season).
    I think I understand your point.
    Our picture of the anime industry is biased, probably due to our liking.

    Maybe I just seek anime with stories happening in the adult world. And I understand
    this may not be mainstream anime, as the fanbase can be very small. But I'll continue
    to search

  2. #262
    ANBU Zati's Avatar
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    Munsu named the best ones. The ones that I liked the most were, Beck, Black Lagoon, Ergo Proxy, Monster, and Twelve Kingdoms. But I just wasn't as attracted to the Berserk anime, the manga is what you should check out.

    And three that I can think of right now are, Gungrave, Kino no Tabi, and Mushishi.
    Last edited by Zati; Mon, 07-02-2007 at 01:39 PM.

  3. #263
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu
    Here are some:

    Boogiepop Phantom
    Serial Experiments Lain
    Now and Then, Here and There
    Ghost in the Shell
    Speed Grapher
    Trinity Blood
    Darker than Black
    Project ARMS
    Twelve Kingdoms
    Last Exile
    Ergo Proxy
    Bokura Ga Ita (since you mentioned Honey and Clover)
    Key the Metal Idol
    Gunslinger Girls
    Blue Gender
    Black Lagoon
    Night Head Genesis
    Red Garden
    Legend of Galactic Heroes

    I think that's plenty.
    I'll read the summaries and will try to have pics and I'll report what I'll try to watch.
    Thanks a lot.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zati
    Munsu named the best ones. The ones that I liked the most were, Beck, Black Lagoon, Ergo Proxy, Monster, and Twelve Kingdoms. But I just wasn't as attracted to the Berserk anime, the manga is what you should check out.
    I admitt I have some sort of allergy towards the manga format...

    Please make sure you do not double post. I know it's annoying to use the 'Edit' and copy and paste stuff from wherever you are using the 'Quote' function, but please do it, because it's also annoying to go around Merging people's double posts.

    Also, I'm sure he would have also added 'Bokurano' to the list if he was watching it.

    I'm sorry for the double posting, very bad habit I have in every other forum.
    I've been remembering I made this mistake in my car, but didn't make it in time.
    Last edited by David75; Mon, 07-02-2007 at 02:28 PM.

  4. #264
    AonE Staff Bread-sama's Avatar
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    I highly recommend you to check out Monster, it's really a masterpiece .

  5. #265
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    while berserk was more of an adult themed it didn't get even quite as dark as the little bit of the manga that i read through.... i still have to get around to catching up o0n the manga when i get time, the anime totally disappointed with its mere 25 or 26 eps

  6. #266
    My personal opinion on the Berserk Anime is that it's not worth watching unless you read the manga to be honest. Pretty much just because of where it ends and the fact that there's amongst other things a missing character which will make no sense if you try to pick up the manga from after the point of where the anime ends.

    The other suggestions seem good, Black lagoon is fantastic, the ghost in the shell series just oozes of quality and good plots and Claymore is going very strongly in the right direction.

  7. #267
    Check out Afro Samurai, Yukikaze, Macross Zero.

    All short, good and disk space friendly.

  8. #268
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    I would say that Elfen Lied is quite adult themed and very good.

  9. #269
    AIR GEAR! thats a kewl anime it a litle to short though and has a crapy end...
    but it is a good anime u should check it out

    does annybuddy has a anime with alot of action in it ?? i need one to kill time

  10. #270
    ANBU Captain Foomanchew24's Avatar
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    For some crazy action with mecha (not your typical mecha show) try Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann. If you like action this will make you drool.

  11. #271
    Jounin kenren's Avatar
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    Action? check out Devil May Cry then.. though i'm sure you're watching it already!

    Bokurano, one of the best out there, IMO

    <3 Tessa-chan! <3 Lucifus! ....chotto mate.

  12. #272
    Is there any news or suspicion on a GITS 3rd GIG ?

  13. #273
    Quote Originally Posted by Inazuma
    Is there any news or suspicion on a GITS 3rd GIG ?
    The Ghost in the Shell Solid State Society Movie continues on from 2nd GiG series. I havent heard of any plans for 3rd GiG yet.

  14. #274
    thx ill try it

  15. #275
    I just finished Kimi ga Nozomu Eien and now I want to watch more shows with this kind of theme. Basically I'm looking for some good drama's or romances without heavy reliance on comedy. Some comedy is fine, but not something I'll be expecting to laugh at in every episode.

  16. #276
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Finding series comparable to Kimi ga Nozomu Eien is actually a lot harder than it sounds. Luckily, having been asked this in the past, I've got a few.

    Bokura ga Ita: Right to the top of this list is this recent series with pretty simplified animation. Do not let it dissuade you, as it turned out of be a romance series that had so much a realistic feel to it, you get caught up into Nanami and Yano's feelings quite easily. Easily the best choice in what you're looking for. Just don't read the manga excerpt Triad attached (it's the true ending, and continuation that most of us will never get to read).

    Suzuka: Yes, the series starts out fairly stupid, has a few scenes and characters who are of little use but fanservice, but it actually turns out of be a fairly serious and [somewhat] realistic romance series. Yamato is still a wishy-washy male lead (no where near as bad as Takayuki) but he has a refreshing determination to his pursuit of the female lead.

    Elfen Lied: I'm probably going to get shit for this one, but I really enjoyed the romance aspect amidst all the gore in this series. I found their strained and awkwardly distance relationship quite moving.

    Honey and Clover: Another slice of life series with a romance element and less of an art degree (ironically taking place in an art school). It relies a lot more on humor than Bokura ga Ita, but it gets very serious by the end of season 2. A good choice if you're missing the comedy relief supplied by AyuAyu and MayuMayu.

    Saikano: Depressing sad sci-fi romance series. Mediocre art and horribly depressing ending a must.

    Strawberry Panic!: If you're into yuri, look no further. If you're willing to go to yuri for a fairly serious romance series (with enough comic relief to make the drama hit harder) look here. If yuri isn't your thing, avoid at all costs.

    NANA: There's a lot of romances in Nana, and more overall drama as well. A long series about two women, both named Nana, the connections, relationships, and careers that surround them. Lots of drama here, romance...sortof. It's of the same caliber that KgNE is, but without a singular romance that runs the course of the series.

  17. #277
    Like many, I'm looking for something to substitute my Death Note hole.

    Anime's I've enjoyed before:

    Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
    Death Note
    Code Geass : Lelouche of the rebellion
    Detective Conan (yes, i've seen almost all 450+)
    the Melty Blood series (forgot what it was called :P)

    recommend me something!

  18. #278
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoCk
    Like many, I'm looking for something to substitute my Death Note hole.

    Anime's I've enjoyed before:

    Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
    Death Note
    Code Geass : Lelouche of the rebellion
    Detective Conan (yes, i've seen almost all 450+)
    the Melty Blood series (forgot what it was called :P)

    recommend me something!
    Browse back a few pages and look for Munsu's recommendations. I bet there's something among those lists you'll enjoy. Personally, I think you would enjoy the Full Metal Panic series.

  19. #279
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    @ Rock: If you enjoyed those and are looking for a 'murder/suspense drama' with a grown-up feel to it, I highly recommend 'Monster'. I believe it's been mentioned several times in this thread also.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  20. #280
    Thanks, checking out monster now...It's got the murder theme to it right now which I'm digging. I hope it picks up in a more 'think on your feet' anime like geass/death note have provided.

    I will also look at full metal panic. Monster was the more accessible one to me at the time.


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