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Thread: ef - a tale of memories.

  1. #61
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Although I think Renji did begin to realise the full deepness of the situation in the previous episodes, still this must have been a very bad shock to him. One might say almost as bad as it was to Chihiro herself, who, at the very least, doesn't remember what she lost even if she had to face such an oblivion the first thing in the morning. I wonder if Renji has what it takes to start everything from the beginning with her - knowing the same might happen again one day. Although who knows if it's even possible. Now that Chihiro doesn't remember Renji anymore at all, she might feel uncomfortable reading the diary yet not feeling anything.

  2. #62
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I bet you Renji will come back and start again. He's become too attached to Chihiro to leave her alone. I'm wondering if Himura will intervene though. Chihiro'll read the diary perfectly fine, I think. The problem comes when she then confronts Renji. She'll know about him, but not feel anything for him. But as we've seen, it doesn't take long for that to happen either. This show almost feels like it's hit the climax already, so I'm dying to find out what the last 4 eps or so is about. Have see seen any connection between Renji and Kyuosasuke or Hiro? He and Chihiro seem to be detached from their stories, though that's pretty natural.

  3. #63

  4. #64
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    So...I started this series up a few days ago for a couple of reasons.
    1) I had nothing else to watch in the beginning of the week.
    2) I figured Chihiro would be able to satisfy the mild eye patch fetish I developed from watching anime all these years.

    Holy. Shit.

    Episodes 7, 8 and 9 have been amazing. I was not a fan of this art style when it appeared years back in Tsukiyomi Moonphase. The abstraction got a bit out of control and ruined the feel in that section of the series. Pani Poni Dash was weird enough already, so it fit in well enough. Here, it is woven masterfully into the story to truly become art. The phone call scene in 7 was heartbreaking, and brought me to tears. Equally painful was Chihiro's scene at the end of 8, even though I knew it was coming.

    What's really great is that every time I hope that the focus won't switch to the other twin's story, the other side immediately catches my full attention.

    One the one side, we have Chihiro and Renji, who appears to finally be living up to his dream in the first episode. He's become her knight. The things that would hurt her (her own sorrowful thoughts of isolation and worthlessness) bring him pain. It's grown into a very endearing storyline.

    Then we've got the Kei/Miyako side. I'm sure you've been over this, but Kei's possessiveness is obviously the cause of all the pain in this series. From the tragic accident years ago to Miyako's breakdown. She clings to things so hard that she hurts herself. Very much a case of, "The harder you squeeze, the more easily sand slips through your fingers."


    As for this episode, it kept me on the figurative edge of my seat, wondering if Renji would step up. I kinda figured he would, and he's made a lot of progress that Himura didn't seem to expect out of him. As Chihiro's novel comes to a close, there is a definite sensation that the worst is yet to come. She's recovered from the slip, and rediscovered her love for him, but there's this underlying sense of dread I can't shake.

    Concerning the Kei/Miyako side, Kei totally deserved what happened at the end of this episode after what she did before. She simply squeezed too hard. Though, I can't really blame her though, and I don't really hate her for what she did to Miyako. She said it at the beginning. She couldn't understand what it felt like to be alone. She and Chihiro picked up Hirono, but I don't think she ever developed a concept of what it is like to be together. She always had Chihiro all to herself. When she wanted Hirono then, she wanted him all to herself. So she lost Chihiro as a result of her possessiveness. Leaving only Hirono to cling to. Not wanting to lose him, she simply held on too hard and lost him to Miyako.

    It's kind of tragic, even if she brought it on herself.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Wed, 12-05-2007 at 12:00 AM.

  5. #65
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    "I was afraid that the old me died."

    That was probably one of the most provocative lines in the episode. It is no wonder Renji was brought to tears. It is something he knew deep inside, but kept denying it. If there is any dread to be felt, it is probably from the consequences of this line.

    It pisses me off that Kei automatically has a rebound guy, or even a pair. She definitely doesnt deserve one.

    EDIT: and about the art, I believe the reason it works so well is because the art style itself supportsd the underlying and sometimes explicit scenes, either by giving more emotional weight, or by creating metaphorical images. Either way, the stylistic presentation has a definite purpose, which it completes masterfully, unlike Moon phase or pani poni, heck even gankutsuoh, where it is merely added for variation. (dont get me wrong, I think these anime are quite good)
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  6. #66
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    "I can't come up with lines without drawing paper."

    "Then take me to a place with drawing paper..."

    That whole scene was, to memory, the best scene I've seen of it's type, in all aspects. Now that Miyako/Hirono is pretty much wrapped up, and Kei/Kyosuke is sort of predictable, I'm left hanging for what's going to happen to Chihiro/Renji. Agreed with Ryllharu, there's more to come. Did Renji really understand Himura's hint to take her story seriously?

    Another beautiful episode. The only fault I can find isn't even ef's: four years--> four yours error @ 17:20.)

    edit: In regards to art, I think one of the best, and most difficult things the artist has done is the black and white words indicating the theme or ideas of the coming scene. I can imagine how badly it'd turn out in other animes if "death" or "happiness" kept popping up, but in this case, it enhances it if anything. I'm a little sad that it's only a half season anime, but rather than drawing it out, making it short and ending with a bang like I think it will make it one of my favourites this year.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Wed, 12-05-2007 at 10:48 PM.

  7. #67
    Missing Nin
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    Episode 9 was really good. The way the art was used in this episode was fantastic and this show has been doing nothing but growing on me after the slight hurdle of the overblown art in episode 7.

    Miyako/Hirono ending up in bed like that was a very satisfying progression of the story and the kind you don't often get in this sort of story. Its just very nice to see how adult this story has become and how nicely its distanced itself from a bland high school harem/slice of life anime. Kei got what she deserved without question but we will still see her and Hirono have a confrontation about it in the future anyway although she's more then likely to end up with whatever video guys name is. I would be more satisfied with her ending up alone though as she really has a lot of growing up to do.

    Chihiro/Renji are still the real stars of this though its nice to see Renji constantly trying to step up and do the right thing being he's clearly in such a difficult position. Despite his terrible hairdue its quite a compelling part of the story and I'm interested to see if they will resolve Chihiro's memory at some point or Renji will just gain enough resolve to stick with her until the end no matter what it takes.

  8. #68
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    From what Himura pointed out in eps 8 and 9, Chihiro falling apart like she did, reverting all the way back to 12 is inevitable. It'll always happen sooner or later. The only reason she's able to function at all is that she thinks of as much as possible right before she goes to sleep. There's no other way for her to remain connected to the present.

    There was one moment where I thought she had remembered something, but it turned out to just be Chihiro overworking herself. That of course lead to the breakdown that Renji witnessed.

    If Renji has the patience to stay with her, that Himura didn't believe he had, there can be a happy ending for them. He's already shown that he can by not running away.

    I really love the lines where she says she's a different person every day. It's true. All your beliefs, goals, opinions, and feelings are all based on what you've experienced. If you think back to who you were and how you acted just two years ago, you wouldn't recognize the image in the mirror. In Chihiro, the effect is magnified. She really is inheriting the thoughts of a different person every day. She's gotten so good at description through the diary entries that she is still largely the same each day. Being able to stay with her makes Renji a really admirable character.

    I totally agree on Kei, she got what she deserved. But like I said above, I've never been able to bring myself to hate her. Kei simply has never known better. She does have a lot of growing up to do, but that's largely due to her childhood with Chihiro. They were always together, and she never learned the idea of being "alone." When her possessiveness (it's not selfishness) lost her Chihiro, she simply latched on to Hirono. He isn't a replacement for a childhood twin. He needed to go his own path, molded as it was by interacting with Chihiro and Kei.

    That is of course why Miyako and Hirono fit so much better together. They've suffered, they've been truly "alone." The two of them are able to cherish the concept of togetherness, whereas Kei always left it for granted.

  9. #69
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Not to mention the fact that they both hide really deep wounds underneath their seemingly cheerful and strong exteriors. Truly a great pair. If Kei even tries to do anything to break them up, I will school days her to hell.
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  10. #70
    Jounin kenren's Avatar
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    with Tessa.
    WOW is all I can say. I never expected this show to be this interesting. It got me hooked around episode 3 . Well, I'm glad Hirono got together with Miyako. Not that I hate Kei or anything, they matched one another.

    And Renji is a good guy @_@. Chihiro had been writing in her diary everyday.. and for every new day she had to read an extra page o_O
    Last edited by kenren; Thu, 12-06-2007 at 11:14 AM.

    <3 Tessa-chan! <3 Lucifus! ....chotto mate.

  11. #71
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    [Menclave] ef - a tale of memories eps 10 (h264)

    Two amazing scenes in this episodes.

    [content follows]

    First the scene with Kei behind the door, and Hirono talking about the relationship they always had in the past, one of brother and sister. All the fun they had, and Kei, tortured by the thin separation and affirmation that he can't love her the way she's grown to love him (or apparently always had). Then her obviously pained confession. It was just extremely well done.

    Then Miyako's final phone call. The seconds on the phone card ticking away, slowly, slowly as she tells him everything she's felt. Hirono explodes at her over the phone, and the dynamics of the scene change so quickly, even as the phone continues to tick down. We all knew the phone call would cut off at that key point in their conversation, but it still seems to come so abruptly. Miyako then falls into despair as her world is once again filled with silence, and color fades from her world. She begins to retreat, and then Hirono shows up, just as it all begins to go black.

    Fantastically done.

    [end content]

    I haven't been this impressed by cinematography combined with the acting since I watched Paprika a while back, and anything by Makoto Shinkai.

  12. #72
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I guess that is the end of the Hirono section. I wonder how renji and chihiro will fare?
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  13. #73
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    @ saki's house playing mahjong
    I'm glad the Hirono section is over.. Now the show can finally focus on Chihiro and Renji. For me their story is much more interesting.

  14. #74
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Man, episodes this last month have been awesome. Since they've devoted the entire ep to Kei-Miyako-Hirono (maybe a bit of kyosuke), they'll be spending much of the next one on
    Renji and Chihiro. I wonder if they'll really develop the Kei-Kyosuke relationship any further, or just leave it as if they've just sorta started.

  15. #75
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    @ saki's house playing mahjong
    I hope not. It's the typical rebound guy anyway. Is this a 13 episode anime?

  16. #76
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Speaking of which, I really hate that Kyousuke bastard. Reminds me of fucking Suzaku way too much. I mean, I get his concern for his friends, but punching him twice? He could have just talked some sense into Hirono, but since he was so pissed at seeing that Kei doesnt give a shit about him and only cares about Hirono, he justifies his desire to punch the lights out of him with his own "sense of right". If he is pissed at him for his own personal reasons, he shouldnt make it sound like he is doing the right thing.

    Since people might object to this, I will clarify it a bit. Kyosuke acted out of his own selfishness, since if it was his concern for Hirono, he wouldnt have hit him (it just wouldnt make sense, since what Hirono did is perfectly normal, just that it hurt Kei but that is her own issue). It might be his affection for Kei, but that doesnt give him ANY right to barrage Hirono with punches or his stupid kiddy sermon. It was Hirono who introduced them in the first place. If he did all that and admitted it was because he liked Kei, I wouldnt have cared, maybe even approved of it a bit. But masking his selfish actions underneath a seemingly righteous facade really ticks me off. Damn hypocrite.
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  17. #77
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    @ saki's house playing mahjong
    I think he blames Hirono for not noticing Kei's feelings. Which is stupid because what you said is true that What Hirono's attitude and relationship towards Kei is pretty normal. I guess he was just frustrated and jealous of how Kei thought of Hirono.

  18. #78
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Now, more of the beautiful ef.

    ef- episode 11

    edit: First half was nice and cruisy. Good contrast to the episodes we've been having of late, but it's fitting of the pace that Renji and Chihiro are living in. Never thought they'd do that on the rooftop. 0.0. But the last half, I'm lost for words. Heart was pounding since the novel finished. Who else was thinking Chihiro was gonna jump?
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Thu, 12-20-2007 at 12:16 AM.

  19. #79
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    @ saki's house playing mahjong
    Hmmm what an episode.. The first half was like a preparation for the sadness later on. And yeah I never though they will do that in the rooftop. Well backpains are nothing compared to what they have done Lol.... I don't think chihiro jumped. The entire note she have was her full memory of Renji. She was just saying good bye. No sense killing herself. There is really a big similarity with the farewell scene of Ef and My 50's date. Remember when Drew also wanted to erase Adam Sandler and she burns all the notes regarding him. It's the same buy Ef's execution was definitely better. It was just so sad... T_T

  20. #80
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oyabin
    I don't think chihiro jumped. The entire note she have was her full memory of Renji. She was just saying good bye. No sense killing herself.
    Yeah, I figured that at the end. I was thinking that after Renji read the story. It goes, the girl burned all the paintings, the castle and structure, all her memories and jumps...and Chihiro happens to be on the Renji run.... But atleast she didn't jump. Now a happy ending is atleast possible. Yeah, I was thinking 50 first dates at the start of the series, but then that went away with all the tension and all. Now the similarity's back. If the similarities continue, I see a happy finale.

    Quote Originally Posted by oyabin
    Well backpains are nothing compared to what they have done Lol....
    Don't forget the wind chill

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