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Thread: Mai Otome 0~S.ifr~

  1. #1

    Mai Otome 0~S.ifr~

    Prequel to Mai Otome - Focuses on Arika's Mom (Who is 10 kinds of badass)

    Info links

    Mi-Otome 0~S.ifr~ - [Doremi-OTOME]

    Rena Sayers needs a full show, her badass level completely demolishes everyone else in the Mai-* Universe.

  2. #2
    what does the name mean?

    EDIT: ok... found out..

  3. #3
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oh. I was already wondering what it is when I saw the torrent on Tokyotosho. Thanks for the info. It looked so dubious with a weird name like that.

  4. #4
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Wow, Rena is really overpowered. We all knew she was considered scary even after she had given birth to Arika, but that exceeded anything I could have imagined.

    Maid outfit and those pigtails, voiced by Aya Endo (Miyuki from Lucky Star, Kinue in Gundam 00). Enough to make my heart melt.

    Sifr has been far more entertaining in it's opening episode than Zwei was the entire OVA set. Lots of good action, moderate amount of fanservice, interesting developments even thus far. We are left wondering why the Saphire that Arika eventually inherits doesn't break the same way Rena's other gems apparently have.

  5. #5
    I think the Blue Sky Saphire is just that much more awesome. The fact that each Gem is unique implies that some Gems could be more powerful than others, like the Ultimate Diamond supposedly was the end all be all of Gems.

  6. #6
    I think overpowered is an understatement. the other meisters were completely outclassed by M9... and Rena was beating her like it was nothing.

  7. #7
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I don't know. In my opinion you aren't overpowered if you can't take it. It remains to be seen how that last clash ends but other than that Rena was breaking up piece by piece during the fight whereas I didn't see anything wrong with M9 after all that beating. The last one standing is the winner, not necessarily the one with bigger punches.

  8. #8
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    M9 is strong, and can take a beating, but what was making Rena overpowered (and making her robe flake off in chunks) was because her natural power output was too much for the robe to handle. Rena displayed physical abilities all of her own, wearing that lovely maid outfit, that matched that of any skilled student in Mai Otome wearing the regular robes.

    Arika did similar things in the beginning of Otome, overloading the regular robe catching giant objects.

    M9 never really hurt Rena, the majority of the damage her robe took was because she was overloading it.

    It's not that Rena can't handle it. Apparently none of the robes she has worn can handle her.

  9. #9
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I know but I wasn't exactly talking about that. If she's too powerful for the gems then her power level is actually decreased, and in fact decreased even lower than what the robes would grant for someone who could use them without breaking them. Although I suppose her peak performance is very high. But that's why I wrote that the last one standing is the winner. If M9 had performend a feint for that last attack she would actually remain in perfect shape while Rena has a cracked gem and thus is rendered helpless even against weak attacks.

    If you can't keep your essential gear operational you are weak, not strong, in the long run. Especially considering despite all that power she still wasn't able to save Sifr, which proves my point (in my opinion). Everything would naturally change with a superior gem her incompetence wouldn't be able to overload.

  10. #10
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    I know but I wasn't exactly talking about that. If she's too powerful for the gems then her power level is actually decreased, and in fact decreased even lower than what the robes would grant for someone who could use them without breaking them.
    If you can't keep your essential gear operational you are weak, not strong, in the long run. Especially considering despite all that power she still wasn't able to save Sifr, which proves my point (in my opinion). Everything would naturally change with a superior gem her incompetence wouldn't be able to overload.
    I'm not sure I'm able to make the connection you did with your first assertion. I don't see how wearing a robe is actually making her weaker. Unless you mean she is unable to maintain a sustained level of power like the rest of Meistars are able to, which is definitely the truth. Would you mind elaborating?

    Rena's short display with the Crismon Jade robe was anything but weaker than the average Meistar.

    The M9 is a copy (or some manner of development) of Miyu, and outside of perhaps Mai herself (from HiME, not Otome) I don't think anyone has been much of a challenge for her in the last several thousand years between the two franchises. The other Meistars didn't seem to be able to handle some of the Slaves that well. That Rena was able to tangle with the M9 at all seems to be a feat in itself. [This is assuming of course, that the evidence in Otome of Arika being descended from Arisa and the various other Hime Star incidents are more than just a passing reference.]

    But in then end, they still failed. That's just tactical, not a power issue.

    I kind of went off on a tangent there, but if you don't mind answering my first question, that could clear a few things up.

  11. #11
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Unless you mean she is unable to maintain a sustained level of power like the rest of Meistars are able to, which is definitely the truth.
    That is exactly what I meant. It doesn't matter how powerful you are if your (essential) gear is finished after a few attacks because if you can't finish the battle in that time (like Rena couldn't) then it's all over. Maybe I'm kind of including skills in the level of power here but in the end it's all the same. Someone with less raw power but superior skills could still be able to beat someone of higher inherent sheer power but inferior skills.

    So, if overpowered means overly powerful then I say she's not (until she gets a better robe), but if it means she just has too much power for her skills to handle, then I of course agree.

  12. #12
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Wow... simply amazing... most powerful My Otome variation till date...

    If Rena's gem broke... those that mean her contract with the King is over? He doesn't die in this case?

    Oh yeah... found amusing the cat was called 'Nina' and had the same hairstyle as the other Nina.

    Anybody know how many ova is this going to be? And hopefully the wait between episodes will not be as painful as it was with Zwei

  13. #13
    It's rumored to be only 3 eps, but I can't find confirmation. I'm not sure about the release schedule, but it's probably going to be at least a one month wait between eps if not more.

  14. #14
    I agree with Kraco... It's basically like having an ultimate attack that kills everything in half a second... but you can only hold it for a quarter of a second.

    so, to go back on my statement. she would be overpowered if she could hold it like the Meistars can hold their robes. btw from the first Otome, destroying the crystal doesn't kill the owner (i think).

  15. #15
    Indeed, as she is now she's not currently 'overpowered' since she has a gaping weakness in her fighting ability, however the fact that her weakness is "I'm so powerful my power up mechanism can't operate at the level my powered up body can" is pretty much the embodiment of badass.

    I've always found the idea of someone so powerful their power actually becomes a liability to them in battle to be an interesting premise. It allows for immense levels of badassness from the character, but at the same time keeps the character grounded and allows for their to be struggle and an apparent sense of danger during battles.

  16. #16
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The series is definitely slated for 3 episodes only, I found confirmation on randomc and AniDB. You can expect a decent gap between the episodes because Sunrise will be working on the second season of Code Geass and possibly a second season of Gundam 00.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    The series is definitely slated for 3 episodes only, I found confirmation on randomc and AniDB. You can expect a decent gap between the episodes because Sunrise will be working on the second season of Code Geass and possibly a second season of Gundam 00.
    the gap is to prevent "fan overload"... it has nothing to do with the animators

  18. #18
    That one lazy guy. LaZie's Avatar
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    Mai Otome fans rejoice! For ep 2 is here atlast!

  19. #19
    Way to go Rena, I'd pretty much forgotten everything about ep 1 by the time I watched this, but it was still enjoyable since it had Rena in it (along with her ample bosom roaming free).

  20. #20
    That one lazy guy. LaZie's Avatar
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    Same here. I didn't understand a single thing that was going on. I forgot all the characters, aside from awesome Rena and the king of Windbloom. Lots of Rena fan service is never a bad thing.

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