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Thread: Ultimate Survivor Kaiji

  1. #21
    I thought episode four was great. I can't find much to say.. except that another one is out already.

    Kaiji EP 5 Triad

  2. #22
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    @ saki's house playing mahjong
    This anime really brings back memories of Akagi. With the effects and narration.

  3. #23
    Kaiji EP 6 Triad

    Seems like it's the end of the rock paper scissors game soon. I wonder what's next.
    Last edited by Xrlderek; Sat, 11-10-2007 at 10:53 PM.

  4. #24
    This has been an awesome series so far. Lots of intelligent plot with great twists at the end of each episode, all presented using rock paper scissors.

  5. #25
    Kaiji EP 7 Triad

    Seeing as Kaiji and his group can freely transfer stars between them, and cards as well, it doesn't really matter for them how many cards they've got left, they just need 9 stars, since they can cancel each others cards out. (as long as they keep them even, since they've made a point of that, although it seems like stars can be transferred freely, if so they wouldn't need to keep the cards even either)

    Funai however, has a card left, and needs to get rid of it in order to survive. He needs to either use it or give it to someone. And no one wants to play him, because his scam was uncovered. So couldn't Kaiji offer to take his last card off him in exchange for all the stars he can afford to give in order to survive? The only hindrance I can see to this is "x"s 3 scissors, if he for some reason decides to play Funai(or Funai could bribe him to play him with stars). That could be fixed if Kaiji manages to taunt "x" into playing all his cards against him though, leaving only Funai's card. Maybe something like that is Kaiji's current plan?

    I feel like I might be missing something crucial though, this might just sound stupid. Am I missing something?
    Last edited by Xrlderek; Sat, 11-24-2007 at 05:43 AM.

  6. #26

  7. #27

  8. #28
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Simply the best series of this season.
    There wasnt a single bad episode until now.

    Does anyone know how many episodes this series is supposed to go on for?

  9. #29
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    If not for the lack of opposite sex, I would absolutely second that statement.

    Its my #2 of the season.

    For anyone that watched Akagi, who does that mafia guy watching Kaiji remind you of?
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  10. #30

  11. #31
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    @ saki's house playing mahjong
    WTF! after all those episodes.. There's finally a woman in this kind of art! And she didn't have big nose!!!

  12. #32
    ANBU KoKo37's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oyabin
    WTF! after all those episodes.. There's finally a woman in this kind of art! And she didn't have big nose!!!
    Surprisingly it took me awhile to notice that. Midway through the episode long after shes been introduced, I thought to myself "Holy shit... there was a woman." Having watched Akagi and 9 episodes of Kaiji without one woman introduced, you would think I would have noticed that sooner.

  13. #33
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    @ saki's house playing mahjong
    Don't be suprised.. It took me till near the end before I realized that there is WOMAN in the show.

  14. #34

  15. #35
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    What an awesome episode.

    Sucked that Kaiji showed so much hesitation at the beginning of the 'human tumble game' but it turns out it was for the best. Had he been in front, someone would have no doubt caught up and down he goes.

    Though he still has to worry about the one guy behid him, it looks like he has that covered in the preview of the next episode, and it looks like Sahara learns what Kaiji went through on the Espior the hard way.

    Great stuff.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  16. #36
    Missing Nin
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    You know I really can't agree episode 11 was anything special. The trick to it was blatantly obvious and while they might pull it out in future episodes nothing about this one was all that good. This isn't even a game with any strategy unlike the previous setup its just far to simple.

    I've liked a lot of this series but every now and then the episodes just drag and seem over dramatic this is a perfect example of such a episode.

    On a more positive note this leg seems MUCH shorter then the restricted Rock Paper Scissors one atleast and I find that to be a positive for the series in general.

  17. #37

  18. #38

  19. #39
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Another great episode.

    Though i wonder if the people falling really die, you think they´d show that a bit more drastically.

    Wah, each episode of Kaiji is awsome and feels so short ^^

  20. #40

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