This episode was awesome, and quite sad. I really like the psychology/life explanations.
This episode was awesome, and quite sad. I really like the psychology/life explanations.
These episodes feel so short, but always leave me satisfied. Christ, I want to know the outcome.
Kaiji OST
30 Zawa Zawa soundtracks. I love it.
I can't say I enjoyed the beginning of this arc too much as it didn't involve much strategy like the Espoir did, but the past few episode have been very entertaining and were a lot more intriguing than I first thought they were going to be, in particular I thought they did Ishida's death scene very well, and I was surprised when Sahara got blown away after reaching the 'end'. I was not expecting a twist like that at that point of the beam crossing, and a glass path was fairly realistic as it would be very hard to see at night time and under those circumstances.
I'm looking forward to these 'E Cards', and it looks like I wont have to wait much longer, as episode 16 was released recently.
[Triad] Kaiji - Episode 16
Oh, and thanks for the OST torrent, Xrlderek.
Last edited by KoKo37; Thu, 01-24-2008 at 11:02 PM.
Last edited by KoKo37; Mon, 02-11-2008 at 01:24 AM.
[Triad] - Kaiji ep 19
Will Kaiji lose an ear? Download and find out on the next episode of Dragonball Z!
Wow, the presentation just keeps delivering, so awsome.
Also, the injuring of the ear drum looks so disgusting, Kaiji HAs to win >_<
The much anticipated bloody first strategy.
Wow, that came out of nowhere :-/
Though i wonder what Kaiji will wager for the last match..his other ear or what...
Great series
Uah, this series is SO great.
And of course they have to end this episode at "that" moment :-(
[Triad] Kaiji - Episode 22
Couldn't have picked a better time for a quick release with the conclusion of E-cards coming up.
Great episode, and now its really like Akagi ^^
Come get that bastard, Kaiji!
Though i have to ask: Why are there always being subbed 2 episodes each week?
Wheres my weekly dose of Kaiji? Should have been there yesterday :-(
Since Triad is not on a very strict schedule, they could be behind a few weeks and go on to sub multiple episodes and release them back to back or in a bunch. Basically if they do a multiple release, they were behind on subbing the series -- unless it actually was a double header airing.Originally Posted by MFauli
Anyways, episode 23 has been released, time to see Kaiji's plan from stepping on the empty box of tissues.
[Triad] Kaiji - Episode 23
ok, i cant say i liked that episode too much. it all stupid.
When Kaiji first glimpsed over that box on the floor, i thought it just gave him idea...but him actually using a box for his plan?!?
And of course it wont work, would be too easy.
Next episode, the chairman will probably make some cruel conditions
Something has to go wrong with this plan. It never works out perfectly like he plans.