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Thread: Myself; Yourself

  1. #81
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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  2. #82
    Nanaka's uncle is looking pretty damn suspicious now...motive, opportunity, and potentially a witness to place him at the scene of the crime. It's nowhere near enough for a conviction, but I'd put him next to Nanaka at the top of the suspect list.

    The Shuuri stuff seemed somewhat out of place in this ep though, so much attention was given to Nanaka and Sana that when they abruptly switched to her it sort of took me out of the moment. And I hadn't noticed any physical cues from her (possibly b/c I'm reading subtitles not watching body language) pointing to her 'holding it in'.

  3. #83
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    The uncle eh?
    So deciphering the OP wan't totally a bad idea.
    Will watch the episode later (much later) in the day as I'm about to leave for work

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  4. #84
    Missing Nin
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    Rather slow and out of place episode with all the build up from the last one. It was alright but I just never love the amusement park episodes like this.

    That said the uncle looks very guilty but then again this show has been building up a lot of plot lines making the audience know the resolution and then ditching them for later. It just all seems to easy for this stuff to keep being put off like this.

  5. #85
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    They didn't show Shuri's face most of the episode, it was usually hidden by her hair. Especially during the Animegengar show. Shuusuke must have noticed then that she was "holding it in." Where is the significance of Hoshino seeing Shuri cry? Perhaps it has something to do with her relationship with her own nephew or whatever he is.

    Taking from the OP again, the silhouette with a tear running down her cheek appears to be Hoshino.

  6. #86
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    The preview was a bit wacky this time too, so it'll be hard to say what it'll be about. I'm guessing that we'll be heading back to the Twin Hills aspect of the story. I hope they get further in finding about those lost animals and doing something about it instead of having everybody in the story wondering, and everybody in the audience knowing it was the old lady.They pretty much gave it away here, having Nanaka remember the silhouette in the flames, then almost immediately showing the back view of her uncle. All the little bits an pieces being inserted here and there though, really makes me think as to whether there will be any significant storyline to it, or whether it's simply there to add insight into the characters. With 4 episodes to go, I don't think they'll be doing the whole band thing, which was that I thought was going to happen at the end.

  7. #87
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Myself ; Yourself Episode 10 gogogogogo!

    edit: woops. Still had my mind on ef.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Thu, 12-06-2007 at 01:55 AM.

  8. #88
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Honestly didn't expect twincest to appear in this anime, but lo and behold...

    Well, whatever faith I had imagined in Sayuka appears to be utterly misguided. She's a total slut just like Shuri said, and a bitch too. Too bad. That could have been a nice angle if they played the step-mother against the asshole father.

    It's the return of the black blood! I could understand why they did it back in School Days and Higurashi given the news at the time of the former and the ages of the characters in the latter, but this one didn't make any sense. They had the red fish blood earlier no problem, but then censor Shuri cutting her finger?! Though Hoshino really did bleed out a lot and from a violent incident, Shuri lost 3 drops in a common kitchen accident. WTF.

    @Buffalobiian: We all know you meant eps 10, but you've been having problems with numbers a lot lately.

  9. #89
    The incest in this episode kinda came out of nowhere... What's even weirder is that it seems to be mutual.

  10. #90
    Quote Originally Posted by THE DICTIONARY
    1. sexual intercourse between closely related persons.
    2. the crime of sexual intercourse, cohabitation, or marriage between persons within the degrees of consanguinity or affinity wherein marriage is legally forbidden.
    Contrary to popular belief there is nothing wrong or inappropriate about liking your twin sibling a lot and being closer to them than anyone else in your life. Nor is there something wrong with deriving a feeling of comfort and safety from being in physical contact with them (didn't any of your parents hug you?). Holding hands is not having sex, regardless of what Christian conservatives might think. (Even if two siblings did want to fuck I don't think it should be a big a deal for anyone other than them and a maybe a deity or two, as long as they don't procreate...but that's a whole other discussion).

    Anyway, it's nice to see a pair of siblings depicted not as hating each other but as being very close due to growing up together and suffering the same hardships together with no one else to turn to. Shuu and Shurii are very much like a couple in the emotional sense and while it is easy for us to make the assumption that emotional intimacy must imply sexual intimacy it's just not fair. Their only other friends after Sana moved away were a complete flake and a girl whose parents caught on fire, so I would imagine they spent most of those years Sana was gone playing together alone (this sounds so wrong).

    And poor Hoshino-san I knew that old bat was going to go off the deep end and hurt someone, but I didn't expect it to happen so suddenly, nor did I expect it to be Hoshino got ganked like that. I'm glad that she lived but I'm curious as to how it might have played out if she and Sana had had more time for development and she had died.

  11. #91
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Back off on us a little Yuki. It's obvious that twincest didn't occur, but the vibes were all over the place. It's not the emotional proximity, nor the hand holding. It's the strange moonlight that bathed all over Shuusuke when Shuri looked at him. I just find it hard to imagine that he'd have nothing better to do than go away with her. Hasn't he made friends? He wasn't with Shuri 24/7 when this series began, nor when some of the troubling incidents around her began.

    Shuusuke appeared to have his own life (or worse, he really just sat at school or sat at home while Shuri got herself into all kinds of fun and trouble). They had separate interests. Shuri helped at the old folks home, and Shuu...did whatever we never saw him doing.

    And yes, I like the word "twincest." It is as fun to type as it is to say.

  12. #92
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    (didn't any of your parents hug you?)
    Nope. Never.

  13. #93
    Sorry about the hostility, the main reason for it was that I was expecting them to actually do something, at least kiss, after reading your post half way through the episode and I feel I was mislead. I don't immediately vomit at the idea of sibling sexual relationships in fiction so I thought you were serious and it shifted my expectations.

    As to Shuu and Shuuri, even if they did have friends they lived in the same house, lost their mom, disliked their step mom, and their dad seemed to ignore both of them. In the face of all that I think they would be more likely to develop a supportive relationship with each other than both seeking support from outside sources when they're both going through the same thing. I don't mean to discount them having separate lives, but who better to go cry to when their dad says something to the slutwife that reminds one of them of their mom being dead than the sibling who can understand the pain because they feel the same thing?

  14. #94
    That old lady was scary crazy. Poor Hoshino, hopefully she isn't scarred from this event. And I'm curious to know what causes Sana to become like that.

  15. #95
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Notice when he goes outside too that he grabs his left wrist aka watch wrist for most people. The moonlight scene. They depicted it the same way as if they were really lovers, but that's fine. It's a form of companionate love. I thought it was either the stepmother who wrote the letter to get rid of the twins (initial idea) or other candidates in the election. Thought the old lady was gonna stop too, when Sana and Hoshino opened the door, as normal murderers/criminals probably would. Guess this just proves what's on our minds: she's not normal. Now this time we have the twins leaving on the train, and Sana running. Still wondering if what Shuu yelled at him at the beginning had any significance, we know now it wasn't about the fire thing that happened to Nanaka.

  16. #96
    Wow just wow, their father is a complete ass. And regarding the whole twincest thing: I too was expecting something at the end. Does this mean that they will emancipate themselves and live apart from their father?
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  17. #97
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Judging from the preview, not just yet.

    @Yuki - from what you have explained so far, I completely agree with your view on incest. I wouldnt think of blaming the twins had anything happened after the ending credits.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  18. #98
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Incest always makes stories more sexy, so yeah :P

    But, awsome episode, so many things happening.
    Old lady attempting to kill was unexpected, and Sana finally showed his reactions to others, though Shuri and Hoshino dont think of him that suspiciously, yet.

  19. #99
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Since we've started to name assholes here, I thought the vice principal doesn't deserve to be left off the list. He's right up there with the Dad, sucking up to the fat lady he serves. The principal earned some points back after today, so I'll leave her off.

  20. #100
    Maybe it's just me but don't you hate it when you get pissed off and then somebody keeps trying to hold you back and telling you Calm Down like Sana was doing? That's just fanning the flames imo.

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