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Thread: Myself; Yourself

  1. #1

    Myself; Yourself

    Based on a Visual Novel and Game (which will come out part way through the show)

    Myself ; Yourself is set in 2007 in the fictional town Sakuranomori (桜乃杜, Sakuranomori?) in W Prefecture which is modeled after Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. The town is in a quiet, rural area on the southern tip of the prefecture and borders the Pacific Ocean. Sakuranomori is the birthplace of Sana Hidaka, a sixteen year old high school student, who grew up with his childhood friend Nanaka Yatsushiro, his cousin Aoi Oribe, his best male friend Syusuke Wakatsuki, and his twin sister Syuri Wakatsuki.

    This show is occupying School Days' old time slot. I don't expect it'll be anything on the order of that masterpiece but since the last few high school romance's I've watched turned out so well I decided to give it a try.

    Myself; Yourself - 01 - [m.3.3.w]

  2. #2
    Could be interesting. I'll let it run for a couple of episodes before picking it up.

  3. #3
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I'll join the waiting brigade. I decided to have a look at this but at the same time it doesn't seem like something that I absolutely need to see right away (like Clannad or something). So, old wisdom says two or three episodes to start with is the way to get a better and deeper impression and make a proper evaluation of its potential.

  4. #4
    The twins have different surnames? Seperated by divorce or something?

    Edit: Read that part wrong, not the main character's twin.

    Anyways, downloading. Will give impressions when I watch it.

    Edit 2: Watched it. It's decent for now I guess. But seriously I woulda swung at that bitch after she smacked me. Overreact much? Ok, so he forgot her after everyone's puberty. Can't expect a guy to recognize everyone, She was a sweet girl when she was a kid, now a bitch. I really hate these type of characters. This anime might bring me some annoyances later down the line. But we'll see.
    Last edited by animus; Thu, 10-04-2007 at 07:41 PM.

  5. #5
    I second animus's evaluation of Nanaka, but deep down I enjoy hating female characters since in the end they alwasy lose and fall in love anyway. But for now I'm tentatively rooting for the new girl that wasn't part of the original group. I suspect she and Nanaka won't get along but she'll get along very well with the main character.

    Also, Aoi's VA sounds like her vocal chords are made of sugar and rainbows.

  6. #6
    Wait what other girl? There were 2 girls part of the original group, Nanaka and the other twin girl of Sana's best friend.

    Anyways, I'm rooting for the teacher. Though it'll never happen, I wish it would.

  7. #7
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The "other girl" is only shown in the OP and in the preview approaching Nanaka with a book. She wasn't part of the original group (as Yuki said), but she appears to be friends with Nanaka.

    It shows promise. There's hopefully some deeply rooted issues in this series. I've had the problem of not recognizing girls/friends/etc I haven't seen in years (who can apparently recognize me in an instant), but the full slap means Sana has done something much worse. I imagine it's got something to do with what the twin was trying to yell at him on the train. However, Nanaka avoided him at the shrine too. Perhaps she just wasn't sure it was him yet.

    Aoi's voice is painful. I like Tomoko Kaneda, but the sound of her voice is really, really irritating when it's not in the body of a 12 year old or younger. (Chiyo from Azumanga, Gretel from Black Lagoon, the loli from sola, etc). It's just wrong, especially in when her character is that well endowed. If she was the main female lead and getting the most screen time, I'd probably drop this show right here.

    And if the last scene in the OP turns out to even come close to actually occurring in the show, I'll drop it then too.

    For now, I'm intrigued by Nanaka's rather violent reunion, contrasting her shy scene at the temple.

  8. #8
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Im willing to bet that right when the main guy was leaving, something terrible happened to Nanaka (which the boy twin tried to shout to him), and that forced her to change from a sweet girl to a cheek-slapping tomboy.

    I think that the two were especially close, and that is why she got so angry. Add the fact that he recognized everyone else after a few seconds, while the person he is supposedly closest to gets ignored twice, a slap may not be such an overreaction.

    I love these tsundere types. She reminds me of Suzuka. Im expecting good things from this show.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  9. #9
    Jounin kenren's Avatar
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    with Tessa.
    m.3.3.w episode 2 XviD

    Just saw the first episode and I must say, the characters are pretty alright and I got hooked to this series already. And oh, Chiyo's (Azumanga Daioh) voice o_O

    <3 Tessa-chan! <3 Lucifus! ....chotto mate.

  10. #10
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Aoi (Chiyo's voice) wasn't anywhere close to as annoying and ear-piercing as it was in the first episode. I completely didn't expect her to be a year older than everyone else.

    The twins almost making an over-the-top cliche idiot action scene made me laugh. Nice to break the side character stereotype now and then. Speaking of the twins, their little side glance at each other when Sana brought up Nanaka's attitude. Very curious. They obviously know the truth, so why aren't they telling him?

    I get the idea that if Nanaka doesn't start to at least soften to him, Hoshino will probably start making a move towards Sana soon. Even if they just met, the piano part clearly made an impression on both the girls.

  11. #11
    I really thought it was retarded that Sana and the others smiled when Nanaka did a drive-by "Ohaiyo" to the group. She clearly didn't say, Ohaiyo Sana. And she didn't stop or anything either. So I was pretty annoyed with the fact that they're all like =D when she did the same thing and were all annoyed earlier.

  12. #12
    I'm actually sad that the friendship of Hoshino and Sana is going so well so quickly since he's probably going to end up going after the ice princess instead for the sake of their old relationship. I'll still root for Hoshino but there's not much hope unless this show is bold enough to break such a big cliché. The other broken cliché does offer a sliver of hope, however that might have been to lull us into a false sense of uniqueness. As usual with romances, I hope all my expectations are completely wrong.

  13. #13
    Shuffle did kinda break that cliche, those that've watched it to the end know what I'm talking about. Anyways, it's a shame the sensei gets her head on the poster, and there's no development for her. Hopefully that changes, I have a thing for older women I guess.

  14. #14
    Shuffle actually ended the way I expected, though I don't know if that meant it broke the cliche or not.

  15. #15
    Well the girl he chose was totally out of the cliche of what Harem anime were I thought.

  16. #16
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Concerning Shuffle: [Asa was older, a childhood friend, had an illness, didn't have pointed ears, and was somewhat of a tomboy.] Yeah, she really had just about everything against her.

    Anyhow, any speculation on what Shuu yelled to Sana at the train? I assume it has everything to do with what's happened. They thought he heard it, and must have thought he'd respond to whatever it was. Right now, I'm thinking letter writing or a recital or something rather simple. Then again, she was shocked to see him, and cold even at the temple.

    Edit: sorry if you saw this post in any of the initial stages. I had to make several edits.

  17. #17
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Well it definitely looks like Nanaka's feeling a little pressure from Hoshino's advances next episode. I'm waiting to see when Sana will finally ask Nanaka to play the finished song. Thought that was going to happen this episode judging from the preview last week. Agreeing with Yuki, I think Sana will end up with Nanaka too, and I don't think we're wrong. Judging by it's pace, it'll be very rushed to develop both relationships in 12-13eps.

  18. #18
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Ah, some known faces in this thread from the School days "discussion".
    Will watch it, perhaps that series will provoke similiar discussions :P

  19. #19

  20. #20
    Wow, their relationship took a total 360 immensely quick. I mean, Sana doesn't even realize how different she is? Besides Nanaka and Sana the other characters get near zero development whatsoever.

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