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Thread: Myself; Yourself

  1. #61
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    The next preview should give us an insight to Nanaka's past, at least a little. Looking back, that crow scene was actually creepier than I thought. I was describing that death scene from memory of older works, had no idea how close it resembled the meeting with Nanaka from ep 1. I'm kind of lost now. Tone certainly deviated from the general lightness of that ep, but it wasn't so obvious that we all picked it up.(5 weeks later...) Whether it was to simply grab out attention to Nanaka, or something more sinister will probably be left to interpretation.

    As for the preview, it didn't look as scary as the one about the sakura dance, but more mysterious, especially the puzzled, late afternoon look.

  2. #62
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Live sacrifices, missing animals, hidden past. What else?

    Find out, Myself ; Yourself Episode 07 brought to you by m.3.3.w

  3. #63
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Here's a question for everyone. How innocent is Hoshino, really? That hole was neither deep nor was she doing the grunt work, how does she get lightheaded and dizzy? Sana had his back to the steps and Nanaka, whereas Hoshino was facing that way.

    We can thank the legacy of School Days for my suspicion, but if even Yuzuki-sensei has some connection with the past to Sana, do we really know if Hoshino doesn't have one as well? I doubt it was a very prominent memory for Yuzuki-sensei, so perhaps Hoshino has one of Sana as well.

    Is she really that weak, or was it planned?

    Shuuri and Yuzuki are really alike though. Was that a quick flash of shock/sorrow from Sayuka (voiced by Yukana) when Shuuri rebuked her so badly? I smell a side plot...

  4. #64
    Omfg that old cuntbag killed Poe!! This show is quite good at subtlety pointing out things in such a way that you really can't miss them but you never have to be told out right. But then they went and and ruined it by setting up such a cliché "main girl stumbles upon the guy and a rival girl doing something completely innocent that looks naughty from far away in the dark and then jumps to a conclusion and vanished without a word" scene. Not that I mind since I like Hoshino more than Nanaka anyway, but it's still sad that Nanaka is so crazy and icy now when she used to be everyone's friend and they clearly all still like her. I can't wait to find out what happened to her in the past to make her like this.

    And Shuri...I've never seen an anime girl talk that level of trash about an adult in that persons presence before, my mouth was literally hanging open the whole time. This sub-plot definately piqued my interest, I just hope they can flesh it all out in time.

  5. #65
    Missing Nin
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    I know the old lady did something to Poe and I know the scissors were likely borrowed to cut off the collar being if the box was ringing it would be a pretty big giveaway. The thing is the legend requires live sacrifices so did she really just make them bury a kitten alive...

    This show really has a lot of dark horrible things going on in the background.

  6. #66
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    After rewatching, I noticed that Sayuka looked angrily into the room when Shuuri's father yelled at her to get in there. Like Yuki, I hope there is plenty of time to develop this side plot.

  7. #67
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Someone needs to seriously take a look at the old lady. The next thing buried's going to be alive, and the one after that'll be human (probably Nanaka?). I liked it how they started off with Shuri narrating about change, then mentioning the National Park but finally bringing out the real change she resents most.

    You can actually get light-headed from just kneeling too long, letting all the blood go to your feet, then getting up really fast, and draining a bit more from your head. Don't need to be doing heavy work or anything. I don't think Hoshino is the scheming type, but then again, what does everybody in the story think of old Kaji.

    And yes, those were very harsh words. VERY harsh. I don't remember seeing anyone ever referring their step mother as their father's sex toy, let alone say it in there presence. I wonder what Shuu thought when he knew about it.

  8. #68
    This anime seems to have a lot of dark plots to it, really dark stuff. I'm intruiged

  9. #69
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by narutosharingan
    This anime seems to have a lot of dark plots to it, really dark stuff. I'm intruiged
    And I hope they keep up the good work and give us a nice finale...
    I really hope the many references to other anime styles were just there to catch attention somewhere else, when dark underplots are setting up.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  10. #70

  11. #71
    Go Sana, chase back those sad memories with your caramel of emotional support!

    Anyway good episode, lots of emotions and memories come to the surface. Sana's character really grew in esteem this ep, he's got the hallmarks of a proper man.

    The watch definately seems to be a symbol of a traumatic experience in his past but whatever it was he sucks it up and not only deals with it but offers to support the weak Nanaka who apparently can't face her own experience and keep functioning.

    I also loved how his childhood comments about it being normal for girls to be scared of nightmares but not boys foreshadowed what would happen later where Nanaka loses it when reminded of her traumatic experience while he is able to hold it together and support her when reminded of his.

  12. #72
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Maybe Sana killed his father or something, like some other character I know.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  13. #73
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I don't think it would be his father, since he reacted when Nanaka said he was having fun with his new friends. The reminding factor could have been "fun", but I think it was more "friend" that triggered it. So that's the significance of the violin. It wasn't what caused her parents to die, but it was the only thing left, and it most likely reminds her of everything she'd lost. It really seems like Hoshino's out of the triangle now, if ti was ever considered to be a triangle. The only one that doesn't seem to have a dark past now is Aoi. Yuzuki's parent-out-working situation is exactly like the loli's, and much of the young population these days. No telling what'll happen next episode, very random power ranger style preview.

    edit: with 5 episodes to go, the plot should hold strong. short series, but should make a very good one in my books.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Thu, 11-22-2007 at 07:23 PM.

  14. #74
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I thought the trigger was the word "fun", implying that he himself had a traumatic event that cannot be considered as light hearted as Nanaka thinks his past is.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  15. #75
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Hmm, I think you're probably right, about the fun part that is. I was sort of thinking he killed someone (don't know why, Ghost Hound influence here), but now that he says "I'll become strong, I have someone to protect" implies that he was weak before. Suicide fits weakness better than homicide I think

  16. #76
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Hm, i dont exactly remember the former episodes, but at least in this one, when Sana used the telephone at the end of the show, it sounded as if he was talking to some answering equipment, and not speaking with a person.

  17. #77
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    Hmm, I think you're probably right, about the fun part that is. I was sort of thinking he killed someone (don't know why, Ghost Hound influence here), but now that he says "I'll become strong, I have someone to protect" implies that he was weak before. Suicide fits weakness better than homicide I think
    When watching this ep, I also watched the OP.
    You have a scene with Sana on a pedestrian crossing, it's raining, grey sky, people passing by fade, he is sad looking, head down.
    He has earplugs on, then camera shifts to his left hand, the mp3 player LCD text changes to "Bye"

    It may be a strong indication that he tried to suicide himself.

    I wonder how Nanaka will react when she learns he also has a very heavy burden and she only focused on her... never carrying for what may have happened to him. The camera focusing on his watch we think to be a key, may higlight this. That being a reaction to Nanaka saying he forgot her and was havin fun with his new friends.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  18. #78
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I definitely think it's been suicide. Sana reacted at the end of the sentence, so it could be either the whole line, or just the verb. It has never seemed like they were focusing on the watch, but rather whatever is beneath it. Remember from the fishing trip that he doesn't take it off.

    Another question is when Nanaka wrote all those. Before or after the fire? I'd say it's more likely she wrote them before the fire, because afterward, she was either in the hospital or already disillusioned and a changed person. [acts stupid] Who could it be that set the fire? [/acts stupid] (as if a not-quite-so-mysterious silhouette wasn't in the OP) Hopefully Sana will read the letters. I'm sure he can find out exactly what happened. The police never had access to those. Obviously, no one did. I still wonder what Shuusuke yelled to Sana on the train though and if it is related. I'm starting to wonder if it was just something stupid.

    Either way, I really loved the scene where Nanaka broke down, accusing him of never being there for her. Very moving. As good as Shuusuke saying the violin was the only thing she had time to grab, while the bracelet Sana gave her completely dominates the frame.

    I thought she might be developed, but I really don't think Aoi is anything more than comedy relief. If they complete Shuuri's mini-arc with Sayuka, Shuusuke will probably be finished as well (he got a good amount this episode).

  19. #79
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Another question is when Nanaka wrote all those. Before or after the fire? I'd say it's more likely she wrote them before the fire, because afterward, she was either in the hospital or already disillusioned and a changed person.
    That's a very good point indeed. Considering the amount of letters I tend to think they weren't written immediately but during some period of time, and they probably got worse, with the "help me" messages on top (last written). That would support, if true, your hypothesis. I'm inclined to think you are right and thus the fire actually wasn't the problem itself but just the final phase of it. So, what actually is the problem, then? Did she have bad parents or something?

    Let's hope Sana will read them to find out.

  20. #80
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Well for the silhouette we see in fire, hard to really know.
    Top hair are short, but lower ones are long.
    I'll have to check, but Nanaka's Uncle fits?
    Hard to tell, because it's a reflection in young Nanaka's eye...

    And I also was telling to myself when the letters fell :"Quick, read those f***ng letters, mo**on. Do not loose a second!"
    But it seems he didn't read them when he met Nanaka after discovering them.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

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