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Thread: Dragonaut ~The Resonance~

  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    I didn't really want to drag this into a physics discussion but what the hell it's fun. The weirdness doesn't come from her mass it comes from her apparent momentum. Even if she was super dense she would still crush buildings when landing on them in human form because of her huge dragon mass. The scene where she got knocked into the ground in dragon form showed a more believable effect on the surroundings when that much mass hits something moving at a decent speed. But when she was roof hopping with Jin she didn't seem to disturb the buildings at all. I don't have any problems with bent or broken laws of physics in anime (it's magic is more than enough of an explanation), but a broken law is still a broken law.
    lol... I thought you were saying that you didn't understand how she could have such a high mass in dragon form like that and turn into a human form.

    ...yeah she probably should have crushed Jin 's face in when she kissed him

    On the subject of the building hopping thing.... perhaps she still retains "dragon flight abilities" in human form and uses them to cushion the impact.

    |New Signature 3.0!! Simon now has star glasses..... and lost a lot of my respect......R.I.P. Simon without lame glases...

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    so i sat down with some pleasure to watch episode 3 and I get a what the hell?

    i mean, i was looking forward to seeing how they did the dragon battle (as i thought the fighting between Toa in her human form and all those enemies was pretty cool) and it turns into silliness! Instead of slowly building up the coolness of the variety of dragons and their riders, they just throw them all out there in a cheesy Power Rangers Transformation sequence, then have most of them floundering around in the air with a few random attacks that arbitrarily hit or miss...

    In short, the dragon battle was an epic failure, I felt. The coolest parts of the episodes were with the ISDA commander and the freaky chick on the submarine. At least that felt like something important going on wasn't getting addressed in cliched half awake sleep walking fashion...

    and the one character I was hoping something for, Jin's friend, collapses at the sight of his boy-crush dragon flying off with Jin on it, like some spoiled grade schooler whose friend has gotten their hands on a gift at his birthday party.

    this episode failed so hard that i'm seriously considering stopping right now.

    also, when Jin is supposedly riding on Gio's back and not falling off, and he reaches out to touch Toa, HOW THE FUCK IS THAT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN?!?! I mean, he's riding on a huge fucking dragon, and he can just reach out next to him with his maybe two foot reach and touch the other huge dragon? How fucking close were they flying together?

    and don't even get me started on the Dragonauts "piloting" their conscientious, somewhat machine, somewhat flesh dragons...
    OFT, I completely agree with you 100%. -.-
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

    Sig and Avatar by Lucifus
    Current Games: League of Legends(Fuck, its got me hooked again -_-)

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Nah. Laws weren't broken. I suspect the explanation is simple matter-energy conversion. When she transforms to the human form, the extra mass (matter) of the dragon form is stored as energy inside some special cell organelles (which of course also explains why the human form can perform such tricks that no man could even dream of, like hopping from one building to another hundreds of meters at a time). Then when she reverts back to the original dragon form, she just converts the energy back into matter. Simple, elegant, and above all explains everything.
    But she...used that energy to do all those crazy stunts. Unless, having changed everything into energy and giving off heat as she's doing random crap, she then sucks back in the heat and mahou shoujos herself back into dragon form.

    I found Episode 4 enjoyable, and it's hard for me to drop an anime with so many fake Tekken characters and that Shady Lady is, well, shady. And quite blessed, as are all the women in this anime other than Akira and Toa to a certain extent. But that's all tangential.

  4. #44
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowflame
    But she...used that energy to do all those crazy stunts. Unless, having changed everything into energy and giving off heat as she's doing random crap, she then sucks back in the heat and mahou shoujos herself back into dragon form.
    I don't think you quite understand how much energy you could get out of even a tiny bit of matter if you could somehow convert it to energy (without using more energy for the process than it produces). The energy used for the simple tricks she performed is totally insignificant compared to that.

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    I don't think you quite understand how much energy you could get out of even a tiny bit of matter if you could somehow convert it to energy (without using more energy for the process than it produces). The energy used for the simple tricks she performed is totally insignificant compared to that.
    Lol, hence Nuclear weapons.
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

    Sig and Avatar by Lucifus
    Current Games: League of Legends(Fuck, its got me hooked again -_-)

  6. #46
    But her human form would still have to be perfectly efficient and regenerative, while storing all that energy that she converted from her dragon form within her human form, unless her dragon form gets smaller every time she goes human. I think it's safe to say that it would end up exactly like nuclear weapons.

  7. #47
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Nothing says she doesn't eat while in either form. A pizza goes a long way in refilling her with new matter to convert into energy.

    After all, if you cease to eat, before long you will also start to get smaller. If you then restart eating, you will gain what you lost.

  8. #48
    @Eating discussion, 1 pound of matter perfectly converts to about as much energy as 10 megatons worth of TNT.

    So if dragons do have some sort of perfect mass<->energy converter and they store all their mass inside their smaller forms they really shouldn't be wanting for energy at all. Those dragons have to weigh at least 100 tons and their human forms probably weigh around 100-200 lbs, therefore, based on mass conversion they're all toting around 8.1 * 10^21 joules of energy in their magic organs (99.95 tons converted into pure energy). For comparison thats about 17% of the estimated amount of the energy consumed by all of humanity in 2004.

    All this is moot however as I have come to the conclusion (after furious research) that energy->matter conversion is anything but simple and extremely unlikely to give back matter in anything remotely resembling a useful form (namely atomic nuclei component particles) without the aide of significant amounts of 'magic' to force things that theoretically can't just be slapped together to be slapped together (said nuclei). Converting pure energy into mass carrying particles is possible. And using the kinetic energy of pre-existing mass carrying particles you can create different mass carrying particles but creating stable mass carrying particles like protons and neutrons out of pure energy can't be done due to several very confusing rules governing charge, spin and some other quantum nonsense I can grasp the application but not the function of.

    Fortunately magic cares little for the rules of science so it all works out fine in the end.

    EDIT: Dragonaut - 05 - [I-Z]
    Last edited by Yukimura; Thu, 11-01-2007 at 09:48 PM.

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    And using the kinetic energy of pre-existing mass carrying particles you can create different mass carrying particles but creating stable mass carrying particles like protons and neutrons out of pure energy can't be done due to several very confusing rules governing charge, spin and some other quantum nonsense I can grasp the application but not the function of.
    The stability was what I was referencing when I said the thing about it being exactly like nuclear weapons. There would have to be magic involved in storing all that potential, or she'd explode and take out all of Japan every time she transformed (hoping I don't offend with the timing of this comment, if I did I'm sorry, but I think it's okay).

    And thanks for the torrent.

  10. #50
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I was getting pissed off at Jin during this episode - how meekly he seemed to accept being arrested by the dubious Gillard army, but then he suddenly sprang into action and had the console shot and the strange radiation machine neutralized. He does have some balls after all even when the situation is not directly related to Toa. Jolly good.

    According to the preview it looks like we will see them pair up again. That's welcome news. I liked how they seemed to like each others right from the beginning. It's a welcome change from the usual shounen shows where things are always so very slow.

  11. #51
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Smaug wouldn't be proud:

    Episode 6 - Infinite-Zero

    - - - - - - -

    Edit: Aww.... Just aww... How cute and heart-warming. They love each other so much.
    Last edited by Kraco; Thu, 11-08-2007 at 05:54 PM.

  12. #52
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Organic dragon mechas resonate almost as well as a combination of a cheap PC case and a cheap 54x CD-ROM drive...

    Episode 7 - Infinite-Zero

  13. #53
    Not that I'm not a tit guy, but the amount of cleavage in this series is a bit over the top. It's not even appealing anymore.

    Especially her. That's just silly.

  14. #54
    The thins with her and the 'bathing suit' was just plain atrocious. But it did show off how little the character designers care about reasonable body structure. The scene at around 7:37-7:40 was just disturbing. Her torso is a straight line about half as thick as her hips and then it suddenly turns into a trapezoid...this makes no sense.

    In other news, Kazuki is a psyhotic emo...go figure!

  15. #55
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah. Any sensible organization would kick a person like that out immediately. The man is clearly not cut out for operating as highly dangerous an entity as the dragon is. It's like using total psychos as bomber pilots.

    But I suppose he will just exchange a few punches with Jin and suddenly be mentally stable again.

    Considering that other matter it's at least good Toa has a reasonable body.

  16. #56
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Psychotic emos and trapezoids:

    Episode 8 - Infinite-Zero

    - - - - - - - - -

    Edit: The format of this show is starting to get evident: Bring Jin and Toa together, separate Jin and Toa, bring Jin and Toa together, separate Jin and Toa, bring Jin and Toa... etc^episode number.

    One thing I expected to happen differently was Jin accepting the trade. I thought he was the kind of (unique) guy in this series that saw the dragons totally as persons, with Kazuki being the extreme opposite. But I guess Jin isn't that different after all.
    Last edited by Kraco; Thu, 11-22-2007 at 05:41 PM.

  17. #57
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    He may have a plan if he gets over his emoness to get both Gio and Toa back providing they all stop acting like jackasses.

    Plus Gio seems like the kind of guy that would punch Kazuki in the gut saying "fuck you".......oh wait that's already happened, So I expect Kazuki to go into rampaging self-cutting session with those scissors, b/c his entire attitude is completely illogical..
    Last edited by Knives122; Fri, 11-23-2007 at 10:11 AM.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  18. #58
    Yeah Kazuki is just plain crazy. I loved how Akira commented on the absurdity of his new emo hairdo.

    As to the transfer Jin could have handled the situation better if he'd just said "Hey Gio, will you listen to this douche bag if it means Toa won't get dissected?". As far as I know Gio does whatever he wants and Jin has no actual hold over him. Kaszuki needs to understand that Gio hates him just like everyone else because he's a worthless waste of space. Then he can go cry to Widow (who is a thousand times too awesome for him) and cut himself more.

    The one plot related aspect of the episode bears discussion, what is Toa's mission? Who is the everyone that she is supposed to get together? My theory is that she wants to get the body of the Dragon the ISDA has and she turned herself in in order to get close to it.

  19. #59
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I thought her mission was to collect all the dragons and take them away from Earth. Well, she hasn't yet manifested a power she could use to win over the tamed, typical dragons but who knows. Maybe it's just to take away the unborn ones. Or the corpse like you said, especially if it's somehow related to the eggs and not just a piece of dead meat. Although the flashback seemed to indicate the eggs are randomly scattered in the ocean(s).

  20. #60
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    What is Toa's mysterious mission?

    Episode 9 - Infinite-Zero

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