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Thread: Dragonaut ~The Resonance~

  1. #21
    This anime is alright. I find it a bit corny, but I think Im going to stick with it.

  2. #22
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    In agreement with Carnage. A pretty slow start, what with the large amount of character intros and kind-of slow-paced story. I'll be sticking with this show for now.

  3. #23

  4. #24
    Episode was recalled, there should be a v2 soon.

  5. #25

  6. #26
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I most sincerely hope Jin won't turn Shinji-emo now that he saw the chick is a dragon in fact. Even if it was just after he learned it was a dragon who destroyed the shuttle killing his family. I know it'd be a lot to take even for a real person, but still I hope he has guts to accept it like a man.

    If he breaks down, starts to hate Toa and takes 5 episodes to recover, I honestly don't know if I can bear that... Well, it's not like the game was yet lost, of course. The next ep will be the moment of truth.

  7. #27
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Whether to rise or to fall; it's time to decide here and now:

    Episode 3 - Infinite-zero

  8. #28
    Oh god this is corny. It's like Zoids but makes less sense. Organic people -> Inorganic machines? There has to be some type of line in anime where these ideas just get plain silly when the series in question is serious and trying hard to look badass but failing miserably. (IE not Gurren Lagann or for example comedy). I'd say it's even cornier than Zoids.

  9. #29
    ^Correction: Organic people ---> Inorganic DRAGON machines.

    3rd episode meanders around accomplishing very little. Its a shame since the first episode seemed to have so much promise.

  10. #30
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I thought this was a unique series where the main character drowns in the third episode, but then I watched the preview and it seems he's still alive and well and only washed to the shore.

    But this Jin fellow surely is kind of slow to grasp things.

  11. #31
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    i thought this was going to be about space or mecha or... well, not what it seems to be...

    watched the first episode. I like it so far. Has fanservice for every type: lots of scantily clad chicks with titties like elbows, a lesbian couple, an apparently gay duo of bishounen, naked dude getting science experiment tentacled... In fact, the majority of the 'framed shots' focused almost awkwardly on the characters bodies or faces (as opposed to where they are in terms of their surroundings)

    well, i'm on board

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  12. #32
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    At least there's some space for Masa now:

    Episode 4 - Infinite-Zero

    - - - - - - -

    This was actually a promising episode. Granted, there were some dodgy details like the ages old "bash the keypad and the locked door opens against all lock designing logic" cliche, but the grand idea of Jin and Gin's little plot was quite nice. I don't know how exactly Jin was able to do what he did (or know all that), but if you forget such things, he performed in a cool manner. I guess he really wants his woman back...

  13. #33
    and the dragons are organic... i kinda like this story so far.

  14. #34
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    so i sat down with some pleasure to watch episode 3 and I get a what the hell?

    i mean, i was looking forward to seeing how they did the dragon battle (as i thought the fighting between Toa in her human form and all those enemies was pretty cool) and it turns into silliness! Instead of slowly building up the coolness of the variety of dragons and their riders, they just throw them all out there in a cheesy Power Rangers Transformation sequence, then have most of them floundering around in the air with a few random attacks that arbitrarily hit or miss...

    In short, the dragon battle was an epic failure, I felt. The coolest parts of the episodes were with the ISDA commander and the freaky chick on the submarine. At least that felt like something important going on wasn't getting addressed in cliched half awake sleep walking fashion...

    and the one character I was hoping something for, Jin's friend, collapses at the sight of his boy-crush dragon flying off with Jin on it, like some spoiled grade schooler whose friend has gotten their hands on a gift at his birthday party.

    this episode failed so hard that i'm seriously considering stopping right now.

    also, when Jin is supposedly riding on Gio's back and not falling off, and he reaches out to touch Toa, HOW THE FUCK IS THAT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN?!?! I mean, he's riding on a huge fucking dragon, and he can just reach out next to him with his maybe two foot reach and touch the other huge dragon? How fucking close were they flying together?

    and don't even get me started on the Dragonauts "piloting" their conscientious, somewhat machine, somewhat flesh dragons...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  15. #35
    It's a show about giant enemy dragons sent to earth by a 'star' that came into the Solar System from who knows where, destroyed Pluto and then just sort of stopped and took on its orbit. Somehow, copies of these alien enemy dragons have been secretly reverse engineered and cultivated by human technology and these copies (as well as the originals apparently) can transform into humanoids with supernatural powers. Yes this all makes perfect sense....

    If the law of the conservation of mass doesn't have to be obeyed (Toa does little damage to buildings when she hits or lands on them in human form, indicating her human form does not posess the mass/momentum of her dragon form) why would you think a silly little thing like the axiom 'Two bodies can't inhabit the same space at the same time' (I don't know that this has been proven anyway) would hold.

    I'm not saying it's not absurd but this whole show is completely based on absurdity...if you are going to be annoyed by breaches of physics you should just drop it.

    Plus, the piloting things seems completely feasible if they are directly taping into the nervous system of the dragons (assuming they have nervous systems of course)

    Anyway, episode 4 was interesting, apparently Gio is supposed to be bound to Jin's friend yet he's able to ignore him and the girl dragon seems to be very interested in being free as well.

  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    If the law of the conservation of mass doesn't have to be obeyed (Toa does little damage to buildings when she hits or lands on them in human form, indicating her human form does not posess the mass/momentum of her dragon form) why would you think a silly little thing like the axiom 'Two bodies can't inhabit the same space at the same time' (I don't know that this has been proven anyway) would hold.
    i'm not entirely sure i've seen a show where anyone cares about the conservation of mass (maybe except TTGL... somewhat). but you're going a little too far with the Toa thing.

    imo, the dragon battles are lame (maybe because of the CGI), but the story I find interesting. episode 4 was kinda good

  17. #37
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Premises can be forgiven, that is anime. But if people start accepting that simply because the premise is based on fantasy that anything absurd that happens after that is acceptable, then its the end for all good anime.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  18. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    If the law of the conservation of mass doesn't have to be obeyed (Toa does little damage to buildings when she hits or lands on them in human form, indicating her human form does not possess the mass/momentum of her dragon form) why would you think a silly little thing like the axiom 'Two bodies can't inhabit the same space at the same time' (I don't know that this has been proven anyway) would hold.
    although I don't necessarily like the show... (episode 3 ruined it for me.... The Dragon Jet Machines were pretty terrible IMHO)

    an excuse for Toa maintaining the mass of her Dragon form could be that her human form is super dense and expands when she turns into a dragon? Think of how a Neutron Star forms in reverse... lol...yeah its reaching far into the land of BS...

    |New Signature 3.0!! Simon now has star glasses..... and lost a lot of my respect......R.I.P. Simon without lame glases...

  19. #39
    I didn't really want to drag this into a physics discussion but what the hell it's fun. The weirdness doesn't come from her mass it comes from her apparent momentum. Even if she was super dense she would still crush buildings when landing on them in human form because of her huge dragon mass. The scene where she got knocked into the ground in dragon form showed a more believable effect on the surroundings when that much mass hits something moving at a decent speed. But when she was roof hopping with Jin she didn't seem to disturb the buildings at all. I don't have any problems with bent or broken laws of physics in anime (it's magic is more than enough of an explanation), but a broken law is still a broken law.

  20. #40
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Nah. Laws weren't broken. I suspect the explanation is simple matter-energy conversion. When she transforms to the human form, the extra mass (matter) of the dragon form is stored as energy inside some special cell organelles (which of course also explains why the human form can perform such tricks that no man could even dream of, like hopping from one building to another hundreds of meters at a time). Then when she reverts back to the original dragon form, she just converts the energy back into matter. Simple, elegant, and above all explains everything.

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