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Thread: Dragonaut ~The Resonance~

  1. #1
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Dragonaut ~The Resonance~

    A Gonzo series for this fall. I've heard some good comments on it and it looks pretty cool.


    Quote Originally Posted by Wiki
    Twenty years prior to the series' beginning, an asteroid headed for Earth destroys Pluto. Due to Pluto's destruction, the asteroid, which is dubbed Thanatos, becomes temporarily stagnant. Facing impending destruction, the International Solarsystem Development Agency (ISDA) creates a secret weapon called the "Dragonaut" after finding a dragon egg under the ocean. This weapon's primary purpose is to destroy the asteroid when the time comes. However, they soon find out that the asteroid is not their only threat, as powerful dragon-like creatures, which are bent on destruction, appear on Earth.

    After witnessing a murder by one of the creatures, Jin Kamishina, a lonely 18-year-old boy who lost his family in a shuttle accident two years ago, gets involved in the mysteries of the dragons and becomes the chosen pilot of the Dragonaut. Helping him on his journey is Toa, a mysterious girl who saves him from falling to his death after the creature attacks him. As they get deeper into the mysteries of the dragons, they encounter new friends and enemies, and also begin to develop a closer relationship.
    Official site

  2. #2
    Really hesitant when it comes to anime or games with Dragon in the title, or dragon as a main focus of the story. Anyways, the art looks pretty good. Hopefully it'll be decent atleast.

  3. #3
    will give this one a shot!

  4. #4
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I share much of Animus's sentiment, but it wouldn't hurt to give this one a try. I love dragons as much as the next guy but far too often they get really poor treatment in fiction. Still, the last sentence of the description makes me want to have a look at this show, dragons at the center or not.

  5. #5
    Saw some screen-shots of the first episode and it looks pretty good so far. Wonder who will pick it up.

    "If you don't shut up.... I'll introduce your mouth to my fist." - Zetsubou Sensei

  6. #6
    It has "dragon" in the name but isn't this show more about mecha?

  7. #7
    No dragons from what I seen.

    "If you don't shut up.... I'll introduce your mouth to my fist." - Zetsubou Sensei

  8. #8
    Raw is out, by S^M

  9. #9
    First episode by Infitine-Zero:[I-Z]Dragonaut%20%20The%20Resonance%20%2001%20(2B5C5BAF )%20.mp4.torrent

  10. #10
    At the very beginning of the episode the guys seem to be a bit on the metro side of things almost leading you to believe that this is going to be some sort of Yaoi and then a few minutes later.....


    It's Shōnen :P

    Not bad for the first episode. I have always been biased toward shows with high production quality (not just nice key frames but quality fill animation as well) and overall the quality of the animation is what is expected of Gonzo. The Storyline is interesting enough to let me watch a few more episodes without having to rely solely on graphical eye candy.

    Glad another anime with potential came along to fill the void of the good ones that have ended.

    **Edited Swapped Yuri <--> Yaoi
    Last edited by AbstractTheorem; Sat, 10-06-2007 at 03:40 PM.

    |New Signature 3.0!! Simon now has star glasses..... and lost a lot of my respect......R.I.P. Simon without lame glases...

  11. #11
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah, the beginning was indeed interesting in how it depicted the friendship between the two guys. It certainly gave some yaoi vibes. However, I think it was just trying to emphasize in a short time (scene) that they were good friends. Although the fact Kamishina's sister first referred to the other guy as his girlfriend (well, sort of referred in such a way) didn't actually lessen the impression.

    But rest of it was decent enough. Hard to say yet much of the characters and what they are like. Not to mention what the monster is or the communicator. Well, Jin and the communicator girl seem to be well in sync which is good enough for me for now. Now we only need to see some dragons to get things rocking...

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by AbstractTheorem
    At the very beginning of the episode the guys seem to be a bit on the metro side of things almost leading you to believe that this is going to be some sort of Yuri and then a few minutes later.....


    It's Shōnen :P

    Not bad for the first episode. I have always been biased toward shows with high production quality (not just nice key frames but quality fill animation as well) and overall the quality of the animation is what is expected of Gonzo. The Storyline is interesting enough to let me watch a few more episodes without having to rely solely on graphical eye candy.

    Glad another anime with potential came along to fill the void of the good ones that have ended.
    You mean Yaoi, Yuri are for female + female relations.

    Anyways, the animation is pretty high. Hot babes and huge tits everywhere are always a huge plus.

    Pretty decent so far, but telling from the OP you can't tell if this is gonna be a mecha anime or not.

  13. #13
    im waiting for the doujins to come out

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    You mean Yaoi, Yuri are for female + female relations.

    Anyways, the animation is pretty high. Hot babes and huge tits everywhere are always a huge plus.

    Pretty decent so far, but telling from the OP you can't tell if this is gonna be a mecha anime or not.
    Yeah my bad I always screw up the distinction between those two definitions in my head edited post to change it

    |New Signature 3.0!! Simon now has star glasses..... and lost a lot of my respect......R.I.P. Simon without lame glases...

  15. #15
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Well, I don't like the art (I hated Witchblade's too), but the cast seems pretty solid, the fanservice factor is high, and I'm confused more than enough. This definitely warrants a few more episodes.

  16. #16
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    Dragonaut - the Resonance ~ Episode 1 ~ avi ~ Shinsen Subs

    Shinsen throws their hats in, as always, into the fansubbing ring. I don't know much about the other group, Infinite Zero, so I'm holding off commiting to either group until I compare their work.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  17. #17
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    The plot is really not yet showed in the first episode. theres too many characters with little introduction. Its a little confusing but it makes you want to watch the next episode. can't wait!

  18. #18
    I'd watch the next episode just for the massive amounts of huge tit fanservice alone.

  19. #19
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    @ saki's house playing mahjong


    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    I'd watch the next episode just for the massive amounts of huge tit fanservice alone.
    And yes ofcourse that too.

  20. #20
    Downloading. I have high hopes for good mindless viewing and perhaps even quality story. Also, I'd watch anything where the lead character's name is "Jin Kamishina." Especially if he has a grandfather bent on world domination named "Heihachi Kamishina."

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