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Thread: Bleach 143

  1. #1

  2. #2
    That was quick...

  3. #3
    no replies yet?

    i loved this episode... Grimmjow was just plain awesome.

  4. #4
    Just finished watching it.

    Great to see Grimmjow back, though it was kind of expected. Also expected was the treatment of Luppi, though that didn't make it any less enjoyable

    Good ep. Nice to see the the Dad's getting involved again. Interesting to hear that Ichigo's dad had apparantly lost his powers. Wonder how that happened. Seems as though him and Ishida's dad have a friendship as well, which is pretty cool.

    Would love to see those two and Urahara in action.

  5. #5
    great episode,i love it when they take us deep in the story and know more about the characters.great to see ichigo's dad again and also ishida's,i'd like to know more about them and their relation with Urahara (may be when Urahara starts living in the real world they knew eachother,i don;t know) also i'd like to see what Urahara will do with ichigo's friends,will they just leave or figure that they have hidden powers also which would be great.and of course the part of grimmJaw and Aizen was awsome.
    in conclusion Bleach kicks Naruto's ass.

  6. #6
    On the story itself, it was a bit lame of Grimmjow to be estatic like he was. Sure, he is back as an Espada, but screaming out that he is number 6 again just kind of showed lack of ambition in my opinion. I mean, what would the other Espada who are higher than him think? They would still see him as someone they could kill if they wanted to, only more pathetic with his outburst.

    Urahara sneaking in to the hospital was quite funny.

    Also, just noticed that Ichigo's dad seems to have part of a Captain's cloak attached to his shinigami kimono. Could there be a possible link between that and him saying that his powers are back more or less?
    Last edited by DB_Hunter; Wed, 10-03-2007 at 11:30 PM.

  7. #7
    ANBU Nai's Avatar
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    Aw, my pretty Luppi is dead. I knew he had it coming considering we already saw his unleashed form in his very first fight... and then there's the unfortunate fact that he was my favorite Arrancar so far. Characters I like have a habit of dying all too quickly. At least he went out with quite the fatality delivered by the renewed badass Grimmjow.

    I liked this episode and Ryūken is totally hot. More of him, please!
    / No, you warrant no villain's exposition from me.

  8. #8
    Luppi ate a punch and a point-blank Cero. Then turned to ash.
    End of the fight, short but delicious.

  9. #9
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Orihime did what few others of the gang so far have managed to do: Get an Espada killed. It's a pretty good start, I should say, for someone who was pretty much labeled as unfitting for fighting. Such irony. But then again, there are many ways to fight, like Aizen himself has proven in the past.

  10. #10

    Possible Ichigo Dad Theory?

    Well it seems Ichigos father had at one point lost his powers. And now magicly has them back. Reminds me of......Ichigo. Here is what I think happened.

    Ichigos Father came to Earth as a Shinigami, saw Ichigos mom, and fell in love. Went to his long time friend Urahara and Urahara had a way to turn him into a human. (With use of a Gaigai just like how he tried to turn Rukia into a human)

    They live happily together until a Hollow kills his wife. He goes to Urahara again and wants his powers back cause hes pissed. We know Urahara can do this cause he helped Ichigo find his lost powers. So he gets thrown into a pit just like Ichigo.

    So under this possibility Ichigo's dad might be a form of Vizard as well. Dont know if this is actually the case, but we already know that Urahara can turn a Shinigami into a human and vise versa.

  11. #11
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    The only way Ichigo's dad would become a Vizard in that instance is if he didn't escape the pit until the very last moment like Ichigo did(assuming thats even why Ichigo is a Vizard).

    Something tells me a guy that was once a really powerful Shinigami would get out of the pit with time to spare.

    Haha, and fuck Luppi! Grimmjow is back!

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Orihime did what few others of the gang so far have managed to do: Get an Espada killed. It's a pretty good start, I should say, for someone who was pretty much labeled as unfitting for fighting. Such irony. But then again, there are many ways to fight, like Aizen himself has proven in the past.
    Orihime wasn't really labeled unfit for fighting so much as Urahara wanted to keep her out of the action because he knew how special her skills were, and that they would attract the attention of Aizen as they did. I would assume if her skills are that desirable, that with some training she could become a fairly decent fighter.

  13. #13
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Not really. Even though I wrote that, I still doubt Orihime would have what it takes to try to manipulate knowingly the arrancars to kill each others, even though she might have real chances to do it (since an Espada member might be able to rise in ranks by defeating those above himself, it would be quite a temptation to try if the attacker knew he could get any wounds fixed instantly and perfectly after a succesful attack). Her greatest weakness in fights is what we saw right from the beginning: She hesitates to attack and wound her opponents. Not all people have the cold will to harm others, ever.

  14. #14
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    i can't tell what Inoue is thinking... She goes 'I wonder if I'll make the fighting worse by healing the evil guys when they get hurt?' but then goes on to say something about how if she can keep the Arrancar occupied until the winter...? Is she scheming something, or just being a stupid, weak woman?

    damn, I liked Luppi too... (although he was a bit annoying in this episode.)

    I guess we found out that Grimmjow is left handed!

    The explanation of Inoue's ability made me lol. Aizen was like "basically, it's a deus ex machina to realize whatever the hell we want done from a defense / rehabilitation angle". So then, if Inoue simply believes that, say, her shield can stop a point blank Cero from an Espada, she can do it? That is, maybe her 'weakness' so far is her inability to reject reality, which should be decreased by hearing Aizen's explanation that basically she can freaking change it to whatever she wants...

    I was surprisingly content with Tatsuki, Keigo and the other kid's role in this episode. Urahara made me chuckle a few times too. The scene were the three were travelling to Hueco Mundo felt lackluster to me. I did like the part where Ishida blurts out to Urahara that he'll go to save Inoue on his own; developing that love connection after all.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    The explanation of Inoue's ability made me lol. Aizen was like "basically, it's a deus ex machina to realize whatever the hell we want done from a defense / rehabilitation angle". So then, if Inoue simply believes that, say, her shield can stop a point blank Cero from an Espada, she can do it? That is, maybe her 'weakness' so far is her inability to reject reality, which should be decreased by hearing Aizen's explanation that basically she can freaking change it to whatever she wants...

    Aizen : Inoue is a big breasted undo button.

    I think I got it right.

  16. #16
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Well, you could say modern composite armor is capable of stopping anything from handguns to HEAT to nukes. You just need enough of it. I think in a similar manner Inoue could then theoretically stop any attack but it's a totally different matter if her reiatsu level and willpower will allow that. So, it's only theoretical, not practical.

  17. #17
    ANBU saman's Avatar
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    i find it really odd that ichigo's dad is a shinigami, apparently used to be one before too, and has a captain's cloak and everything, but when ichigo first went to the soul society, no one recognized his last name.

  18. #18
    Because people can't have the same surname and possibly not be in the same family amiright?

  19. #19
    If you check ep 41 in the SS arc, the bit where Ukitake and Byakya are talking about Ichigo infront of them, I'm sure that's a reference to Ichigo's dad.

  20. #20
    ANBU saman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    Because people can't have the same surname and possibly not be in the same family amiright?
    well, sure, in real life. but in anime? and even in real life, there's some recognition. like, "hey, are you related to ol' whatshisface?"

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