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Thread: Manga: Inuyasha

  1. #1
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Manga: Inuyasha. Final chapters is out.

    I have no idea why we don't have one of these yet.
    it's big, ongoing and easy to get (#lurk has every volume so far).
    So why don't we have an Inuyasha discussion thread?

    anyway, 522 is out, all Inuyasha fans (are there any?) get it, read it, and post something.

    yes, it's over.
    Last edited by Death BOO Z; Thu, 06-19-2008 at 12:55 PM.

  2. #2
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oh, it's still ongoing? So the anime stopped... just because. I thought the manga author had died or something.

  3. #3
    Never got into the series, seemed to... how should I say it? Trivial I guess? I did try hard to try and get into it, but it just never happened =/

  4. #4
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Kraco, Rumiko will never die, she's only 50...
    I always thought that Inuyasha had at least as much fans as the other ongpoing series (Eyeshield, PoT, etc...), plus it has many fans who got to knew it from their domestic TV...
    maybe that's the problem, that the big fans of inuyasha aren't fans of anything else, so you hardly see them outside thier home forum...

    never mind that, discussion:

    Sessy new sword, what do you guys think about it? (i'm talking to all the silent/dead readers)
    I think it's weird that it came out of his body (like Inuyasha's blade) but isn't made of thier fathers fang... does anyone else think it's weird?

  5. #5
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    523 out.. go read it, and if you don't get what's going on, read the 522 chapter prior to it...

    anyway, a Kiss, and not in flashback mode, or a movie, or between 3rd rate charecters.. it hardly happens in this manga...

    anyone foolish enough to believe someone's about to die? I sure as hell a'int... Kagome will pop out her super saiyan form in no time, and finish the far too long part of the storry where she's completly useless (or just pop out a life saving attack, and forget about it next chapter)...

    last, can someone explain Sess's new sword attack? I can't figure if it's elemental based or it's attack pataren...

  6. #6
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    i love how DBZ is the sole poster in this thread (content wise)

    I have yet to read any of the manga. in a way its daunting... 500+ chapters ! but at the same time that means that if i had time i could just read chapter after chapter until i needed to stop; not until the next weeks chapter comes out.

    having seen the anime all the way through it will be a little hard for me to accept that they just 'ended' teh anime...

  7. #7
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    I don't mind, I was the sole poster (more or less) at the MAR thread for a few months...

    Actually, the Manga isn't 'hard' to read... you don't need to think about whats going on, just to read the next chapter, so if yo liked the charecters and the series premise, you'll just love it.
    espically the post-anime chapters...

  8. #8
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    528 is so fun....

    remember Dragon Ball Z, when cell is supposdly blown up and dead, but then there's bad music and Trunks goes down. almost as fun.

    also, a supposdly dead charecter might be alive, and this time, we didn't see it coming.

  9. #9
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    I got bored of the Anime and I definately won't read the Manga. Only cause it's taken so freaking long to kill that guy Naraku? 168 episodes later and he's still alive.

    He should have died, The jewel put back together as a whole, all by episode 90. Then the series would have been good. It's like a non-ending "OMG there's Naraku!" then "Naraku>OMFG I got run before they kill me."

    I'm happy the creator ended the anime and stopped torturing people with it's same story line every episode.

    No offense to any Inuyasha fans here. :/

  10. #10
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    non taken (until proven otherwise, i'm the only inuyasha fan here).

    I like Naraku as a villian, he's a coward and doesn't want to get himself hurt again, and he spends as much time leveling up as a CRPG charecter...
    he attacks when he thinks he can win, and when Inuyasha gets an awsome new ability, Naraku escapes to save his hide, a true role moder to us all.

  11. #11
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    I'm a former Inuyasha fan, the manga ended for me when Kagura died, it was bearable up until that point and it all went downhill from there. Inuyasha himself is a horrible character and the Tessaiga or however it is you spell it just keeps getting too many ridiculous abilities and Rumiko refuses to develop the other characters and its way too late to do so now. Inuyasha is just one cliché after another and it doesn't measure up to other currently ongoing mangas.

    The anime mercifully ended when it did, before any thing too horrible happened, but because of that the fanbase really dwindled and the manga really isn't attracting any new fans.

    Inuyasha is way past its prime and really should've tried to end on a good note, but that opportunity came and went a long time ago and I really don't know why they are continuing to draw it out.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  12. #12
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    wow, it's been fuckin' 527 chapters, and they've finally finished one plot line..

    go read all about it 529, or have it summed into two sentences by someone who has read it already.

    oh, and it seems that for once, Kikyo is still dead.

  13. #13
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    what the hell?
    we gave up Kagura for this?

    I thought that at least the final battle would depend more on Inuyasha's charecter and resolution, rather than some out-of-the-ass weapon upgrades...
    unless we're about to get a flashback about how Inuyasha's father predicted the future and planned the fight long ago.

    DBZombie, sole rumiko-fanboy in the gotwoot forum.

  14. #14
    Right Inu Yasha.... I had almost forgot about this series. So which volume should I start buying if I want to continue where the Anime left off? Will there be a new anime continuation any time soon?

  15. #15
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    well, so you all heard the rumors, it's ending next week. at chapter 558?
    what kind of way is it to end something? 550 is good, 555 is great, 560 is also acceptable. but 558? holy buddha, someone smoked pot.

    anyway, the main problem is still there, I think it'll go the 'Fire-tripper' solution, which will be pretty dissapointing.
    like the rest of the ending, which was so dilluted that nobody even cared.

    heck, the villian gets killed and I don't even re-read the chapter, something must be wrong.
    I'll have a more detailed summary of the series when the final chapter will really be out. next week, time sure passes slowly.

  16. #16
    So boo,

    If one were to want to start reading the Inuyasha manga from where the anime left off where would you recommend they start from?

    Hypothetically of course.

  17. #17
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    damn, I was scared to look... fear of spoilers...

    anyway, from ear-tweak

    The final anime episode aired on September 13, 2004 in Japan, for a total of 167 episodes for its original run. This episode covered material from the manga in chapters 345-356 (volume 35-36), roughly, with a few changes here and there.

    So i'd recomend starting at volume 30 to get the hang of stuff, anyways, the main diffrence is the introduction of moryamaru (Naraku-made demon) and it's connection to the guy with the jar on his hand.
    hey, it's been 200 chapters, how am I' supposed to remember the correct spelling?

  18. #18
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    well, it's over. finally, twleve long years, not too shabby, eh?
    everybody gets a cameo (expect Kouga, but no one cared about him), and everybody is exactly where we thought they'd be...
    but it's nice, I only wish I could say something better than nice... it's basically lukewarm ,midway, not quite 'there'.

    There was no confrontation between Kikyo and Kagome, the final battle was boring, I really wanted the series to end with something special...

    (by the way, it went down the fire-tripper path, if anyone knows what I mean.)

    edit: I've been through the [freelance] forums, and i've read the chapter a couple more times, and I'm slightly drunk, so here's a bit more:

    Some people say that the Kimono that Sesshomaru brings Rin is the same pattern that Kagura wore. if true, it's great since Kagura was one of the highlights of the story. But I can't see the point of it, whether it's true or not.
    I also liked the panel where Kagome and her Mom are speaking atop of the well (page 22) some things are best left unsaid (of course, most things better be said).
    Souta saying that Kagome left to get married is also nice, though it means that she'll never return to modern times ever again. but they've come accept it.

    everything else isn't what I hoped for...
    I wanted something bittersweet. not a sugar covered candy.
    or at least something definte with between Kagome and Inuyasha, something that we have yet to see, it doesn't have to be a kiss between them, but a sign of affection that we haven't seen before, or even a hint that they'll advance thier realtionship.

    Miroku and Sango: I wanted them to end up happy and together. but not like this, I hoped that they'll be still somewhat supporting eachother, they were both orphaned and required comfort in 'family', so I wanted them to overcome that, and be happy with just one another. the last thing I thought would happen is a 'tradional' lifestyle. the man works, the woman delivers baby after baby and takes care of them, it's like 2.4 kids and a dog (demon cat\fox).

    Shippo: get over it. shippo should've finished being a lousy kid by now, he doesn't need them anymore to replace his dad, he should've started working towards that goal on his own, he has been pretending to be an adult the entire series, he should either act like one, or admit he isn't.

    Keada: she should've died\retired volumes ago.

    Sesshomaru, Jaken, Rin and Kohaku. I really wanted to see them traveling together, as an alteranate inu-gang. at least somethibg refering to the two kids (Rin won't get to be head Miko, since Kagome replaces her as priestess), and Kohaku only picks up the magical chainin Schye becuase Sango can't fight anymore for the clan. so kohaku has to upgrade his weapon and take over.
    I wish we would get a scene that Kohaku trains under Sesshomaru to protect Rin, or under Inuyasha, to protect Sango..

    overall. I wanted something more closed, or at least private. in the end. there are still the same five people as there were in the original.

    more rantings tomomrow, when Im L'ess drunk.
    Last edited by Death BOO Z; Thu, 06-19-2008 at 06:26 PM.

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