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Thread: Bleach OVA's

  1. #1

    Bleach OVA's

    How many Ova's does bleach have? and can i ask for their titles?

  2. #2
    None? There's a movie out, but no OVA's as far as I know.

  3. #3
    There are 3 if not mistaken, the Jump Festas:

    Jump Festa Anime Tour 2004 - Memories in the Rain
    Jump Festa Anime Tour 2004 - Gotei 13 Omake
    Jump Festa Anime Tour 2005 - The Sealed Sword Frenzy

  4. #4
    Genin Darth Arrow's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Two or three, depending on how you count. The Gotei 13 Omake is basically just a bonus shown after Memories in the Rain OVA in a similar manner to Shinigami Golden etc. after the TV-series. Lunar's release of Memories in the Rain also includes Gotei 13 Omake. The Sealed Sword Frenzy is the other one.

  5. #5
    Ah i see Thanks!

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