View Poll Results: Would you follow anime if you saw Shippudden before the original series?

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  • Yes, I would still watch the anime

    30 39.47%
  • No, its crap

    46 60.53%
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Thread: Poll: Would you watch Shippudden...

  1. #21
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    i think this thread brings up a good question. To some people, the Naruto anime ended almost two years ago. Those who waited for Shippuuden with baited breath were expecting something, and then the studio went out and declared that Shippuuden would be a brand new series, if only for marketing gimmick effect.

    So then, it's not unfair for us to be judging Shippuuden's worth so far as it's own series. Personally, it takes a great deal of things for granted. The missing backstory is not the biggest hole, to me it's the fact that Shippuuden simply assumes you know all about chakra, jutsu and the general makeup of the world. In a way, this starkly contradicts the idea of making this a brand new series...

    Also, a place to vent about Shippuuden, which I can rather safely say has disappointed more than it has impressed so far, is somewhat due considering the collective sufferring through filler hell and the general anticipation, just to be brought this.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  2. #22
    Good question. If I was still the complete anime noob I was when I first started watching Naruto and I was introduced to Shippuden instead, I think I would at least give it a try in the hopes of seeing the scene that opened episode 1. But I don't think I would have stuck it out this long since it took them 27 episodes to offer even a hint that that scene might be coming up (a hint that you'd have to have seen the original to even pick up). Even as I am now, I don't think Shippuuden would have kept me watching this long if I didn't already know what was going to happen and when it was going to happen (or at least when I thought it would happen, since they seem intent on pushing things back as much as they possibly can).
    Last edited by Yukimura; Tue, 09-18-2007 at 09:43 AM.

  3. #23
    Naruto has gone down the craper once again, but this time it kinda hurts a little... because
    these episodes were all new, sort of.

    Before when Naruto when down the craper it was becuase of the season+more of Fillers which padded the time between the end of the Sasuke chase arc and the beginning of the time skip stuff. Then Fillers were clearly defined; for the most part fillers were single episodes or complete arcs, which were sub par, but could be avoided...not anymore.

    It seems that the new approach they decided upon was to WEAVE the filler directly into non filler episodes and in between non-filler episodes. Its vomitous what they have done to the show. If someone sat down with a video editor and all the Shippuuden episodes thus far I would be surprised if they could pull out more then 5 episodes worth of actual content.

    Before Sakura & Grandma's battle began, Grandma decided to tell the story ot the Kazekage who went missing.....3 seconds later.... her brother retold the the same episode. Now I mean I understand the flashback thing (although annoying) sometimes its needed/useful to remind the viewers of the story thus far.....but seriously same content two times in one episode

    In this most recent episode of filler awesomeness, they took 10 minutes to explain "the clones do not get tired". Realizing your own limitations and surpassing them is a common theme of this (and loads of other) anime, but being treated to "we have to get stronger" wisdom from Rock Lee afterwards.....well personally this was enough to give me that "time to delete all Naruto Shippuuden" feeling.

    Although these are just two examples of the filler "weaved" into non-filler episodes, just go back and watch a few episodes again, and you'll find a lot more examples.

    Its time to face facts, Naruto is never going to be like it was in it's prime, even the manga is at a loss for creativity....everything is beginning to feel recycled (i.e. Rasengan---> New move --> BIGGER RASENGAN ---> NEWER MOVE ---> BIGGER RASENGAN EXTRA!).

    Why is it happening? Greed compromising artistic values maybe? Masashi Kishimoto is just running out of ideas? I do not know, and honestly at this point, I don't know if I care; one thing is certain tho, I am done wasting my time waiting for something good to happen with Naruto; something good already did happen and it passed a long awhile ago.

    So if you couldn't figure out my answer to this poll by now, NO I wouldn't watch Shippuuden if I didn't watch the original seasons of Naruto; actually even with the connection of the original seasons, I am not watching Shippuuden anymore.
    Last edited by AbstractTheorem; Tue, 09-18-2007 at 12:15 PM.

    |New Signature 3.0!! Simon now has star glasses..... and lost a lot of my respect......R.I.P. Simon without lame glases...

  4. #24
    Honestly, I'm glad I started to read the manga as soon as fillers started...

    I don't want to bash shippuden, but :

    1. It has horrible music compared to original series.
    2. It has got worse look as well (I miss the studios that made eps like 30 or 66-67).
    If there were eps made by the above then - my bad, I must have missed it.
    3. They try to make it more mature but it ends up being cheap, predictable and comic (like "Sasuke-Kun!!!!!!!!!" x millions of times way).

    I could say 4. It's slow but I can understand that they don't want to catch up with the manga.

    Nevertheless -> they don't do their best to keep it top-notch anymore and that's sadly an undeniable fact

  5. #25
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    No. Right now its really damn crappy. Every aspect of it is far below the standards of the original Naruto. Honestly, I've completed very shitty series just cause I can't stop doing something once i've started it (including dbgt) and i've only ever stopped watching two series while midway (i'm about to drop kyou kara maou though). If i saw shippuden first, i'd definately drop it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Too many times I've now thought I'm watching it just for the old times sake. Still, as it is now, for the old times sake is enough to keep me watching. For now.
    Same thing for me. that and hoping that it will revert to its original glory.
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  6. #26
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    the first 30 episodes of the original series were simply the best....

    zabuza = very cool and touching
    sasuke vs ori. = cool animation.

    now for the shippudden part (28 episodes so far)

    puppet wars (100 vs 1000) = very cool

    well i cant remember anything else....hmmm,the whole part with deidara (did i spell it right) is cool too i kinda like the way he talks and speaks "baang" "hm hm"

    well but i for myself wouldnt have watched the original series after watching shippudden... we have to wait for like 4-5 weeks for something to happen...
    i believe the original series had more action in it.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
    Is the point of this topic to bash shippuudden, or is the point to evaluate going backwards on a series after starting at the new plotline?

    I think to more accurately answer DB_Hunter's question, I'd have to say that Shippuudden would be like DBZ as Naruto is to DB. That being said, I only really started with DBZ first...but that did get me interested in watching DB as well to catch the backstory (how oolong joined the group, goku and piccolo's rivalry, etc).

    Although, that's not to imply that I ever actually FINISHED the DB series...
    a bad example i think.
    in the naruto case, Naruto > Shippuuden, in Dragon Balls case, DBZ > DB
    i think the question is "if you start watching the shitty, but new series, would you go back and watch the Older but much better series?"
    i think that in the completely hypothetical situation where i had never watched Naruto, and i just picked up shipuuden, then i think i might just continue to watch Shipuuden, mainly because the concept would appeal to me, however the quality of shipuuden would probably make me hesitant to spend my limited bandwidth to download the 200+ episodes of the original Naruto.

  8. #28
    Just to clarify for all concerned, my question is would you continue to watch the current series if you had not seen the superior preceding series. However, anime_nomad throws up another interesting question of if you would actually watch the old series based on Shippudden.

    Personally I think this would come down to your experience of other shows. But going on the current quality I'm not sure. I guess I would ask the opinion of others to see is Naruto was better than Shippudden and then decide.

  9. #29
    No, no, and no. If I started watching Naruto and it was anywhere as near as bad as Shippuden is now, there's probably no way I'd continue watching the series.

    I'd probably never even grab the manga, because I'd be so turned off by its shittyness.

  10. #30
    A lot of the excitement comes from the fact that you're probably a fan of the old series. To be fair, the series has a new name, but it'd be the same as being introduced to a series in the middle of it. I agree that the pacing is slower than the original. I recently rewatched the original (stopping at the long block of filler) and the pacing is way better in the original.

  11. #31

  12. #32
    I'm still watching shippuden because i still put some hope for this series but i admit i'm disappointed with this series so far.
    Overall, it's so slow for me. They not create a suitable soundtrack like before especially during battle. There is no soundrack theme for each character. They use a same music for akatsuki and oro. With the series getting slow and the soundrack is not good enough, the series become so boring for me. I hope toshiro masuda will get his role in shippuden.
    What the best so far is battle between sasori and chiyo (puppet battle). What we can expect from battle between deidara and gaara since both of these two use a long range jutsu.

  13. #33
    Moderator Emeritus NM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    the first 30 episodes of the original series were simply the best....
    Correction, the first 130 (or however many it was before it went to filler mode for an entire year) were the best. I didn't even start reading the manga until Naruto went to the craphole with the fillers because the series beginning was just that good. The chuunin exam is by far my favorite arc thus far.

    I finally decided to give up on Shippuuden now too. These fillers the studio are making to give them more to work with on the anime suck. And not to mention that they even manage to screw up some of the actual content with long staring showdowns. Probably won't even archive Shippuuden like I'm doing with the original Naruto...I'll just watch and delete for now unless they manage to make Shippuuden as amazing as when Naruto first started.

    EDIT: I don't know why most of you guys hate the soundtrack but I don't think its that bad. Of course, it pales in comparison to Toshiro Masuda's work from before but I think Shippuuden's music is one good trait about the series. Everything else...not so much.
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  14. #34
    well, you cant actually compare "need to be strong" (i think it was that the name of the song...) against the crappy star wars clone

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