View Poll Results: Would you follow anime if you saw Shippudden before the original series?

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  • Yes, I would still watch the anime

    30 39.47%
  • No, its crap

    46 60.53%
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Thread: Poll: Would you watch Shippudden...

  1. #1

    Poll: Would you watch Shippudden...

    ... if you saw it before the original series?

    With the latest incarnation of shit in the form of "Clone Wars" in Shippudden, it is clear that many fans of the original series are dissapointed with what is happening with the anime right now.

    To highlight my point, consider the following. We are currently at episode 28 of Shippudden, and essentially still in the first arc. Not that the length of such an arc would be a problem in itself, but in this case it is as a lot of the episodes have been stuffed with fillers. This comes hot on the heels of over one and a half years of Naruto filler.

    In comparison, with the original series we were by now in to the second arc (Chunnin exams) which had followed on from the Zabuza & Haku arc. This arc had action, story with depth and kick ass music. We all know what happened in the Chunnin arc so no need to talk about the levels of action there.

    So vote and state your opinions. Personally, I wouldn't watch Naruto if Shippudden was introduced to me first.
    Last edited by DB_Hunter; Fri, 09-14-2007 at 06:15 PM.

  2. #2
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Probably not. It's moving way too slow.

  3. #3
    Actually, I think if people watched shippuden before the original naruto, they would enjoy it more. I mean, think about it: the early episodes were stuffed with flashbacks from the original series which were boring as hell to anyone who watched the original. The Sakura-Naruto-Kakashi fight was practically all filler, but it was interesting and it had decent action. The Gaara-Deidara fight was dragged out, which was slightly annoying, but it concluded in about a month's time. The clone fights have been really annoying, but we get to see cool stuff in-between, so people won't abandon the series completely.

    I think that new viewers who started at this point might not keep watching it though. If they started at the beginning of shippuden and got hooked, then they'd keep watching no matter what. Aside from the obvious filler material - the main complaint I have is that they raised expectations so high with the initial 5 minutes or so of Shippuden, that there was no way they could keep up that level of quality. Plus, the opening had nothing at all to do with the current arc. They just jumped in at an awkward point in a different arc, and then jumped right out again at an equally awkward point. Then the animation went way downhill. I would stop watching Naruto to punish them for the sorry state of affairs, but I'm such an addict I know it would be impossible. Ah well...

  4. #4
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    It's simply not that well made, too thin with decent animation, and the characters besides Sasori and Deidara are all constructions of past events, which doesn't interest me at all. In fact, I think there's some long-time Naruto fans that are dropping this thing.

    We didn't wait two and a half years through garbage fillers for mangling of canon material.

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  5. #5
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    I think that if somebody had not seen naruto before, and they just started fresh w\ shippuuden it would make them want to watch the original series. Since have read all of the manga, i agree with some other people that it is moving slow. But for people who don't read the manga I would assume that its just fine. The story line is still good and there is some good action going on. It is only going to get better (unless fillers start again)

  6. #6
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Interesting question.

    I guess to answer it though I'd have to ask in this hypothetical, does the original Naruto series not exist? Or does it exist and I simply haven't seen it?

    If Shippuden was the start of a new series, I would probably find it odd that in the first 25 episodes theres a battle that runs on for over 10.

    I mean, most entire anime series are over completely in less episodes than there's been of Shippuden now.

  7. #7
    I wouldn't. It's just crap how they drag things out, how the animation sucks almost every episode and how they stuff filler material in episodes where the real content is already stretched out way too far.

    And quite frankly, the storyline doesn't really interest me either. Maybe that would change if there'd be some progress in it though, but now, as Darthender says, we've seen practically nothing in 28 episodes, whereas in the original series we'd 8 episodes into the Chuunin exams.

  8. #8
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    I'm not even watching Shippuden now. Haven't watched it since episode 14.

    So "no". I only watch series that grab my attention and have reasonably good plot and pacing. If it takes me more than 1 episode to get hooked, or for anything interesting to happen, then it's not worth my time.

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  9. #9
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Impossible to say for sure, but if I had to make a guess, I don't think I'd be watching it. If the scenario is that I'd have only a slight idea what Naruto is and would watch Shippuuden as a totally new series. Too many times I've now thought I'm watching it just for the old times sake. Still, as it is now, for the old times sake is enough to keep me watching. For now.

  10. #10
    if you watched shippuden first you'd be pretty lost considering you're jumping in halfway through a series.

    you wouldn't know any of the characters, the plot, and side stories, or techniques. Shippuden isn't a 'new' series like so many ppl consider it. Its the same old naruto. Atleast DBZ had its own plot from ep 1. You didnt have to know anything from DB to watch DBZ, You can't do that with naruto.

  11. #11
    Hell no, i don't need prior exposure to the original series to know that Shipuuden is dragged out and highly saturated with filler material. The pacing of the story has gone to hell, and by episode 28, the original Naruto had tones of tear jerking, awesome ninja strategizing, moments that distinguished itself from other animes. The only thing that comes close to awesome so far in the series is Sasori, but he alone can't make up for all the stupidity of team gai, every fight they've been in has been pointless and idiotic so far.

  12. #12
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    I've already dropped Naruto since about episode 10 of Shippuden. This show has become a giant shytpie.
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  13. #13
    Shippudden is shit compared to the first ~70 episodes of the original series.

  14. #14
    i probably would. i'm a glutton for punishment, i guess.

  15. #15
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeathscytheVII
    Hell no, i don't need prior exposure to the original series to know that Shipuuden is dragged out and highly saturated with filler material. The pacing of the story has gone to hell, and by episode 28, the original Naruto had tones of tear jerking, awesome ninja strategizing, moments that distinguished itself from other animes. The only thing that comes close to awesome so far in the series is Sasori, but he alone can't make up for all the stupidity of team gai, every fight they've been in has been pointless and idiotic so far.
    *sigh* i really don't want to trash shippuuden because it has had so many awesome moments so far... but deathscythe has some extremely valid points. i still think that if i came upon shippuuden having never heard of naruto that i would want to watch the rest of the series as fast or faster than i did when i first got ahold of it. i read the manga up to 255 or so because i didn't have highspeed to dl the anime

  16. #16
    Honestly, no there is no way i'd still be watching. The only reason i'm still watching now is because i am foolishly holding on to the hope that they'll eventually return to pre-shippuuden greatness. Sadly all we've gotten so far is sub-par animation (barring 2 or 3 episodes that were made rather well. The first ep, Maybe the Gaara fight, and the Sasori fight are all that come to mind), horribly stretched and filler heavy episodes, not to mention a multitude of 2 week gaps between episode releases. If the original episodes of Naruto didn't exist and Shippuuden was a new series there is simply no way i'd still be watching, none.

    Quote Originally Posted by Super5
    I would stop watching Naruto to punish them for the sorry state of affairs, but I'm such an addict I know it would be impossible. Ah well...
    That and you know, the fact that our downloading it and watching it on the internet has zero bearing on their ratings or profits.

  17. #17
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    people that haven't read the manga dont usually have as keen an idea of what fillers are.

    even though the chiyo/sakura/sasori fight spanned 6-7 eps, it ended with a bang... best part of shippuuden yet. hopefully this week its back to kakashi and naruto

  18. #18
    I don't read the manga, but I'm still painfully aware of how stretched out the episodes are. It's usually fairly simply to tell whats filler in Naruto regardless because the writers are so terrible at making it.

  19. #19
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Is the point of this topic to bash shippuudden, or is the point to evaluate going backwards on a series after starting at the new plotline?

    I think to more accurately answer DB_Hunter's question, I'd have to say that Shippuudden would be like DBZ as Naruto is to DB. That being said, I only really started with DBZ first...but that did get me interested in watching DB as well to catch the backstory (how oolong joined the group, goku and piccolo's rivalry, etc).

    Although, that's not to imply that I ever actually FINISHED the DB series...
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  20. #20
    I watched DBZ first, albeit some of the arcs out of order. Saw one or two eps of DB and thought it was rubbish. DBGT was even worse.

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