I just got it this morning...But ive had to do other, work related stuff, so ill probably try it out within the next hour...TS TenTen FTW!!!
I just got it this morning...But ive had to do other, work related stuff, so ill probably try it out within the next hour...TS TenTen FTW!!!
I'll probably import this game after holidays...
Nice. I'll download it now. Just need to get my PS2 back. TS Sasuke and Sai FTW!!!
Maybe 4-tail Naruto? Anyways looks kickass.
Still playing RPG mode, trying to unlock all the chars. I'm also a little confused about the team up jutsus, but its a pretty solid game.
Mmm so far I don't think it's anything that special then again I never thought they were anything special in the first place, would have liked it more if they made a proper fighting game out of it that doesn't involve on attack button and all that. Now that would have been more fun or maybe it's just me, sure it's fun for a little while but it gets old too quick... maybe I'm just to picky about stuff like that and games these days
Yeah, I think you are just too picky about stuff like that and games because I'm the same way. That being said anime based video games for the most part are a bunch of crap, people by them because of how much they like the anime whether the game is any good or not.
I think the series established itself after the third game as a solid and unique fighting experience that just happens to be based on an anime. Personally I love this game, the Narutimate series are the only worthy naruto games out there in my opinion. I do have some problems with this one though.
Firstly how short it is, the story didn't go any further than the current anime arc which if it continues like this will be a big problem for me. I thought they were only going to do that with the first accel but apparently not, If they insist on the games having little or no spoilers and the anime keeps progressing at this slow place it will become a problem for me. I mean thus far two games covered a total of two arcs.
Other random complaints a few peoples fighting styles feel incomplete and the ougis have reached DBZ levels. Other than that the game overall is wonderful and beautifully well done, damn its good to have Sasuke back. What is up with hinata's second ougi, the rotation. She looks beautiful and all but it doesn't make sense not that the ougi's usually do but that one is really weird and why does she stick her chest out in the end.
Biggest complaint, the new support character system, yes its back and I'm happy about that. It adds another dimension to the fight and the ougis are nice and its way better than it was in the past but some people really abuse it.
Can't wait to get my own copy.
Dreaming impossible dreams.
Sapphire is awesome!
Mm my biggest grief with the games is still that it's a one button game and the lack of depth then again I'm more used to Guilty Gear so in my perspective the Naruto games have always been weak fighting games. It's one of those games you can just win by button mashing without thinking or anything a five year old could probably win over me in it with just button mashing and luck. True they are entertaining but seeing it's Naruto that has a ton of characters, different skills, weapons and variations it feels like it's a disappointment seeing the possibility's a Naruto fighting game has and sure the ougis are impressive to see once but man do they ever get so tired to watch. But to them it's probably better this way since it's a lot easier to play and get into since it's pretty simple, don't get me wrong I complain but it's not the worst game in existence or anything just feel it could have been so much better
Button bashing? rofl no if that was the case, the ppl i played against would actually beat me, so far i havent had a single loss, even when playing multiple times against the same person, because they simply don't have the game, i did loose once or twice when i added to my handicap.
oh and yeah, hinata is fucking amazing now