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Thread: Shakugan no Shana Second

  1. #201
    I'm sad, that was a pretty underwhelming end all told. The final battle didn't really feel like a climax, it felt like they'd just defeated another tough opponent without resolving anything story wise, which is pretty much what happened.

  2. #202
    Missing Nin
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    Jul 2003
    That ending was a complete failure. The only thing that can make a series worse then a Author being completely unwilling to kill a good guy is when they are unwilling to kill a bad guy as well and this showed exactly why thats such a waste.

    Frankly speaking the action in the Sabarac fight was WAY better then the action in this episode. On top of that in this entire series they accomplished next to nothing in the long run if you really look at it. Not a single major enemy died and nothing was resolved for good on the good guy side. Yes they made it look like Shanna choose Yuji in the end but not showing us the scene could easily mean it wasn't him but you know that dead twin his father mentioned when telling him his mom was pregnant. All this series did was give Yuji some combat training and unless I'm mistaken that is the only thing that happened worth mentioning. Every other thing that took place was left so open ended that frankly they could change it at the drop of a hat completely reasonably.Wait Hectate(SP) getting some emotions is another thing but I can't see why that really matters.

    I guess in the long run I'm just really disappointed in this series compared to what it could of been instead of a fast paced action show like season one we got a SLOWER then dirt passed slice of life series with a couple action episodes thrown in to keep us from deleting it. None of the mysteries this season asked turned out to be interesting in the long run. I'm just completely underwhelmed after watching that ending.

  3. #203
    The question still remains: what exactly is Silver? It clearly used to be a human and aside from that one second clip, nothing else was revealed about it.

    What a rip off.

  4. #204
    Wow that ending pretty much gaurenteed that we will see a 3rd season or some kind of movie. Seriously though this season as a whole has been one big letdown. They wasted half the season on Konoe/relationship development. Heck Konoe's relevance was summed up in 10 seconds by Hectate making it seem as though all her screen time was a waste. Margery has been looking for Silver all her life and everything we were shown had built him up to be some extreme baddie, but Yuji pokes him and he's done. You'd think Margery would get that honor but instead we knock her out before the fight even starts. Pheles just dissappeared and we don't even know the reason. The battle with Sabarac (which was the highlight of this season) was pretty much a waste as all it did was provide training for Yuji and Sabarac didn't even die. Bal Masque was also extremly lax. They did virtually nothing. Especially battlewise.

    As for the ending. I think Ike showed up in front of Yoshida as per the first opening. As for who showed up in front of Shana? Well the obvious choice would be Yuji but we'll have to wait to see if the writers will surprise us with something because they certainly didn't this season.

    Hopefully the next season will have the balance between action/drama that season 1 had.

  5. #205
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    The episode was interesting enough. Had the action to keep you seated, though they should have saved the Sabrac fight for this or something. I don't know what they're trying to do this second season. Maybe the writers were trying something new. Whatever it was, they should go back to what they did the first time. I'm surprised we didn't even get Bel Peol or the other fellow out fighting this time.

    BoC, how was it obvious that Silver was once human? The only clip I saw was the doves/pigeons in flight, and it looked like something that Konoe remembered. I thought it was because of the emotions she collected.

    Both fortunate, and unfortunately, I heard that the story gets better, and perhaps darker after this too. So, despite this rather unfulfilling ending, I'll be waiting for Season 3.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Wed, 04-02-2008 at 04:58 PM.

  6. #206
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    BoC, how was it obvious that Silver was once human? The only clip I saw was the doves/pigeons in flight, and it looked like something that Konoe remembered. I thought it was because of the emotions she collected.
    There was also a hand that reached out in the flashback. I don't know if Silver is running on Konoe's memories or not.

  7. #207
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    As I watched this final episode, I couldnt stop thinking "Card Captor Sakura". Dunno why...

  8. #208
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Yeah it was running on her emotions and the Reigi Meigo. So those emotions had a certain attachment to Yuuji. That's why it didn't fire at him. The doves were something that Konoe liked =\ But yeah the fight was lame. I was hoping it would be as Sabrac but man what a letdown.

  9. #209
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It was a strange ending. Too bad they didn't have the guts to sacrifice any characters. It would have made it a lot better. I mean, while keeping Yuuji and Shana alive is given (and Hecate, I guess), they would have had plenty of other people to kill in a dramatic manner. It would really have made a difference.

  10. #210
    They can't just go diverging the plot from the original source material for the sake of giving the second (but potentially not final) season of the anime a more satisfying's not like this is Claymore or something.

  11. #211
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I'm speaking from the position of one who hasn't read the original source material. So, maybe I should have said too bad the mangaka didn't have the guts to use a couple of characters for dramatic death scenes. You can't deny that a sudden but meaningful death of an old established character is one of the most emotionally powerful elements an author can include in a story. And this ending would have desperately needed something more powerful. Like has been said many times, it was totally shadowed by the awesome Sabrac fight earlier (which would have also retained its impact factor in the long run a lot better if Sabrac had had the decency to stay dead).

  12. #212
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    What was the point of Sabrac fighting anyway? To try to kill off the Flame Haze? They said his original objective was done, but we never got further than that.

  13. #213
    I agree with your sentiments Kraco, but not knowing how the next arc plays out in the novels (Shana is based on a series of Novels like Haruhi, not a manga) I'm inclined to blame this let down on fact that the novel they stopped at didn't have a particularly compelling ending. I have only heard rumors and whispers about the story after where this season stopped but I know the plot does go on and new strife is generated.

    We can only hope that a third season will bring us that strife.

  14. #214
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Fumina Konoe Strikes Back H264

    Fumina Konoe Strikes Back XviD

    There ya go. Fresh of Eclipse.

  15. #215
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It was a pretty good Shana-tan. I liked especially the parts with Sab-chan...

    It's also funny how Ayako Kawasumi as Yoshida's VA becomes far more obvious when she turns off the Yoshida cute mode for the darker scenes (when Yuuji isn't present).

  16. #216
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Hell yeah Sabrac the pimp.

    Who was that cannon again? I forgot his name. But they made him like he was about to cum and then fall asleep xD. I want more now D:

  17. #217
    Lol excellent Shana-tan. Sabrac's big Pimpin and Yoshida's random "let's kill her" moment were my favorites. Honorable mention to Shana's DBZ-Style Melonpan-ha.

  18. #218
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Hahaha, I almost forgot about the good Shanata material we get fed in between series. Bel Peol's whole style makes her a really convincing bartender/mama. And no one can argue about Sab-chan and his .44 Good stuff.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  19. #219
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It's jolly good subbers occasionally sub also sound episodes and audio dramas:

    Audio Drama - Anime-RG

    This one was pretty funny.

  20. #220
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Haha, fully random, and quite the amusement.

    I do hope they keep chucking us little bits like this until we hear of a third season. Just hope the investors don't lose their confidence after the Shana II.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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