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Thread: Shakugan no Shana Second

  1. #161
    Join Date
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    When Johan replenished Pheles, it looked as though it was resetting the Reiji Miago back to midnight or w/e. I could be wrong. How else can he give her so much... I guess it stands to reason, he created it, so he'd be the best to manipulate it at will.

    Yes, the new OP is horrible. The first OP was awesome, I wish they had kept it.

  2. #162
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harima Kenji
    Maybe I've missed something, but what exactly does that thing do that Yoshida got from Pheles?
    What I understand that thing summons Pheles and doing that Yoshida dies as a result.. why Yoshida and not Yuji, since his power of existance is supposedly infinite. Besides, why doesn't Pheles just hang around there to keep an eye on them. Isn't that easyer?
    Firstly, it's meant so Yoshida can do something. She's always feeling left out and helpless, but since Pheles knows Yoshida's love for Yuji is sincere, she gave it to him. It's also in Pheles' interest to protect Yuji, since Johan is also there, so she'll want to be there to protect him, but as DDBen says, she can't stay right now. The decision then was to hand that Hougu to Yoshida, knowing that she wouldn't hesitate to save Yuji should it come to that. It most likely doesn't drain the power of existence of the summoner regardless of amount, but that amount is most likely beyond that of any human. If Yuji was captured or something, then he wouldn't be able to use that Hougu, thus defeating it's purpose. Also, I don't think Pheles would risk letting Yuji use it, since he decides to use after being battle wearied, then he might really use up all his power.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow Skill
    When Johan replenished Pheles, it looked as though it was resetting the Reiji Miago back to midnight or w/e. I could be wrong. How else can he give her so much... I guess it stands to reason, he created it, so he'd be the best to manipulate it at will.
    Are you talking about when Yuji replenished Pheles' avatar? They did that just before midnight so he could give her almost everything he had, and have at all replenished right after so he didn't disappear. When Joha, appeared, all I saw was him kissing her, but no real transfer as such, but who knows. The Reigi Maigo was releasing bubbles though, when Yuji came back. I'm assuming that it means it was returning back to it's previous state, before Johan grabbed all those scrap insignia.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Mon, 02-04-2008 at 11:41 PM.

  3. #163
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    British Columbia, Canada
    You could be right. To me, it looked as though Johan was replenishing her power. She looked badly hurt by Silver. Plus that line that Shana said made me think that's what was happening.

  4. #164
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I blew my dl cap, so I can't watch this till Wednesday, but it doesn't stop me posting.

    H264 HD
    Xvid SD

  5. #165
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Nothing tremendous in this ep, really, if you ask me. The Outlaw organization got pwned but who cares since they used already so many scenes to tell how useless it had been, how meaningless their reports. I wonder why they even included the whole thing.

    One thing I don't understand, unless I've just forgotten it from the first season, is why the Flame Hazes don't attack the Bal Masqué directly. They have the huge castle and everything. It seems like waste of effort and an epitome of inefficiency to try to cover the whole world by a few Flame Hazes instead of going where the tomogara always retreat after their tricks (and where the Flame Hazes never follow, seemingly). It's like willingly always playing the game following Bal Masqué's rules.

  6. #166
    I think they mentioned last season that Flame Haze's aren't really well organized (in terms of broad strategy) and tend not to like working together in groups. Having several operating in one city for a long period of time is supposedly very rare.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Mon, 02-11-2008 at 01:42 PM.

  7. #167
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Shakugan no Shana Second 18 h264 1280x720 [SS-Eclipse]
    Shakugan no Shana Second 18 XviD 704x400 [SS-Eclipse]

    Bonus Shana release:

    Shanatan Begins h264
    Shanatan Begins XviD


    Ever since Pheles' arrival, these episodes haven't been a let down, and this week was no exception. Margery's words were right. Yuji says what he's thinking, but not what he's feeling, and he's come to his realisation, but hasn't really accepted it. The Shanatan episode wasn't as funny as the ones from the past from what I remember, but it does remind me of the two things that are noticeably missing, save for the first few eps, from the second season: melon bread and Urusaix3. It shows that the characters have settled in with each other, and though the jealousy thing was still happening earlier, it resolved pretty quickly.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Mon, 02-18-2008 at 08:30 PM.

  8. #168
    Haha man, Yuji throwing around that silver flame looked so much like semen.

  9. #169
    Once again the entire Flame Haze team is plagued by either overconfidence or outright stupidity. They know that Balle Masque can find Yuuji anywhere anytime now and Margery just got finished telling him to not rush his still incomplete training, yet they just let him wander around the city all alone. If I didn't like Yuuji I would hope he gets assraped and then taken hostage so Shana and Co would feel like the complete retards they're acting like.

    However, since Yuuji has the building blocks of being powerful, and he's about to go into a fight where he won't be able to rely on a crutch I'm hoping he has a shounen revelation and kicks that creepy guys ass.

  10. #170
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Indeed. I also hope this whole setup is just for that purpose: To have Yuuji fight alone. This particular tomogara dude doesn't even look that tough. According to my experience in anime/manga having clones doesn't make you tough, only weaker individually. And quite conveniently the only practice Yuuji just had with spells was to throw fireballs at multiple moving targets. So, lets hope he gets some info from the dude and then finishes kicking his ass just when Shana arrives.

  11. #171
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I doubt he will win though. He may show his skills a bit, but when the tomogara starts getting serious someone will probably rescue him. I know it sucks, but it is most likely right now.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  12. #172
    ANBU Captain Harima Kenji's Avatar
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    Episode 19:

    We're back to kickass episodes!
    Last edited by Harima Kenji; Tue, 02-26-2008 at 06:54 PM.

  13. #173
    It was great to finally see Yuji kick some ass, even if he was just beating up a Tomogara with no attacking power to speak of. Here's to hoping that we see him kicking the crap out of a worthwhile enemy in the future.

  14. #174
    Missing Nin
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    I'm happy to say that episode was awesome and it looks like the next one should have more good battles. Finally they have managed to string together some good episodes and make this feel more like the first season.

  15. #175
    Lol, Yuuji really kicked that guy's ass with some style. It's not always about how hard it is to win the fight, sometimes being badass is just about how you look while you're winning, and Yuuji looked great. I loved the last one where he walks over really slowly as the Tomogara was shitting his pants and just summons his giant sword and delivers the final blow.

    Next episode looks even more awesome though, since Sabrac has already been established as a powerhouse. Plus it seems we'll get to see Wilhelmina go all out again which shouldn't disappoint.

  16. #176
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Aye. Yuuji was surprisingly cool and badass in this episode. Something good certainly came out of all those training sessions. One killing worth mentioning was also how he simply crushed that one clone's throat, like some berserk. I didn't foresee it but it was all the jollier when I realised he wouldn't be satisfied with only strangling him (if that's even possible); he needed to break the very bones in his neck.

  17. #177
    I can't believe I forgot that part, I must have blacked out from the shock. Where did Yuuji get that kind of determination from? He seemed to realize he didnt' want to lewave the city as he was realizing he could be badass. I guess this means he wants to stay and protect the city then?

  18. #178
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Loved this ep. Yuuji's analysing ability's as sharp as ever. Tanaka's still choosing not to fight, but at least he had enough guts to help his friend. I really wanted to see Wilhelmina's face after she tasted that soup though, would have been funny. One thing that should have been mentioned last episode- Shana + woolen jumper = Kawaii

  19. #179
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Kicking ass with style:

    Episode 20 HD - SS-Eclipse
    Episode 20 xvid - SS-Eclipse

    - - - - - - - -

    Edit: Now we are talking! Or actually not talking so much fortunately but fighting! Yuji seems to be a bit lost after his badassness at the end of the previous ep but let's hope he finds his balls again (maybe getting to Shana will remind him of where they are... >_>). Speaking of that, Shana and Margery are certainly taking their sweet time, especially considering time is not exactly their ally with that nasty stigma spell. But Wilhelmina is a lot better fighter than I thought, so maybe they are just counting on her to survive on her own until their get their counterattack plans together.
    Last edited by Kraco; Mon, 03-03-2008 at 06:20 PM.

  20. #180
    Missing Nin
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    Another great episode overall and it seems this battle will continue for next week at the very least.

    The battle was a little confusing though Wilhelmina not going at him with her battle mask on from the start seems odd considering he already knows she has it and having fought him so many times she should already know he can shrug off pretty much anything.

    One would also think Yuji makes a pretty good spare battery for them he's either going to be dead or auto reset his power of existence and he has a nearly endless supply so there is no reason they can't drain some of his power in order to use powerful attacks repeatedly.

    Now just to see where this fight goes next week.

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