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Thread: Shakugan no Shana Second

  1. #121
    That's only if he loses the Reiji Maigo, with it he should exist indefinitely unless he uses all his power before the reset. I suspect that is what happened to Johann, in a very sad battle he used all the PoE he had to save Pheles and poof he was gone.

    The drama is boring of course, but I make it entertaining for myself by predicting what sappy cliché will happen next. It's nowhere near enough to justify watching but it does help a little. I think 'something' will happen next p but I doubt any of the good guys will realize what's going on until the end of the episode, removing the chance for any action.

  2. #122
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Episode 12:


  3. #123
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    @ saki's house playing mahjong
    what a cliffhanger.. it seems that shana won't be airing in a couple of weeks..

  4. #124
    Finally, after 12 episodes of RomDram (which wasn't particularly terrible I must add) we'll should finally get to see some proper hardcore fighting from Shana and Wilhelmina. From the OP it looked like Pheles was going to be somewhat of a nice girl,but determined to get what she wanted, but the look on her face when she showed up was one of essentially disgust and arrogance. I don't think she's going to be trying to join the love polygon centered around Yuuji's heart anytime soon.

  5. #125
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oyabin
    what a cliffhanger.. it seems that shana won't be airing in a couple of weeks..
    Damn straight. Finally, the episode you have all been waiting for....right after the Christmas break..

    Yeah, Pheles didn't look too happy to see the Reigi Maigo. Perhaps more correctly, the Mystes in possession of it. And good luck stopping Margery. So next ep (when was it? like 10/01/08?) we'll have Pheles snatching the Hougu from Yuji, Shana trying to stop her, Margery going beserk, and Wilhelmina taking care of that. Eye-candy for Shana fans this ep too.

  6. #126
    I basically didn't care about 99% of the episode except the last 30 seconds maybe.

  7. #127
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    Always the predictable happening right before a confession. Just once I'd like to hear the confession of Love in an anime happen without something major happening right before...

    It happens in every anime, I must be getting tired of it happening lol.

    Great episode, can't wait till Jan 10th.

  8. #128
    Hmm is it just me or does it look like Saito from Zero no Tsukaima made a cameo?

  9. #129
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I feel like it's about the time to see where this all leads:

    Episode 13 HD - SS-Eclipse
    Episode 13 xvid - SS-Eclipse

    - - - - - - - -

    Edit: Damn. It was a long wait but finally we got an episode that's on a par with the first season. Jolly good. Lots of rather chaotic action but it was all the better because of that. Nobody really knew what was going on with such emotional people in the middle of it, and on the other hand it was made even more interesting by the fact none of them really were evil. Pheles was weaker than I thought, though, but that had a very good explanation.

    Interesting stuff happened and it looks like we might get some further explanations in the next ep. Although the mystery of Silver got ever deeper.
    Last edited by Kraco; Sun, 01-13-2008 at 07:24 AM.

  10. #130
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    It really was a long wait but worth it. Battle was ...well...still a bit short to make up for 12 episodes still it was cool. Really a chaotic battle with many casualties.

    Anyway over to speculations, In the preview and in the episode they said that the Reij Meigo is malfuctioning and a mutation has occured. Which most likely resulted in those Silver flames. Then they mentioned Sabrac who also put a unrestricted spell on the Reij Meigo. Could it be that Johan who is basicly fused with the Reij Meigo is becoming the Silver? I mean we don't know what the Silver is, so it could be possible is created on some kind of accident.

    I know its all very far fetched but I felt like saying it . ^_^;

  11. #131
    Missing Nin
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    Now that was a awesome episode and its about time. Thats all I was asking for to get me interested in maybe finishing this series. It made up for a lot of the previous trash we have been subjected to in this series.

    I'm actually excited to see next weeks episode now for the first time this entire season.

  12. #132
    Finally some proper Shana action. Pheles was awesome, managing to be both a hardcore tough girl and cute little meek girl all in one episode. The shoujo-ai vibes she and Margary throw up don't hurt at all either.

    As to the mysterious elements a lot was hinted at this ep, a little more than I would have liked in fact. Sabrac is more than likely the Silver, or related to it very closely. The fact that Shana didn't recognize the name means he's probably been in hiding for a while. But what interested me the most was the little silent communication between Pheles and Konoe AKA Hecate. Could there be some sort of Balle Masque side plot going on? I think so.

    Next ep probably won't have action but the story of the Reiji Maigo should be interesting, and much better than more high school romance drama.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Sun, 01-13-2008 at 04:08 PM.

  13. #133
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Maybe that Seeking Researcher told her if they get their hands on the Reiji Maigo, they'll be able to get Johan out of there. I didn't think it was communication between them at all, but the more I rewatch it.....Or maybe it's just Pheles telling Wilhelmina about the secret, and Konoe talking to her Metamor....uh, butler. Margery going nuts was expected, but hell, she went berserk more instantly than I thought. Hopefully Spiral Organ will make an appearance this season, maybe to extract Johan or something.

  14. #134
    So, Pheles runs out of energy very quickly because she made a pact with Johan not to eat souls?

  15. #135
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Yes, that seems to be the case. Johan was a Mystes after all. Rainbow Sword, aka Shirou, from the first season made a similar promise with the previous flame haze Alastor was contracted to.

  16. #136
    Um, this might be a stupid question... but are there any chances of a third season? I know the second isn't over, but it just seems that there aren't enough things that has happened so far. I thought it might be possible since it says it follows a Novel or something like that at AniDB.

  17. #137
    That will probably depend on the DVD sales from Season 2, which are probably going to be crap for the first few discs.

  18. #138
    I hear there are currently 16 light novels, ongoing... Anyone know how much of it we've seen in the anime, and maybe how much has been left out?

  19. #139
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Shakugan No Shana Second 14 Xvid

    Shakugan No Shana Second 14 h264

    There ya go =D


    Ending= HOLY SHIT I was right! Or partly. I'll have to see the next ep. But a silver arm coming out of Yuji is something I did not expect but proves my theory of Johan being Silver.
    Last edited by NeoCybercoin; Mon, 01-21-2008 at 06:30 PM.

  20. #140
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    This series certainly made a full turn from a boring cliched high-school drama into an action mystery show. Jolly good. Lets hope it will remain this way till the end.

    Johan appeared a bit suspicious in that clip we saw. Pretty cold and detached from the human life, truly aiming for something bigger (or something else at least). Also, I got the impression he knew what he was doing, which is kind of strange. I guess Pheles might have told him a lot, but I didn't get that kind of feeling. At this point I'd be hesitant to say he was something else than Pheles's lover but that would be kind of a cool plot element, instead of him being simply corrupted by the mutation.

    But I guess he is Silver. And Silver doesn't seem to like Pheles very much...

    The remaining question, though, is why was Yuji able to begin to control the powers of Silver, yet I doubt he had anything to do with the hand. It's kind of strange, and suggests there is a connection between them. I hope it means Yuji won't be rendered back to being a helpless burden at any point.

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