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Thread: Shakugan no Shana Second

  1. #101
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    With the casting of Yuuji's Fuzetsu, it felt like season one again. Hmm, it's interesting how a lot of us are thinking Silver's the Keeper. I thought Silver suddenly appeared and cast the Fuzetsu instead, but seeing how he's not in the preview, the Keeper idea seems to be best. So why is Silver's power coming out while he's casting the Unrestriced Spell? It also leaves the question: Why would he take the role of Keeper instead of taking possession of it like all the other Tomogara have tried to do? We'll most likely have to wait (again) for later episodes to get answers.

  2. #102
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    While I have absolutely no theories, it would still be nice if all the Tomogara didn't have similar agendas and goals, but some might have vastly different views of things. It would make things more complicated and not so straight-forward. Like if this Silver was the Keeper yet wouldn't actually be doing anything detrimental, it would place Margery in a more interesting position regarding what to do with Yuuji. Would she kill Yuuji simply because she hates Silver so much or would she try to forget or postpone her old spirit of vengeance.

  3. #103
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    From what we know from Margery, Silver isn't a very nice guy. But hey, maybe he was laughing cos he finally got hold of the Reiji Maigo or something. Regarding Tomogara having different agendas, the Corpse Retriever was a rather interesting fellow. He actually cared about balance and all that stuff, which makes me kinda want to see him again this season. The Shirou guy from first season was also a Tomogara (rainbow sword/skeleton trainer). It's about time Bal Masque made a move though, they've taken long enough.

  4. #104

  5. #105
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Nothing that tremendous happened yet but it looks like something could start to happen soon. I hate it though how they told Yuuji not to use his power. I always hate that, no matter the situation. How the heck is he supposed to learn to use it unless he can practice?

    It was good to see Yuuji's dad. I have no recollection of whether he appeared in the first season but he seemed like a cool and funny enough dude. I wonder if he knows something. He certainly chose an auspicious time to appear.

  6. #106
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Ok next time when I watch this show I shall watch the first few minutes then skip to the middle and then to the ending because those are the only parts where it actually says something usefull about the storyline. Don't get me wrong I really liked the first season but now they are just raping the show. The only parts that are for the storyline are good however.

  7. #107
    Missing Nin
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    Its bad how we all sound like a broken record on this series but seriously this show is being dragged down badly by a lack of solid action or any action. You can't replace that with this kind of poorly written love sub plot.

    Well it seems that Yuji's parents might be flame hazes and one of them just might be silver or they are the ones who killed Johan and stole and hid the Reiji Maigo in there son. We have never seen the dad before and we have never seen the mom in a fujutsu so that certainly hasn't been ruled out and the fact they are both so young seems to be the final straw on that one for me.

    Silver I'm guessing was a human who could use unrestricted spells which is why no flame haze has a silver flame.

    Anyway those are my guesses for now and for gods sake give us some real battles in this show instead of going "Yuji did something cool quick no more doing that".

  8. #108
    Does anyone think Pheles is that green-haired woman in the intro that touches Yuuji's cheek?

  9. #109
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    I pretty much think she is. After all Johan was her previous lover and he had the Reigi Meigo. So I think she would start to like Yuuji( SURPRISE!!)

    And Silver was a Tomogara....that has been stated many times. They simply said that there wasn't a Tomogara with a silver flame BESIDES Silver because they were talking about him. And I don't think his parents are Flame Haze. That would be so freaking lame.

  10. #110
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    Does anyone think Pheles is that green-haired woman in the intro that touches Yuuji's cheek?
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    Keeper was mentioned again, finally, and Wilhelmina in her research mentioned Pheles. I think that's the name for the green haired character in the OP. I'm also guessing she's a flame haze.

    Silver is just a name given to they guy because of his characteristic silver flame. My guess is that his real name is Johan. If ss-eclipse made a mistake in their translation, and indeed meant there was no Tomogara BESIDES silver with silver flame, then I think Silver is a Tomogara. However, I'm betting that they didn't get it wrong, and that Silver may actually be a flame haze named Johan. Silver flames isn't a characteristic of Silver/Johan at all I think. It's the characteristic that the owner of the Reigi Maigo emits when they cast unrestricted spells with it as a power source. If that theory is off, then I'd say the trait that was indeed Johan's was passed on with the Reigi Maigo.

    Also, they made now effort to hide the bracelet's shine. Hope that means some action is coming.

  11. #111
    IS it just me or did the animation seem different in this ep? I felt like the way Shana's face was drawn was somehow different than normal, but it might be that I'd never looked at her face as hard as I was in this ep to keep from falling asleep due to boredom. Once I got the idea in my head I noticed Wilhemina and Khamsin also looked slightly different, in the face, either in shape or in color.

    I too think Pheles is the green haired chick, but her intentions are a mystery. Will she want to snuggle with Yuuji or will she want to take the Reiji Maigo out of him and just snuggle up with that? And how might Balle Masque fit into the story. And what will Margery do when she inevitably finds out?

    It's becoming very frustrating seeing as how there are so many interesting questions relating to what I would have thought would be the main plot yet we only get little bread crumbs handed out in each episode as 'commercials' to the prime time plot of the Slice of Life/Romance/Drama show "Ladies Loving Sakai Yuuji".

  12. #112
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    They did look slightly different, I agree. I can't really point out how though. I think Khamsin acquired a few more scars and got longer hair. Back in the first season, I only really remember him having the one on his lip/cheek, since it always looked like he's chewing gum. One thing I AM happy to see this week is the maturity Kazumi and Shana gained from their 10+ episodes of the love triangle. They're not fighting over who's doing what so much now, since they've been through so much, they know this little act isn't really going to matter. Shana going off at Yuuji for wanting to play a different part was good. I just hope this series earns it's points back in the remaining 14 eps or so.

    edit: I think ss-eclipse had the translation right. The fact that they haven't found a Tomogara with silver flame supports the idea that the flame is characteristic of the Reigi Maigo.

  13. #113
    Ok so i finally got caught up on this show. If it wasn't for how fantastic the first season was, i think i would have stopped watching. Thank goodness the show is hinting at some action coming our way, because i really can't bear to watch anymore Shakugan no Shana: Daytime Soap Opera. The love story subplot was part of what made season 1 great because it added depth to the characters and the over all plot, but this season so far has just been too much. Ok sorry /rant off i'm sure you guys have probably already talked that topic to death.

    It's awesome that Yuji has the silver flame, i'm really pulling for him to come out of this as one bad ass Tomogara slaying machine. I'm gonna agree with the guys that think the Reiji Maigo causes the silver flame. With the introduction of Pheles and Johan it just seems to make the most sense. I mean the other option is that not only did Yuji manage to get stuck with the Reiji Maigo when he became a torch, but he somehow also somehow picked up the "Silver" a creature of significant strength who apparently no body really knows anything about. Even for an anime thats a lot of coincidence.

    Though i suppose it's fair to say we don't know enough about this whole "Keeper" situation to really say anything with certainty. Even then though the "Silver" that Margery remembers was rampantly slaying humans, i cant imagine something like that laying dormant protecting the Reiji Maigo inside Yuji when it could simply be out there using it itself. It's really hard to say, here's to hoping we get some good action and non-love triangle related plot revelations in the next episode.

  14. #114
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Let's see what we get this week:


    edit: forgot to label, Shakugan no Shana Second ep 11
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Mon, 12-17-2007 at 06:01 PM.

  15. #115
    Is that fan service I see?

  16. #116
    Missing Nin
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    more likely its a mirage caused from being bored to death by this series. This episode was basically characters telling each other things we already know while setting up for a festival I personally don't care about at all. The only hope I have is that they use the Festival to gather everyone together for some actual action instead of more of the stuff that makes me loath this season so.

    I must say I'm nearing the end of what I can watch of this if they don't get some action within the next 2-3 episodes I might just delete this season and move on to better shows.

  17. #117
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Well taking a positive/optimistic stand, I think we're finally moving on. Konoe isn't allowed to stay out at night? Maybe there's a limit to how long she can keepthat bracelet on for. The Keeper wasn't too much to think about, it was more Pheles. Wilhelmina seems to know her personally, so they'll maybe have something interesting to talk about during their fight. I think this festival thing will be the last thing we see before some serious action, seeing Shana fighting in Dorothy uniform in OP.

    Best things about the school parts: photo flashbacks of previous battles and Ike. Can't help but laugh at him being dragged around by no other than a chick version of himself.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Mon, 12-17-2007 at 06:07 PM.

  18. #118
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I'm beginning to feel this is nothing but a devious plot by the show maker. Almost every episode subtly hints the next might contain at last some change but, alas, nothing ever happens, except for the next false glint of hope.

    Maybe the last two episodes will contain an epic battle but until then nothing at all happens, unless you count those empty soap opera scenes and phrases repeated over and over again like DDBen said.

    Dunno. If this cheap high-school drama is everything this season offers, then at least I would have been a bit happier if in their last scene Yuuji had taken the extra steps closer to Shana and kissed her...

  19. #119
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    I said that they were raping the memory of the previous season but....somehow I am beginning to think that the real action will come in 2 episodes. it's funny what Yuuji said thought "Why me?" We have Yuuji's Flame being Silver PLUS Pheles. And they are unrelated.

    Anyway on to speculation. I do believe that even if Pheles manages to remove the Reigi Meigo from Yuuji he will still keep the power of Existence because that is his own. So his Torch will not run about because it still has the amount of Existence of that of a King of Guze. Just pure speculation on my part thought ._.;

  20. #120
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I actually wonder if Johan looks anything like Yuuji. Seeing Pheles in the OP leaves me thinking that she'll be attracted to Yuuji in some way, and I don't think it's just the Reiji Maigo. Yeah, Yuuji should have enough Power of Existence to last him for a lifetime. But don't forget, nobody except maybe Pheles and the deceased Johan knows if Yuuji will age or not. If he lives indefinitely, then at some point, he'll have to find a way to collect more Power of Existence to sustain himself. Maybe he'll become The Corpse Retriever v.2.

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