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Thread: Shakugan no Shana Second

  1. #81
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Yuuji, the sharpest? That is like saying Shana is the most mature and Kazumi is the loudest in the show.
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  2. #82
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    He's sharpest when he's in battle. From last season, he was the one who saw through the Corpse Retriever's bird trick, while Margery figured it out at the same time with the aid of the Harindan. He also understood the nature of the unrestricted spell Bal Masque set up during the festival, and how they must expose a weakness when the airship came or something. Thinking out the dream this season was also another feat that showed Yuuji's level of intellect. I can imagine may others trying to persuade the Flame Hazes that something's wrong rather than think yourself is the one being influenced.

    He's not the sharpest when noticing people's feelings around him, but to me, that isn't saying he isn't sharp. Maybe it's his attitude. His expression is dead serious when he's thinking about those problems, but he's a bit more carefree with his friends.

  3. #83
    I agree, Yuuji is one of the only cast members who can think clearly when he's in a serious situation and won't let personal issues slow him down. It's likely that this battle insight is related to his lack of personal insight, he can't be slowed down thinking about things he doesn't even notice.

    And I too feel like the show is turning into a full time romance/school life series with a minor action element. My theory is that the producers are trying to draw in new viewers with the more prominent romance angle in the early stages in the hope that they'll want to stick around once the show switches to a more action orientated plot.

  4. #84
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Its too much romance though, since not much new development happens between the characters. The love triangle (or well, square) is getting a bit old. I hope Yuuji uses a bit of his "sharpness" in critical situations for his romantic life.

    EDIT: I still think that Yuuji isnt exactly the sharpest among them, but rather, he usually has the least to do when the time comes. While Shana and the others are usually stuck fighting, his only use before was to think and so he did. If Shana or the maid or even Margery had that much freedom, Im sure they would have been able to do the same thing.
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  5. #85
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I wonder what's keeping both groups from their usually timely releases this week...probably raw issues.

  6. #86
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    Its too much romance though, since not much new development happens between the characters. The love triangle (or well, square) is getting a bit old. I hope Yuuji uses a bit of his "sharpness" in critical situations for his romantic life.
    Yeah, more than a bit old. This anime is dragging painfully. The plot needs some serious forward momentum very soon. The character development is nice, but it shouldn't completely take over the anime. This is an action series after all, at least, the first season was. Now that Yuuji has so much more potential, I'd like to see that potential being put to use rather than endless scenes of girls making him lunch. *crosses fingers for something ultra-cool to happen in the next episode to make up for sub-par previous episodes*

  7. #87

  8. #88
    That one lazy guy. LaZie's Avatar
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    This episode was pretty boring, but atleast the preview for episode 8 looks promising.

  9. #89
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    It took a week, but they say late is better than never. Definitely true in this case.

    Eclipse's version: Shakugan no Shana Second Episode 7


    edit: And ep 8

    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sat, 11-24-2007 at 06:04 PM.

  10. #90
    Missing Nin
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    Well 7 was physically painful to watch I'd almost suggest deleting it from the archive I mean what the heck was that.

    8 was significantly better but still not that great this show really needs to pick up and fast.

    Anyone know how many episodes this season is?

  11. #91
    Man poor Ike, what a total loser. Hopefully he'll learn his lesson anyway and just give it up. No young girl will eve like someone like him. He should just focus on becoming a rich salaryman and then find an arranged partner around 25-30.

    Anyway why should I have to give Ike dating advice in this thread where the hell is Shakugan no Shana? Where are the flaming swords and ripped pantyhose. Where is Urusai, Urusai, Urusai. Thanks to market shits this season I do like romance stories, but Shana II was supposed to be a break from this kind of thing. The most interesting/exciting scenes in the last few eps were all Margery flashbacks and the main character barely does anything of note.

    However Yuuji countering the fake Rinne and potentially being able to cast Unrestricted Spells is a good development but it's almost like the story doesn't care they way it just brushed it aside in favor of Keisaku and Eita's little pow wow with Margery.

  12. #92
    That one lazy guy. LaZie's Avatar
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    At least we now know that normal humans can become flame hazes. Or least I learned that while watching ep 8.

  13. #93
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I didn't much like this episode 8. While it might be a lot more interesting than the useless amusement park trip, I still can't see how it's supposed to take the story forward. Good flashbacks to history are something that build background for events yet to come or explain important things. I wonder what this one is going to explain, considering Margery isn't even a main character.

    And why the heck was Yuuji such a chicken in front of the mock Rinne? Goddam he's almost as annoying as that brat flame haze wannabe in Margery's flashback. This season is seriously turning to shit. People were saying Nanoha Strikers didn't get to the point fast enough but I'm starting to wonder if this thing even has a point to begin with...

  14. #94
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    last season, they had a flashback of Shana's past around this time too. I'm hoping that this really does contribute to the story. Keeper was mentioned again, finally, and Wilhelmina in her research mentioned Pheles. I think that's the name for the green haired character in the OP. I'm also guessing she's a flame haze. Maybe a Keeper is a flame haze of sorts. Like the Tuner from last season, Keepers may have specialized roles, in this case, to protect valuable Hougu from the Tomogara.

    This ep did explain how Metamorphis and Margery met, so that's one thing. As for Yuuji acting scared, it was the initial shock. Even if you know it's fake, a replica of your worst fear manifested right in front of you takes some calming down. He did that in a reasonable amount of time. I'm wondering how he defeated it though. Was it the shear force of his punch, or did he channel Power of Existence into it or something and it blew up.

    Shana 2 goes for 24 eps, finishes March 14 2008

  15. #95
    I just hope Yuuji becomes a kickass pugilist or something.

  16. #96

  17. #97
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    A rather interesting episode. While I still don't think the Margery flashback was really that necessary, ultimately, at least it might have built her character more, which, after all, could turn out to be important seeing how Yuuji suddenly is linked to the Silver, apparently. This was certainly something I didn't see coming, and thus it was an all the more pleasant surprise. I'm still hoping Yuuji will become kickass (pugilist) as well, and not just some gasp inducing peculiarity and further passive plot device.

    Also, I'm immesely pleased the flame haze brat in Margery's memoirs got himself killed.

  18. #98
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Well I actually like the episode. The ending of it anyway. So I am guessing that Silver is the keeper of the Reigi Meigo (sp?). I think Pheles is its real name. Silver has to be a nickname for him because ...well he IS silver. But it would make sense that he is the keeper. I mean those treasures are made by very very powerfull Tomogara. Or Kings of Guze. So it could be that he is the creator of the Reigi Meigo and is also it's keeper.

    In anycase I can already see it happening that Margery would try to kill Yuuji because of Silver as his keeper. Or pulling it out aswell as Silver. Both scenario's kick ass O.o

  19. #99
    Missing Nin
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    Another underwhelming episode. Don't get me wrong it was likely the best episode of this season so far but thats not saying much. I'm interested in what the silver meant in the end. Sure it links him with Marjory but there seems to be more to it then something that simple.

    The preview for the next episode doesn't give me a lot of hope for it either. Seriously they need to bring back in the action as a major part of this yet Yuji develope in real fights instead of training and all of this badly done slice of life character building they insist on flooding this season with.

  20. #100
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    @ saki's house playing mahjong
    Yes it is definitely the best episode this season so far.. And with the addition of the Silver possibly being his keeper. Makes the series much more interesting.. Can't wait for the next episode.

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