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Thread: Shakugan no Shana Second

  1. #61
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Yeah. I was also wonder who the third one is.
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    Oh, it was Wilhelmina.
    Guess I should have said it more explicitly. I'm assuming that whoever's contracted to the Alastor is inherently strong, since everyone knows the title, which emphasizes the "Flame of Heaven". It'll be interesting to find out how the first Flame-haired warrior fought, since Shana acquired her sword from that Mystes.

    Everyone remember Silver? The enemy Margery was after in Season one? I think he'll be some sort of final boss in this season, being encouraged by that silver gauntlet in the OP.

  2. #62
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Well, for my own part I've to confess I totally forgot Wilhelmina is one of them. I just kept thinking she's Shana's maid and nothing more... Despite the scenes where she trains Yuuji.

  3. #63

  4. #64
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Well, another mention of this mysterious Keeper, but nothing new yet. From what I got from Eclipse and Static Subs, it seems this Keeper is a guardian of some sort. Not as in a protective unrestricted spell, but more like an entity that's got a mind. Wilhelmina's being cautious about it, so it should be pretty interesting. Will all this Konoe business next ep, we probably won't get much info on it till later in the series.

    Can't wait till next week. Wilhelmina's going to ask Chigusa for advice. No fighting for another week, aside from training, but Wilhelmina vs Chigusa will be entertaining. Wonder what's going to be the first thing she's gonna mutter.

  5. #65
    IS Eclipse-SS slipping or something...I noticed 3 misspelling/grammar mistakes and a blatant encoding screw up in the 1280x720 release. Unprecedented for me.

    Anyway, surprisingly the school drama aspects of the show are not just fluff on top of the action, jealousy is a bitch and they are doing a very nice job of exploring it from the perspective of the two lovers who are now experianceing it. I'm glad Yoshida at least recognizes it in herself but Shana has no idea what it is she's feeling and is digging a deeper hole for herself by antagonizing Yuuji (who obviously cares about Shana the most and only pities Hecate Jr). The scene at the end with Shana and Yoshida sharing a dejected meal togeather was excellent.

  6. #66
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    What is Konoe? Some hollow clone or an artificial human? Birds don't behave like that around normal people; it was like the animals didn't view her as a living thing, or something like that. Not to mention the girl seems to be quite out of everything.

    Next episode should indeed be interesting.

  7. #67
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    The love triangle feels like it is on a standstill. Instead of trying to resolve it a bit, the plot adds another complication. Im still not sure how it will turn out, but the relationship between them and Yuuji feels incredibly unnatural, even for a harem anime.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  8. #68
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    It'd make sense if Konoe is indeed someone sent by Bel Peol to cause chaos and discomfort between Yuuji and Shana. Shana could get so annoyed that she'd ignore or refuse to see/speak to Yuuji, as may so well happen next episode. That'll open up a weakness for Bel Peol to attack. Only thing is now, assuming Konoe isn't a Tomogara as she passed all the tests, then who/what is she? (Kraco mentioned this before too).

    One thing that's confusing me is, okay, she may have been living a princess lifestyle so she doesn't know how to make her lunch or unpack her bag. But running into an empty pool?? That's just lacking common sense in my opinion. But that's her character I guess.

  9. #69
    It's possible she is some sort of construct, and her lack of common sense could be the result of only having existed for a few months. Maybe Bel Peol (or someone else) created her with an Unrestricted Spell that mimics a human being similar to how a torch works and then taught her just enough to be endearing. They could have even implanted a sub-conscious attachment to Yuuji into her mind, and sent her there to stir things up between he and Shana.

  10. #70
    Actually I think its Hecate. Something tells me that bracelet of hers is concealing her Tonagura side.

    This whole thing about clones or soulless bodies seems a little too complicated. If you guys remember, Hecate in the previous season had no will of her own. It makes sense that Konoe (Hecate) gives off an innocent aura. She's only understands basic desires.

  11. #71
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Everon
    Actually I think its Hecate. Something tells me that bracelet of hers is concealing her Tonagura side.
    That may well be the case, but to me it seemed that bracelet was too "normal". I didn't even notice it until you mentioned it. Tactically, that'd be very desirable, but for anime, being too "normal" is like being insignificant. I'll be keeping this in mind for future episodes though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Everon
    She's only understands basic desires.
    And that would be...Yuuji?

    More development on Shana: she likes Supersized Sundaes!!!

    Perhaps as much as melon bread. She chowed that down without smiling this episode. (though, it's very understandable as to why.)

  12. #72
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Strawberry Sundae....heh

    Anyway I do believe that it is the actual Hecate only that brace is a Hougo that completely seals off any power existance. Because we havent'seen Hecate while we have seen the other members of Bel Peol.

  13. #73
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Without further ado, Nipponsei brings you Shakugan no Shana Second OP ED by Kawada Mami
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Thu, 11-01-2007 at 07:18 PM.

  14. #74
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    I like how this series took a turn.

  15. #75
    That one lazy guy. LaZie's Avatar
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    [SS-Eclipse] brings to you Shakugan no Shana Second episode 05 in


  16. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    That may well be the case, but to me it seemed that bracelet was too "normal". I didn't even notice it until you mentioned it. Tactically, that'd be very desirable, but for anime, being too "normal" is like being insignificant. I'll be keeping this in mind for future episodes though.
    Well, Episode 5 pretty much spells out the bracelet's significance.

  17. #77
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Everon
    Well, Episode 5 pretty much spells out the bracelet's significance.
    Yeah, I'm completely with you now. In fact, I don't think they could have made the butler's bracelet any shinier, hehe.

    I'm assuming the butler's Senpen, aka Metamorphis, since he's always looking after "his hecate". He left Seireiden before she did too, probably to organise the mansion and everything.

    I'm just wondering how they can imitate humans so well. And Konoe seems to always find the right moment to tug on Yuuji's shirt. The rooms inside the mansion look really similar to those of the Seireiden too.

    Shana still doesn't quite understand her feelings. Kazumi understands hers as pain, and Ike starts taking action.

    "Your body wont last if you stick around with the Seeker of Pleasure, Margery Daw."- it works on two levels.

    They also used their fight/tension music when Shana entered the kitchen, which built up the mood very well, even if we all knew it was only cooking. I thought it was actually going to be good until I saw the Cabbage Cactus.

    More "people relationship" development next ep with their study group. Can't wait to hear what Margery has to say to them.

  18. #78
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Just when you thought the infamous melon bread is running out, a new batch is delivered:

    Episode 6 h264 - SS-Eclipse
    Episode 6 xvid - SS-Eclipse

    - - - - - - -

    Edit: Shana is one of those series I really wouldn't like to have to criticize too harshly, because the first season left me only with good memories, but I think this is getting a bit ridiculous already. It's only so long that you can stretch this manner of triangle with nothing at all happening for multiple episodes. Or I suppose something happened in this episode but in all honestly not nearly enough.

    This is starting to transform into an ordinary high school love drama bit by bit because there's absolutely no relevant action going on. Maybe they are building something with Konoe, maybe not, but whatever the case, it's taking too long. If it absolutely needs to take so long, they could at least send some villains off less relevance in to remind every now and then this is supposed to be an action series as well.

    The whole unbalanced situation is strongly underlined by the fact how the OP, ED, and other elements still look like they belong to a series depicting even pretty grim undercurrents that were present in the first season but pretty much absent in this one so far.
    Last edited by Kraco; Sun, 11-11-2007 at 02:12 PM.

  19. #79
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I was actually excited when I saw the Fuzetsu near the end of the episode, but it was only Yuuji training. I agree, it was a little slow, but now that they're on better terms with each other, I think we'll finally move on. I'd really rather they had this in the beginning and not near the end. That would be unforgivable. Looks like Ike's going to make a move next ep. It's not like him to be scheming and such, but it should be interesting. With this building trust and dropping defense against Konoe, Shana and the flame hazes will probably not notice anything about Konoe until she decides to reveal herself. I was actually trying to guess the person to discover about the bracelet. Yuuji's the sharpest, but I doubt it'll be him, if anybody.

  20. #80
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    Yuuji's the sharpest, but I doubt it'll be him, if anybody.
    Sharpest... Honestly, his sharpness is getting questionable because he still hasn't figured out what bothered Shana and Kazumi.

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