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Thread: Shakugan no Shana Second

  1. #181
    Man those 20 episodes pass by quick. The thing thats bugging me, is that we still have no clue whats going on with reiji maigo.

    I don't understand why Yuuji has to go find Shana and Margerey. With all the ruckus, wouldn't it be easier the other way around?

  2. #182
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Damn, now that I'm back at uni, I can't watch this stuff whenever I want. /rant. Well, the episode was rather good. Lots of action, and we see Sabrac is a really kickass villian. One who uses te same tactic over and over again, yet works. I guess there's nothing Yuuji really can do this ep. The oppoent's stronger than any he's ever met, and he's constantly carried by Wilhelmina. When he meets up Shana though (lol at Kraco's balls joke), he should be putting everything he sees together and forming some sort of battle tactic that focuses on his weakness. What's strange is that Sabrac said this battle was a result of his style, that he likes to take out everything in one go, which isn't making sense to me, unless he means he'll give it only one shot, then leave and try another one. But no matter, the next month of Shana should be pumping out lots of action.

  3. #183

  4. #184
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yuji: "What were you going to say then?"
    Shana: "N-Nothing."
    "I said it was nothing!"
    "Urusai! Urusai! Urusai!"

    There we have it. Good old Shana.

    And excellent episode. Really good action, Yuji was asskicking although he didn't personally kick ass this time. And all the others did their part as well. It's hard to believe this is the same series that for the first half could induce nothing but yawns... Now I could hardly sit still while watching it.

  5. #185
    Wow, Loli Flame Attak FTW. Now that was the sort of ep this show should have been leading up to in the first half. Yuji managed to be badass while staying in character. The 3 centuries old warriors are just too set in their ways to think outside the box, but along comes high school student Yuji to set them straight and pwn the unpwnable. I can only hope the season climax manages to be even better than this fight.

  6. #186
    Missing Nin
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    Jul 2003
    Now that was a awesome episode seriously what did they do fire everyone and rehire the people who did season 1 or something. Everyone was useful not a single moment felt like they were wasting my time and the fight was epic.

    If they keep this up for the rest of the season I'll be thrilled this was just really really good.

    I must say though I'm even more confused about the opening change considering they used the old opening song in this episode all of the sudden. Given the first opening and the music were awesome so finally giving that music a good battle to be played during I can certainly get behind.

  7. #187
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Jolly good episode. Sabrac was badass himself, but I don't mind seeing him pwned this time. That Johann was something too. If I didn't know Bal Masque is the real boss, I'd have thought this series finishes with 21 eps, given the OP1 playback and all. Still some mysteries left: what is Pheles doing? Bal Masque's master plan? Can't wait for the final showdown.

  8. #188
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    [Nipponsei] Shakugan no Shana II OP2 ED2 Single

  9. #189
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    Ask yo moma
    oh nice thanks for this buff =O
    Favorite Gotwoot Mod moment: "Why is everyone in that show black? The art and music are pretty good, and the voice acting is alrite as well......but i can't stand that guy who follows afro around. Hes so, well, black, for the lack of a better term (well thats not true, there is a better term, but i wont use it here)" Assassin

    i was raised by this woman =O

  10. #190
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Urusai! Urusai! Urusai! Melonpan!

    Episode 22 HD - SS-Eclipse
    Episode 22 xvid - SS-Eclipse

    - - - - - - -

    Edit: It was a funny enough episode, even if it partially reminded of the first half of this season. However, you just couldn't help but know how it was fated to end, so it didn't matter. Well, know and know, I certainly knew Yuji would be stopped at that point but I didn't actually predict the Reiji Maigo would be snatched from inside him that easily. I wonder why he didn't just grab it and stuff it back in, seeing how slowly it was just floating in front of him... And no matter what, Hecate always has seemed like the least threatening villain in this series so she probably wouldn't have objected...

    And Sabrac looked surprisingly lively for a dead man. But then again, he never actually shows his face, which is fitting for a zombie and only polite to those around him.
    Last edited by Kraco; Mon, 03-17-2008 at 04:22 PM.

  11. #191
    Missing Nin
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    Jul 2003
    I must disagree that this episode was remotely like the first half of the series. You see unlike those episodes the plot was actually moving over this entire episode. The girls said make a choice and were set to accept his choice instead of doing the same why doesn't he love me more crap week after week as they attempted to buy him off.

    Anyway I don't care for Sabrac being alive and then just walking off job finished like that. It seemed out of place and not having a explanation for him being alive seemed pretty week overall he barely seem concerned they killed at least a part of him. Besides that good development and hopefully they can make him finally chose Shana as she has really always been the only choice. Given Yoshida using that cross within the next episode or two is a given so its likely a moot point. Either Yoshida dies or Ike helps her use it and she ends up with him or Ike uses it and dies being he's virtually pointless to the show. I also know they have been building it up on a plan to extract the Reiji Maigo for a few episodes now but simply popping it out in 2 seconds like that just seemed silly to me.

  12. #192
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I agree with DDBen in that this ep had more plot than before, but yes, there were some eps back in the first half that also had plot, but always dropped it the next ep. So Sabrac is alive. I can take that, but what was his objective? He said that he wanted to take out the three Flame Hazes when he went for Yuji, but Bel Peol said the original objective was reached, which should somehow explain why they can take out the Reigi Maigo so easily. Shana's question was quite funny, and she finally understood what was wrong when Kazumi made the comparison. Good ep overall, can't wait for more.

  13. #193
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Reiji Maigo extracted.

    Shakugan no Shana Second 23 h264 1280x720
    Shakugan no Shana Second 23 XviD

    edit: And two episodes ago I was sitting there wondering if they can surpass the awesomeness of the Sabrac fight at the climax. I don't know about surpassing, but this sure matches up. Bal Masque finally makes their move, and everyone's in it currently except Bel Peol. Kazumi is once again confronted. Just when she thought she can stand equal with them, she realises she can only save him, not fight with him. Knowing that, I think Pheles will come next ep. Statue of Pride wasn't that spectacular a name, but coming from the Seeking Researcher's head, its as cool a name as it gets. Hoping to see them finish this fight next week with Yuji x Shana double sword action.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Tue, 03-25-2008 at 08:05 PM.

  14. #194
    Join Date
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    British Columbia, Canada
    Wow... Just phenomenal! Can't wait for the final episode now.

  15. #195
    Wow now that episode was just amazing. I was mad that Margery got rocked 10 seconds getting into the eggshell but I'm sure she shall get her revenge in the next episode some how. Can't wait for the next episode.

  16. #196
    ANBU Captain Harima Kenji's Avatar
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    I can't wait to see how they'll end this season in just 1 more ep... seems impossible, but we'll see.

    I agree that Pheles will arrive next ep, but I still doubt that Kazumi will die. I think it was some sort of a test to see if Kazumi loves Yuji enough to be ready to give her life for him.

  17. #197

  18. #198
    Ah man, that really felt like an ending... I want a third and a tenth..... buhuhuhu

  19. #199
    Don't sweat it Shinji, there are enough open ends to make a third. For example -- whats the deal with Pheles' dissapearing?

  20. #200
    Yuh, since the novel is like a helluva lot longer I have a small light of hope burning, still......

    Edit: Interesting, we joined the same year and month :P

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