And since there are alot of people who are more computer savy then me, i'd like to get some opinions.
This will be my first laptop, so i dont really know what to look for. I mean, i know all the basics, like big hard drive, big ram, and big other stuff. But some of the specifics im not too sure about. Like if i should get an AMD turion 64 x2 dual core processor, or a centrino duo processor...which one is better? which one do i really need for typical everyday uses......and what kind of price should i expect to pay. Should i go for large screen, or light weight? whats the typical weight/screen size for a decent laptop, so i have something to compare to.
I want to stay within 1000 if possible, other then that, i'll let you guys throw some suggestions my way. I've also been looking at the flyers for the local FutureShop, which seems to have some good deals. I'll scan and post that in a bit so you'll have something solid to point out.
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