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I'm not the one having a hissy fit about this shit, so why don't you unwind your panties and loosen that bra while you're at it (sorry to any females here for the chauvinism). We're just having a friendly discussion about our visions of how this movie should portray our beloved characters, we don't need any high-handed nannying about whether or not we have the right to expect something from the movie.
It doesn't matter where Goku landed on Earth, but as stated before, there are clear indicators that regardless of what planet he came from, his family was from that planet's equivalent of an Asian race, meaning the landmass might be called something else, but physical traits and cultural aspects coincide with the people who are referred to on Earth as Asians (not including Pakistanis/Indians). So how much effort would it have taken for the producers to cast an Asian lead? They could even have chosen a halfer or a full Asian who looks gaijin white. It would be more true to the spirit of DB, which is what most of us hope they preserve with this movie, the spirit of the show, if not every detail. And before you say it, Goku being Asian is not a detail.