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Thread: TV: Life

  1. #61
    Was episode 12 the season finale? There hasn't been an episode in close to a month, and it says next episodes on February 4th.

  2. #62
    ANBU Captain Foomanchew24's Avatar
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    It was picked up for the remainder of the season and will start back up in February. Unfortunately it doesn't look good for it returning next year so enjoy it while you can.

    Sig made by Lucifus

  3. #63
    Life returned on Wednesday. Pretty good episode in my opinion.

  4. #64
    Really good episode tonight, more confusion.

  5. #65
    Munsu's probably still watching, but the most recent episode was just really good. The conspiracy is going crazy.

  6. #66
    ya sweet ep...i liked how they dont have roman in jail. i wonder how far up the FBI his influence goes.

  7. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    Munsu's probably still watching, but the most recent episode was just really good. The conspiracy is going crazy.
    Well, I had fallen behind... just watched the lasted 4 or 5 episodes. Good stuff as always. Since the actress that plays Dani is pregnant, all of the FBI storyline seemed to be written to keep her off screen. That being so, I wonder how they manage a rescue operation if she's still alive and still hide the pregnancy.

  8. #68
    Oh, didn't know that. Found it a bit weird to have Gabrielle Union come in at an odd part in the season.

  9. #69
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    Oh, didn't know that. Found it a bit weird to have Gabrielle Union come in at an odd part in the season.
    She's nice to have as a special guest star, particularly since she's so cute when she smiles.

    I like the interplay with Crews that her character has. It's similar to what he has with Reese, but different enough for it not to feel like they just found someone to fill in for her. They make her out to be this super cop/lawyer/genius in the first episode she's in, but they've started to errode her confidence with each episode. She's real set in her methods (like Reese is), but Crews just out-weirds her and solves the case.

    I was laughing when one of the characters said Crews could be Mayor, and how pissed she was the entire episode as a result of that.

    It has definitely been one of the more well implemented ways to work around an actress' pregnancy.

  10. #70
    I liked that weird interaction about sexual fantasies between male and female partners. Though, it was a bit odd and kinda out of the blue. Was it from the sexual posters that caused her to say something like that?

  11. #71
    that was my impression. i loved how the expression on crews' face made it seem like he found the conversation really awkward, but really he just wasn't listening.

  12. #72
    The season finale was good, but it was quite confusing, and the ending was so weird.

  13. #73
    Dayyum! loved this ep. It was all plot advancement, and they answered everything in one fell swoop. It seems like this'll be the end of the show. They've wrapped up everything pretty nicely and there isn't too much to do from this point.....added to the fact that they didn't have great ratings to begin with, i dont suppose theres too much chance of a 3rd season.

    Still, a great series. Definately one of my favorite cop shows.

  14. #74
    I agree, but the end to Roman was just a O_o? for me. I didn't even realize he died. I thought he was just really irritated.

  15. #75
    Watched the series finale, great stuff. Too bad that they had to rush things to give us a conclusion, but at least the didn't leave us hanging and managed to put something worthwhile to give us some closure.

    I'll say this, but I'm tempted to believe that Charlie Crews in this episode might've become my new Jack Bauer.

    Edit: Forgot to mention that Garret Dillahunt has become one of my favorite tv show actors, hopefully he can land himself a new show in which he is the lead... though I see his main strength as being a good supporting actor.
    Last edited by Munsu; Fri, 04-10-2009 at 04:22 PM.

  16. #76
    ANBU Captain Foomanchew24's Avatar
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    I thought the finale was actually decent as apposed to shows NBC has screwed over in the past with with incomplete endings such as Vegas and Crossing Jordan. So although this is most likely the end I am satisfied. Too bad people don't like the shows on NBC, some of them have really nice writing and style.

    Sig made by Lucifus

  17. #77
    I don't think it has much to do with like or dislike... I still haven't seen anyone who has given Life a chance and not liked it. There's also an over-reliance with the Nielsen ratings, which is understandable since it's pretty much what they use to sale advertisement. I just wish they had a completely different system and a better revenue structure.

  18. #78
    Well, the show is now officially cancelled:

    No surprises there... but this was quite a cool show. Hopefully Damien Lewis finds another good show.

  19. #79
    Wow, that sucks. One of the few TV shows I even watched recently.

  20. #80
    Just finished watching the second season, pretty awesome show. As some of you have mentioned too, some of the conspiracy stuff didn't fit into the episodes they were put in, but most of it was done well. I'm a bit sad it got canceled, but at least it had a good ending.

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