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Thread: TV: Life

  1. #21
    Oh was it? I downloaded it, since it didn't have any commercials or anything to say if it was the season finale or not. Oh well.

  2. #22
    meh.. the episode felt a little rushed.

  3. #23
    Life...its back bitches! And even better then before in my opinion. I love the new chief...quite a quirky character. Looks like we'll be getting a rather sudden advancement of the subplot. Probably cuz the strike cut short whatever time they wanted to spend developing the initial stages. But i personally dont mind. I want to see where this conspiracy sure it'll be a lot bigger then what it is currently, otherwise the show couldn't survive past half a season.

  4. #24
    Damn I missed it. Oh well, I'll just grab a torrent tomorrow or something.

    But yeah, I really enjoyed last season. Honestly, i wasn't expecting myself to. I was expecting another generic law and order/csi.

  5. #25
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    9,958 doesn't show season 2 of Life airing until the 29th. I couldn't find any torrents around either. Where did you find it Assassin?

  6. #26
    Yep, season hasn't started yet. BUT, if you had read this awesome thread I created "TV/Movie General Discussion" you would be aware of where to find the episode.

    You can watch it over on Hulu:

  7. #27
    Yea, they're airing it a week earlier. I thought it was weird at first cause, I just went over to and watched a stream. It said 200 and was titled Sneak Peak. But it was a whole friggin' episode. I was like huh?

    But anyways, that was a really good episode I thought. And the conspiracy is still underway.

  8. #28
    Well the season started last night, but I thought it was a good episode (from what I saw) but I was too distracted fixing some things at my house, so I need to rewatch the episode.

    With that said, the series is moving to Fridays, so this week will air epsiode 2 also this Friday.

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    oh sweet. two episodes for the price of one :P

    Last nights episode was awesome. And i'm glad to see that they have kept the old concept of him doing cases and then still having his own private investigation on the side.

    Well i liked the serial killer. When they had him in the station and first he cried and then he just got that sick smile on his face. That was awesome. Also i wonder how long it will take until Cruz wants to know about her fathers involvement.

    Edit: And damn that was a small citrus fruit. I thought clementine was one of the smallest. At least it's the smallest i have eaten.

  10. #30
    Here's episode 2:

    I thought this was a very good one. You got the MILF doctor and you've got the mistress... what else do you need? By the way, what do you guys think of Donal Logue (Grounded for Life) as the new captain? I don't know what to make of him yet, though I think he can be quite funny in the future after he has settled in.

  11. #31
    I liked his character in Grounded for Life. He's a quirky character with potential but at the moment he just doesn't mesh very well.

    I had no idea Life was on Fridays now. I thought it still had the timeslot after Heroes.

  12. #32
    Wow, I hadn't realized this, but Life will be airing two episodes next week also. Tomorrow and Friday once again. After that, it'll move permanently to Fridays. But for the time being, awesome.

  13. #33
    lol @ Charlie's hallucinations.

    Reese's question during dinner for her father, was kinda fucking random since it followed a long ass grill fest.

  14. #34
    Yeah, Charlie's hallucinations were awesome...

    So, in the latest episode he started up his conspiracy wall once again...

    At the moment I'm really worried for this show being cancelled. The ratings are quite bad, and unless it improves soon, I can see NBC dumping it in the near future.

  15. #35
    They're doing bad? What a shame, I was sure it would have quite a following, since it's such a good series. And especially since they followed Heroes time slot last season.

    We can always mass mail peanuts to NBC or something...

  16. #36
    Well, Life is also airing on Friday's, which it's the real timeslot (it will be there solely from next week on). Heroes isn't THAT hot in the ratings as is. Then, you factor in Boston Legal, which is getting some great viewership this season as it's their final one, and CSI Miami which is watched by a ton of people and is a well established procedural, then Life really didn't stand much of a chance in that time slot.

    Hopefully NBC likes the series well enough to keep it around, but I've yet to see a network keeping a series around just because they like it.

  17. #37
    Haven't seen last night's episode yet, but here's some news:

    In this tough, low-rated TV season, NBC is the first network to reshuffle its lineup. What's the Peacock's solution? Crime night!

    According to the Hollywood Reporter, starting Wednesday Nov. 5, NBC will present a block of crime dramas: Knight Rider at 8 pm/ET, Life at 9 pm (moving in from Fridays at 10), and the return of longtime staple Law & Order at 10 pm.

    Life is making a rare jump back to a midweek slot after being banished to the Friday night graveyard. Effectively swapping places with Life is Lipstick Jungle, which after a surprising second-season renewal has been performing below expectations on Wednesdays.

    NBC has also changed the premiere date of its new Ryan Seacrest-produced reality show Momma's Boys to Dec. 16, following the Biggest Loser: Families finale. It will then air on Mondays at 9 pm in Heroes slot during the show's winter hiatus.

    What do you think of the programming tweaks?

    Life should've been on Wednesdays since the start.

  18. #38
    I was about to say, isn't that The Mentalist's timeslot on CBS? So I went to checked and apparently it's not on Wednesdays anymore, but on Tuesdays now.

    Anyways, this episode was rather good. Not as Charlie-centric as usual, but a lot more focus on the case at hand, no conspiracy stuff either. And Reese you can do better ;(

  19. #39
    The Mentalist was always on Tuesdays... right after NCIS.

    But yeah, nice episode. I always like when shows bring up old cases and tie them up to current situations. I wonder what effect that kiss will have on Reese.

  20. #40
    Really? I could've sworn I was waiting for the stream to be put up on a Wednesday night or was that Sons of Anarchy. Ah well.

    I guess Charlie x Reese is never gonna happen. I guess it'll follow more Charlie x ex-wife as far as romance in this show is concerned.

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