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Thread: TV: Life

  1. #1

    TV: Life

    First episode dvd screener is out:

    Series starts on September 26 on NBC. First episode was quite good, especially towards the end when it hints at a big conspiracy which should drive the show through the whole series. The two main characters are already presented with conflict of interests that should be interesting during the series as they are partners with their own agenda.

    Damien Lewis stars as a former police officer who, after years of false imprisonment, returns to the force with a decidedly different philosophy. Deadwood's Robin Weigert has been added to the cast of the series. She'll play the boss of Lewis' character, Lt. Davis. Sleeper Cell's Melissa Sagemiller will play the lawyer who got him out of prison that despite the fact that she is married, has a spark with Lewis.
    Last edited by Munsu; Wed, 01-16-2008 at 05:06 PM.

  2. #2
    Here's episode 1 and 2:

    And this has been a cool series so far, so if you are looking for something new to watch give this a try. Anyone else watching this besides me?

  3. #3
    Good show... very good show..

  4. #4
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    After looking at all the others, I've been thinking this is the best new show this season. It's really entertaining. The continuing storylines of Crews trying to figure out who framed him and Reese's drug problems are good. You never really know who is on Crews side when he meets them again.

    I was glad to see his old partner was still loyal. Even better, he didn't let his friendship get in the way of his job as a cop. I figure that Crews at least respects him for that, even if it only helped put him in prison.

    The other thing I like is how they interrogate. Unlike Law and Order or The Closer or even CSI, Crews (and sometime Reese too) don't get all bent out of shape in trying to get a confession. No fiery outbursts, no slamming the desks, just cold reason. Crews is utterly calm and when Reese is too, you can see how uncomfortable the suspects get.

    I can't get much to talk about each episode though. Just the overall feel of the show.

  5. #5
    ANBU Zati's Avatar
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    Yeah, I agree with Ryllharu that this is probably one of the best new shows. The show just reminds of House too, like the actor looks a little similar, and just the way he acts too.

  6. #6
    Tonight's episode was really good. Hopefully that Russian will show up in future episodes. Crews was great in this episode, even did a bit of asskicking. I also liked how they had made us think that his former partner might've been innocent, and now we get new intel showing that he might've been more involved than Crews belived, with the bank robbery and all.

  7. #7
    I don't understand why why the bank robbery plays into the real crime that Crews went to jail for? Was it for the murder of that family?

  8. #8
    I have no idea either, I guess we'll learn in the upcoming episodes. Maybe it had to do with the family getting murdered, maybe it had something to do with a cover up, maybe the money was used to pay people off.

  9. #9
    ANBU Shi_No_Shikaku's Avatar
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    I was just thinking the same thing as Munsu.... but I don't know how that would work. Great show btw.
    I Don't like to say anything twice

  10. #10
    Man, last night's episode, episode 8, has been the best so far I'd say. A couple of good developments...

    The detective after Crew's gets killed, we meet Dani's father, the DA goes after him. Great episode.

  11. #11
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Life is an amazing show, unfortunately I haven't been able to watch it lately but Life and Pushing Daisies are definitely the best new shows of the season.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
    Sapphire is awesome!

  12. #12
    Another good episode of Life last night...

    We pretty much get two crimes to solve and we see Crews confronting his partner's dad. Good stuff as always.

    And a couple of good news, the series got a full season order AND next week we'll have two new episodes of Life; one on Monday after Heroes, and another on its regular spot on Wednesday.

  13. #13
    IF Life took the spot after Heroes, what happened to Journeyman? Cancelled, or just not airing on monday for that week?

  14. #14
    It returns December 10.

  15. #15
    Good episode two days ago...

    It had a bit of everything, some Zen talk, some whores, some lesbian kissing, some karate... But most importantly, right next to the lesbian kissing, Crews finally found who killed the people he was framed for. So don't forget that there's another episode tonight, and it looks like it'll be very good.

  16. #16
    Loved this wednesdays episode. The whole throwing away the zen cassette like he didn't care, and then diggin the whole at the end was awesome.Things are really starting to get good now. He finally found the girl, and lost her again. And jack reece doesn't seem to be scared at all. I wonder who else was invovled in the conspiracy.

  17. #17
    I really liked how they used the episode before the "Dig a hole, then bury it" was used in this one so well.

  18. #18
    With him getting a lot of screentime with the girl being shot, I was hoping she would end up being the one he was looking for, but she has been clearly brainwashed, didn't even recognize his 'uncle'. Can't wait till they meet again, with her accusing him of shooting her and all.

    I really liked the episode, the car crash was nice, and the way he handled it. I'm sure this goes deeper than Jack, so I wonder where the investigation will lead to next. It was nice to see the interaction between Crew's old partner and his new one.

    Fucking strike better end soon, it's really starting to piss me off.

  19. #19
    No new episode yesterday caused by the strike I'm guessing?

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    I though the last episode was the last for this season.

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