here is a link to some spoilers
here is a link to some spoilers
Looks like the blue haired girl has some unique moves. I wonder if Pein is just going to sit and watch while Jiraiya fights her? If Jiraiya takes her out in this battle, then I wonder if Kishimoto-sama is trying to end the Akatsuki chapter soon. They are dropping like flies.
Did she turn into paper butterflies? If so that's a very useless seeming but interesting skill. Also...she looks like she's either wearing a mask or has no facial features. I wonder if she's real...
Last edited by Yukimura; Wed, 08-29-2007 at 04:47 PM.
Contentless posts will be warned. Post on topic or don't post at all. Please do not try to derail threads.
Last edited by masamuneehs; Thu, 08-30-2007 at 05:54 PM.
or maybe the butterflies is like itachis ravens...
Last edited by thejustin2; Thu, 08-30-2007 at 06:03 PM.
Rule 14.
You and ody can help each other learning it... become study buddies or something...
Off topic and contentless.
(As in the girl becoming a scattered object...not unlike a certain someone's sword in BLEACH!)
So touchy you wooters are. =)
Last edited by iMUSTbeTHEdevil; Thu, 08-30-2007 at 05:03 PM.
assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense
Goodbye ody.
You were one of the worst posters I've ever seen.
Anybody else want to spam stupid one-liners?
Last edited by masamuneehs; Thu, 08-30-2007 at 05:50 PM.
whoa ody got banned...never thought I'd see the day
any news on the new chapter? desperately waiting for it =(
That akatsuki girl looks pretty dangerous, this should be an awsome fight.
lol? You serious? And then the male gets the name Pein...Originally Posted by uhicha neji
Maybe it was suppose to be the opposite... hmmmm.....
Konan? What the hell...
You know i don't want Jiraiya to get offed but maybe kishi can grant him an epic death
where did you read this..?Originally Posted by uhicha neji
There's also a chance that he'll get pummeled into the ground and die...
R.I.P Captain America.
Here's the chinese translation, if you like that or can't wait ^_^
Naruto 368 Chn torrent
Naruto 368 Chn DDL
Last edited by Koyuki; Fri, 08-31-2007 at 01:30 PM.
Okay, where is everyone getting the idea that she has blue hair? It seems to be pretty widespread but I don't remember seeing any mention of it.
scans at mangashare aka bsmanga
Bit of a slow transitional chapter. Nothing huge happened unless some tasty info was divulged in the dialogue. Although Jiraiya's house-frog transformation was amusing.