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Thread: Who will die?

  1. #1

    Who will die?

    who do u think will die in the end of naruto?

    i think tsunade and jiraiya will. probably kakashi...ino shika cho wont die, neji will die. hinata wont die. kiba wont die.ten ten wont die. rock lee will die. lets face it, its very probable they will. and naruto will die obviously cuz thats when it ends...

  2. #2
    Konoha gets utterly destroyed. Naruto turns into a villain, starts his own village and becomes leader there. This then springs off a spinoff series, where the child of Sasuke and Sakura to be tentatively named Sasura with Sharingan and the power of Shannaro, he/she battles his/her way to kill Naruto! That'd be epic. Sounds like Kishimoto needs to hire me. =/

  3. #3
    ANBU Captain Hikyuu's Avatar
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    Is there any reasoning for your theories of who will die.. I Feel all minorities that have either done drugs or had sex will die. Also homosexuals will not be killed do to the fact it can be viewed as insensitivity to the cause...

  4. #4
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pranavrulz
    who do u think will die in the end of naruto?

    i think tsunade and jiraiya will. probably kakashi...ino shika cho wont die, neji will die. hinata wont die. kiba wont die.ten ten wont die. rock lee will die. lets face it, its very probable they will. and naruto will die obviously cuz thats when it ends...
    Sounds like random guesses to me. You're an idiot.

  5. #5
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    play nice with the new guy mage. i don't see any earth-shattering declarations or enlightening theories coming from your way...

    My list: (and brief why's):

    Jiraiya: Following in the footsteps of the 3rd and Asuma, this guy was slated for death the moment he took over as Naruto's sensei. Also, the foreshadowing brought on in his latest scene with Tsunade, plus the fact that he's in the heart of Akatsuki territory, potentially up against their two strongest, doesn't bode well. See Obi-wan.

    Tsunade: Unless she pulls some 'I'm retiring' BS, there's no other way Naruto becomes Hokage, which is how I see the series ending, since it has that 'If you dream you can do it' shounen theme throughout it. Also, Orochibuto and/or Roots has to kill somebody major.

    Orochimaru/Kabuto-Orochibuto has to die. There's no real thought necessary on this; his storyline has been the longest standing threat to Konoha. I see him dying in a draw with Tsunade or being killed in revenge by Naruto.

    Kisame - That new shark kid with Zabuza's sword in Hebi, along with the help of the rest of the group, takes this guy down in preperation for Sasuke v. Itachi. That or the three other Hebi fight Kisame while Sasuke fights Itachi.

    Itachi - The Uchiha storyline, as we know it, can only end this way. Unless those wild theories are true and he was somehow forced to kill his clan by Madarame Uchiha or something else crazy like that, this guy is dead on Sasuke's sword. It would be pretty lame if he turned out to be 'a good guy in hiding all this time' who dies trying to help Sasuke or is wrongly killed by Sasuke.

    Rest of Akatsuki - Especially Tobi/Madarame. That guy has 'I'm the real villain' written all over him. Maybe a guy like Zetsu simply disappears...

    On the cusp:
    Kakashi? I don't know if he needs to, but it might serve well with the whole 'younger generation taking over' thing. Also, I still see it as his failure as a teacher that added to Sasuke leaving. I wouldn't be surprised if he got taken down by Itachi or Sasuke. Then again, maybe he survives to become 'the wise old ninja'.

    Iruka? Will this guy actually ever do anything in a major battle outside of the Mizuchi fight? If so, he dies on the Obi-Wan/Teacher kick as well.

    Gai? I doubt it, but he could also be another one of the leaders to go down... Yes, essentially I'm saying that everyone holding a teacher/authority position in Konoha could get the axe, except for Kurenai. Good job saving yourself by getting preggerz.

    Yamamoto? I wouldn't be surprised if he gets killed by an enraged Kyuubi/Naruto and creates a big 'I have to pull my powers under control' angst kick for the stupid main character. Otherwise, he's slated for death by Orochibuto and/or total randomness, or just fades into the background...

    Sai? Opposes Roots and dies? Or just is altogether forgotten until Kishi wants to pull some gay jokes? Or a combo of both...

    Sai aside, I don't seriously see any of the young Konoha ninjas dying. I think that if Kishi was going to have stuff like that happen, it would have happened starting with Chouji and Neji, or at least with Gaara. But the fact that the only kids to ever die are on the bad sides (Haku through Kimimaro) makes me think it's going to stay that way, meaning even the useless Ino makes it through.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  6. #6
    Nah I don't think Kakashi and Gai are going to die. Remember, even though the young generation may take power, it doesn't mean they will have all the necessary wisdom to rule. Just like Sarutobi's old team mate's now act as advisors to the Hokage, I think this is the path the Kakashi/Gai are going to follow.

    I don't see Tsunade dying. Maybe being severly injured by fighting root/Kabutoro. She will probably end up being rescued by Naruto, who by the virtue of this act would qualify himself as the strongest Ninja in the village, hence Hokage.

    I also don't see Jiraiya dying just yet, if at all. I think for him to die there will have to be an audience, like there was with Sarutobi. You just can't have a powerful character like him die all by himself, with Konoha assuming he is MIA/AWOL. Besides, we havn't seen any character die so far without an audience, so I don't buy the theory that Jiraiya is going to die in the rain village.

    Itachi is interesting. I seriously think that this guy may live, if not at the very least die Anakin Skywalker style by coming back to the forces of good. Uchiha Madara is what complicates Itachi's story. I think it is him that Itachi spoke of when he told Sasuke that with him, there would be 3 MS users. Kakashi is blatantly the 4th user, since he developed the MS after the time jump (which at any rate is after Itachi left the village).

    Apart from that, I think the shark kid in Hebi might die. Apart from him, the other two in Sasuke's group seem to have potential for good, but this guy seems like your average evil joe with a power up. My money is on Kisame teaching this guy some respect.

  7. #7
    The way things are winding down, it seems Jiraiya is going to lose his life, beyond resonable doubt Kishi invoke the death pronounce Jiraiya so much that it will be amusing that he will actually live against the duel with Pein, as for the other's Sasuke v. Itachi will definetly be promising since in the first begining episodes of Naruto, Sasuke ambition was to kill his brother and the fight between them will bring the summoning up of the Uchiha family and the death of Itachi.

    367 Jiraiya mention to be aware and careful about roots to Tsunande, I believe roots will try to take over and that will be the next arc and that will resulting in a lot of people dieing, to pin out who will die is yet again to early to decide but Naruto being the next Hokage has to come in to being. Naruto only aspect of being so strong is to live to be the Hokage and help others and I agree with masamuneehs about Tsunade" Unless she pulls some 'I'm retiring' BS, there's no other way Naruto becomes Hokage" plan B is if she dies Naruto will be able to take over but that will be killing off way to much Hokages in a short time even for Kishi

  8. #8
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    I had forgotten about roots until just now. anyhow, jiraiyas forshadowing his death made me think that it was eminent. however, i am starting to doubt whether or not he will die. It would serve to forward the story line to its climax but like during the chuunin exam, none of the leaf ginin died where it looked like each one was going to bite it.

    it is really hard to tell where the plot is going, i dont thnk the orichimaru/sasuke plot is dead... im still waiting for oro to awaken inside of sasuke.. really all together there are way too many sub plots hanging in the balance; just like Root which i had forgotten about.

  9. #9
    That would be a great twist... Oro awakens inside Sasuke, almost succeeds in taking him over and just then Itachi comes and MS's Oro's ass.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    Tsunade: Unless she pulls some 'I'm retiring' BS, there's no other way Naruto becomes Hokage, which is how I see the series ending, since it has that 'If you dream you can do it' shounen theme throughout it. Also, Orochibuto and/or Roots has to kill somebody major.
    I dont think she has to die in order for Naruto to become Hokage. Didnt the 3rd retire and let the 4th take over? He then came back as the Hokage because the village needed a leader.
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  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by TheBladeChild
    I dont think she has to die in order for Naruto to become Hokage. Didnt the 3rd retire and let the 4th take over? He then came back as the Hokage because the village needed a leader.
    Even if Naruto becomes stronger than Tsuanade...his maturity level and mindset is still lacking 30 years+ of wisdom and patience. This is the reason why I can accept Gaara becoming a kazekage but not Naruto becoming one at this moment. But dont get me wrong, Naruto has matured alot over the series....however he's still lacking somewhat

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Q-BeRt
    Sounds like random guesses to me. You're an idiot.
    i actually do have reasons

    Tsunade: death of the sannin and she will probably die to save naruto from something, or maybe knows chiyo's reincarnation jutsu.

    Jiraiya: dies saving naruto because he feels responsible for naruto and the sannin all have to die and with that, the new sannin will emerge: Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura

    ino wont die because they havent really been plot relevant enough

    same with chouji

    shika will probably live to be an elder of konoha

    kiba wont die because hes not really all that important like he'll just be another konoha ninja

    tenten: same

    rock lee will die opening all gates and saving some ppl and proving his way of the ninja admirably of course

    naruto: he dies when the series is over but another series probably will offshoot from it like the son of naruto with konohamaru being his teacher and stuff like that....


  13. #13
    I thought Naruto got less mature over time, haha.

  14. #14
    ANBU Captain Hikyuu's Avatar
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    More like the perverted Hermit

  15. #15
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Yamato will fight Sai as the epic "teacher vs student" battle when it is revealed that Yamato is part of the big roots movement. Then one of them will die.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  16. #16
    No one has died in a while in the manga so im guessing there will be a massive period of time were about 3-4 people die. I also see naruto dieing at the end, lee might die opening all the gates, (probably to protect sakura or something stupid like that) and if lee dies, i think guy would probably die too, like they both opening all the gates but during diffrent battles.

  17. #17
    There are going to be a lot of deaths. I'm guessing all of the older people (Kakashi's generation and older) will bite it. This means Gai, Kurenai, Tsunade, Jiraiya, Yamato. Jiraiya's death is all but certain from the foreshadowing 2 chapters ago and the coming battle with Akatsuki. Tsunade will probably die saving the village from some Kabuto/Oro plot. Yamato will get tangled with a Root plot and die because of it. Since Kakashi has been built up so much, he'll probably die fighting Tobi or Pein.

    But this also means that all the Akatsuki will die. I'm guessing each of the original Rookies will match up with an Akatsuki and take them down with some assistance. Shikamaru took down Hidan, Naruto took down Kakuzu, Sakura took out Sasori, Sasuke took out Deidara. Of course some rookies won't be able to take down one, and will just play a support role - like Ino. But all the rookies will live. Kishi has made it clear that the younger generation will take over, and to me, this means the older generation must die.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Super5
    There are going to be a lot of deaths. I'm guessing all of the older people (Kakashi's generation and older) will bite it. This means Gai, Kurenai, Tsunade, Jiraiya, Yamato. Jiraiya's death is all but certain from the foreshadowing 2 chapters ago and the coming battle with Akatsuki. Tsunade will probably die saving the village from some Kabuto/Oro plot. Yamato will get tangled with a Root plot and die because of it. Since Kakashi has been built up so much, he'll probably die fighting Tobi or Pein.

    But this also means that all the Akatsuki will die. I'm guessing each of the original Rookies will match up with an Akatsuki and take them down with some assistance. Shikamaru took down Hidan, Naruto took down Kakuzu, Sakura took out Sasori, Sasuke took out Deidara. Of course some rookies won't be able to take down one, and will just play a support role - like Ino. But all the rookies will live. Kishi has made it clear that the younger generation will take over, and to me, this means the older generation must die.
    You cant kill everyone from the older generation. If you do then you will have no one to compare the younger generation to the older. EX. "Wow Naruto has gotten so strong, he maybe stronger than Yondaime!" or "I think Sakura may be a better healer than Tsundae."

    They have to keep a few of the older generation around to give a gage on strength and ability.

    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  19. #19
    Student Gnompf's Avatar
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    I think all the Akatsuki members is going to die.
    Jiraiya and Kakashi.
    Jiraiya going to get killed of Pain or Tobi. Jiraiya underrest Pain and attack him leaving him to his death, or Pain is having problem to kill Jiraiya and tobi coming to end his life.
    Kakashi is going to die for saving naruto jumping infront him of a strong attack and save narutos life with his. He did not like to se comrades dies.

    Some character need to die in naruto, Even the good ones.
    I have been into the dark to long

  20. #20
    Kakashi dieing is irrelevant i believe he going to be the one who maintains the growth with Naruto and his goal on being a hokage. Two of Naruto teachers can't die and i believe Jiraiya is going to die. It will be a turn in an event if Pein were to lose the fight between Jiraiya but that's only an idea but and idea that will leave us speechless

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