Well the problem is Terra _your_ in it. Were is just females say.... wearing chain mail bikinis and wielding claymores then it'd be okay.
Well the problem is Terra _your_ in it. Were is just females say.... wearing chain mail bikinis and wielding claymores then it'd be okay.
seems like Jessia's dream has come to life
Formerly known as 'Animemaster'
what zeeeee..... some of these posts are getting muddled up cos some1 quoted some1 that posted AFTER him. atleast thats what it looks like on my page. freaky ¬_¬
just remembered a dream i had a while ago, its really strange and involves hair.... so here goes. i went to cut my hair i got long hair and sort of dont want to cut it off. anyway when i got my hair cut there were no mirrors in there so i couldnt see how it turned out so when i got home i was myself in the mirror i had bleached hair and some kind of weird half long hair and after a while my face started to change and i almost looked like a squirrel.. then i woke up that was crazy, got scared like hell. comment on this weird ass dream what kind of issues do i got?
bleh...my weirdest dream was when i was like...8 or 9. i was in my room and saw some dark shapes with red eyes in my dads room and they kept calling me and shit. weird thing about it was that some years later when i saw digimon (yes ive seen it, dont hate me for it) i saw that the same things that came out in my dream appeared on that show. they were supposedly after one of the girls in teh show for something or another. freaked the shit out of me @_@.
yes, this is a rank act of necroposting. But this is a pretty cool thread concept and I hope people begin to post in here again.
Well, i got sick as hell yesterday, fever, cough, sore throat, general wooziness. So I went to bed early (like 2pm) with a sweater and pants and an extra blanket to see if I could "sweat it out". Now, i'm not sure if others have attempted this, but for me it always gives me funky ass dreams, some of which I will share with you now.
My first dream started in my fraternity house, but like it was my house. My bed, TV, and mother were all there. For some reason I had some weird interactive-anime thing that was like ZZ Gundam, complete with a slightly modified Zeta Gundam OP crossed with Star Wars music. I played Kamille and was all hot for serving with Bajeena and Bright Noa was still a dick. There were some cut scenes and plot, but i've never even seen ZZ, so... So I'm playing/watching this game and it slowly turns more into a video game than anything else, with the glorious graphics of Zelda Link to the Past for the SNES. So I'm going around as a little Gundam into dungeons where I fight weird fish skeletons and the heads of Zakus that shoot laser beams at me. Oh, and instead of fighting Orcs, there's the crew of Peanuts wielding swords and trying to kill me.
I wake up and go back to sleep. This time I'm in some spooky castle thing where most of the lights are out and me and everyone else have two knives and are supposed to kill each other. I don't remember alot of this dream, but at the end I'm dangling from a wet cliff (it's raining) outside of the third floor window when me and all the people I'm trying to kill decide to put our differences aside so we can watch the Super Bowl instead. I wake up and panic, seeing that it's 9pm, and it takes me a while to figure out that the Super Bowl is Sunday and that today is still Tuesday...
I go to sleep around 1230am and have another weird dream. This one is like some weird cross between a horror movie and a military movie. Apparently most of the world has gotten flooded and mankind is being hunted by aqueous man-eating things that look like the killer worms from the Tremors movies. Somehow I'm in the army and all these guys from my high school and fraternity are there too. For awhile it's all just training exercises (running, scuba gear prep, shooting) but then I get stuck out on this little tiny inflatable raft and nearly lose my leg to one of those fucking water worms... Then there's this strangely erotic scene where I find one of my female friends from high school is there too, and we end up sleeping together and I bite her shoulder and have butt sex with her. Then when we wake up I find that we've just done it in the middle of some big briefing and this general guy is scowling at me, so I pretend to try to tie my laces on my boots and then wake up.
no, i don't believe dreams mean a whole lot. I mean, half the time they're just random collections of things you've thought about or experienced in that day. But, well, I figure it could still be cool to share them.... especially since I imagine you guys have some weird dreams as well.
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
Yeah this is a pretty good thread to talk about dreams but I know that you meant when you were sick (when your sick and have trippy dreams it sucks sometimes), taking lots of medicine is bad for you as we all know and it can lead to trippy ass dreams.
I guess I was around 15 or 16 my mom made me take so much medicine when I was sick, so anyways I took the medicine and got knocked out on my bed. Man the dreams I had were just too unreal and it was nightmare after nightmare, I can't remember what most of it really was but I really remember 1 part of it when I was being chased my vampires and it turned out to be my parents. So in all like vampire movies I killed them and knowing they were my parents I cried in my dream.
When I awoke I thought I went into the bathroom to wash my face, when I did I looked in the mirror and what I saw freaked me out because my whole face was just plain white. As I looked in the mirror, I was back in my bed and what was going through my head was "What the fuck?" So I get up, get back into the restroom and looked at my face, which was really pale, and I just felt like shit, also for some reason I had like a paranoia feeling all around my body. Then my mom tells me (as she went upstairs to get to the bathroom) "Damn, I think I gave you too much medicine" (because she saw my face and how scared I looked for some unknown reason). Thats all I basically remember but I think my mom was too late on that one.
No one but the enemy will ever teach you how to destroy and conquer. Only the enemy shows you where you are weak. Only the enemy tells you when he is strong. And the rules of the game are what you can do to him and what you can stop him from doing to you. I am your enemy from now on. From now on, I am your teacher."
-Mazer Rackham
holy hell necroposting
Anyways, on topic.
Sunday i was super hung over and while sleeping on the couch.
When i was sleeping there would be a ton of people in the room and i would want them to all be quite. I would open my eyes to convince myself that there was in fact no-one there and i would re-awake. This occured about 6 times in the morning, 8-12
Actually I've been researching lucid dreaming and hypnagogic sensations for the past few weeks, weird coincidence huh?
For those that don't know, lucid dreams are dreams where you are aware of what is happening to you, and you have a sort of control of what happens in the dream-state. Hypnagogia is what your body experiences in the transfer from active consciousness to sleep.
I guess because some of the trippiest stuff happens to me in dreams, I want to be able to experience them first hand, but it's been hard going so far. Only once or twice have I gotten control, and then I lose it soon after, but I'm going to keep at it.
One of the weirdest dreams to date is one I had about two years ago. I remember fragments of it, but it still amazes me what our brains can come up with when on standby like that.
I am on a dirt road, lined with an old wooden fence, in the middle of a sparse forest, mostly pines. I look forward and see a large castle-like building, and upon reaching it I see it is surrounded by a large wrought-iron black fence. I enter to find it deserted, yet clean and well lit. After this I realize there is a lion, for no apparent reason in the house. I'm now next to the lion, who I realize is important, yet begin to run. I don't wish to leave, so then find myself in the woods on a sort of overhang on top of a clearing. A large wave comes and destroys the scene, washing me away. I experience that feeling of smooth speedy movement, and I find myself flickering through many different scenes that I have never experienced in waking. Things like a trailer park in snow, all my friends are fighting something with pikes,and the castle again but everything is made of wire. Here's where it gets really out there. I experience what is called a "false awakening" which is where you get up out of bed believing it to be morning and prepare for the day, but you are still dreaming. The only reason I recognized this is because the moment I turned on the bathroom faucet, large clocks started pouring out of it, and, seriously distrubed, turn to the mirror and find a incredibly scary-looking robot behind me, who then kills me with some sort of drill thing.
I view my dying body in the mirror for a few more seconds then wake up in my bed, screaming.
I don't remember most of my dreams, and I really have no urge to pursue lucid dreaming, though the concept is really interesting, I'd rather just let my brain have it's own at it.
Some proof towards dreams being a reflection of what you did the day before:
I was in an apartment, and there were Girl Scouts (standard green uniform) selling something door-to-door. Doorbell rings, I answer, and they are selling PS3's. This snappy little Girl Scout starts really pushing the thing on me, and I keep vehemently saying I don't want it. I mean like we were shouting at each other. I woke up there.
The day before, me and my roommate were looking at the stack of PS3's in BestBuy while trying to find a Wii for him to buy. I get where the PS3 came from, but why the Girl Scout?
Lessee... I had my head cut off in a dream once. Don't exactly care to re-dream that one any time soon =P
Most of my dreams are usually lucid so I'm usually aware that I'm dreaming. It's very rare for me to not realize that I'm dreaming, actually. My favorites are the ones that involve flight. When I was in HS and college, alot of my dreams involved completing some type of mission. Not so much these days.
Oh, and once I had a dream where I was standing in line and it wasn't moving. It got so boring in that dream that I decided to wake up. And I didSo like Calvin once in the comics, I bored myself awake ^^
Wow, you're pretty lucky. Most people have to try really hard to Lucid Dream, and train themselves to become self-aware inside their dreams. I was really into Lucid Dreaming about a year ago (I remember talking about it in the "Today I learned..." thread, actually), but I didn't get anywhere and eventually got bored with the idea.Originally Posted by Honoko
This happens to me EVERY time I get sick, regardless of whether I took any medicine or not. It really bugs me because I always have dreams in which I am "not allowed" to sleep (meaning I wake up, go back to sleep, continue the dream, etc.) until I figure something out. It's usually something insane or illogical, and is probably my brain's justification for my restlessness, but I can never do any of these tasks, resulting in sleepless nights and searing headaches.Originally Posted by masamuneehs
The few I can remember well are:
- Being stuck in the Mayan culture, and being forced to figure out their social system, which was in some way related to a giant glowing orb transcending all human logic.
- Being forced to learn Chinese, by means of having 2 men yell at me in the language.
- "solving" the 3D Pipes Windows screen saver.
<@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs
Years ago I really invested into this, because I had lots of annoying nightmares. And I got rid of them by succeeding in taking control of most of the dreams. But that phase passed, and nowadays I'm rarely really aware.Originally Posted by XanBcoo
Anyway, the last dream this morning was pretty funny. I was a part of an expedition to reach some location, perhaps some ancient ruins with treasures or something. At one point the group became stuck in a valley with the cliffs too steep to simply climb. Right then two members of the team broke away from the main body, and took with them a large remote controlled plane, quite like those military UAVs. They were going to use it to somehow get out of the ravine.
The rest of us weren't pleased, and it looked like a competition would begin of who gets first to the ruins. So, someone used a remote control to get us a helicopter. However, as the chopper was getting near, the UAV launched an AA missile. After that, the rest of us just sat down to watch the show as the helicopter desperately spinned and whirled in the sky trying to avoid the missile. However, at the last possible moment, an AA missile was launched from the helicopter as well, right before it was destroyed. The UAV had no chances, and it was hit as well.
However, the UAV was hit right above us, and the wreck started to fall, and all of us who had been just sitting on the ground watching the show, in panic scrambled up and started running. And I finally woke up when I was already sitting on the bed and about to run away...
I tend to usually only remember my dreams for a few minutes while I'm waking up, unless they're really vivid dreams, or if I make an effort of burn all the details into my conscious memory. So I'm posting this one before I become too awake. The light from my monitors is burning my eyes, and already I'm losing details.
I dreamed that I was at my piano teacher's house for a piano lesson (it's been 6 years since I took piano lessons) and she was making all these snacks for some reason, because it was a special occasion. Some of the snacks consisted of chocolate milk and cupcakes. I offered to help her prepare and she handed me an opened tin of brown beans and said, "You can put the beef on top of the cupcakes." And then, I started to get worried about my brother because he was supposed to be there. I thought to myself, "Maybe Mom was driving him here and had a car accident." In a panic, I phoned home on my cell, and my brother answered. I asked him why he wasn't here, and he said, "Why would I be?" Then he said he might swing by to visit a bit later. I was confused. Why WAS I there? Was I still taking piano lessons? I tried to remember, but my memory was fuzzy. I realized that I hadn't been practicing piano for a while and couldn't play any pieces anymore.
Just then, my uncle and aunt and three young cousins walked in, apparently for a piano lesson. I was a bit resentful that they were taking over my piano lesson. The two boys really were my cousins, but the youngest girl wasn't my cousin (I thought she was in my dream, but on waking up I know that she looked and acted nothing like my cousin). She gave my piano teacher a Japanese-style bow.
I can't remember the middle part anymore, but it involves riding funny little trains for a while. The next part that I can actually remember, I'm riding one of these strange trains home. They're like kids train rides at an amusement park. Kid-sized, not very fast, and without doors or restraints. I'm sitting in the very front of one of these with someone I know, and we each are holding a bag of some round fruit. Suddenly, mine starts to slide forward, and I barely catch it before it falls out of the train. There's a sharp deceleration, and since I have nothing to hold onto, I'm nearly pitched out of the train. I put a foot out in front to catch myself, and I realize that I'm stepping on the track and the train is going to run over me. But the train is mostly stopped, so I get back in and turn around to see a man with a blond beard and a green coat and toque pulling the emergency brake. He's grinning, looking right at me, as if he knows me. "Who are you?" I ask. "Don't you remember me? It's Drew." I wrack my brain, trying to recall everyone I know named Drew, and trying to call up any vague recollection of the man. "The only Drew I know is Drew Lohn," I replied (he was in my class through undergrad and is currently in Japan teaching English...on a side note, he made a YouTube video called Escape From Seoul....but back to the story). The man looked confused. "It's strange that I don't know who that is," he says. I suddenly have a 'memory' of a large building surrounded by forest and large green lawns. "Did I meet you the summer I worked at the hotel?" I asked (no, I've never worked at a hotel ever). The man nods, and suddenly everyone is getting off the train. I want to explain to the man that I can't recall much of that summer because it's all a blur, knowing that it sounds like a cheap excuse, but honestly being upset by my inability to remember a whole summer's worth of events. We're suddenly on a city bus, walking up the aisle. "I was a friend of your father's," says the man. When he's beside the bus driver and about to leave, he takes out a digital camera and snaps a picture of me. Then my alarm went off and I woke up.
So weird....one of the most unsettling things about dreams is 'knowing' things that don't exist and 'remembering' things that never happened. Sometimes I'll have dreams where everything feels so familiar that I'll wonder if I've dreamed the exact same dream before.
I just had a dream the other day where I leasing out some place for a short time, and it turned out Psyche and his wife were there as well. Then for some reason Psyche started getting really pissed off at me.
(Btw this would be the 3rd dream I've ever had involving other GW members)
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
I can't even imagine Psyke getting pissed off at anybody...Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
But I hope they were at least cosplaying in your dream.
Lay off the acid?Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
I've recently recieved a message from my ex-future employer that I after all do not qualify for the job at hand so it basically means I need to pick up a saturday job and go back to university ( was a high-profile young programming company ), which gave me some pretty frightening dreams lately.
I've spend the last two nights fighting and beating up people as hard as I could smashing their faces everywhere possible, waking up in the morning with holes ( of my fingers oO) in the wall and my desk misses a couple sharp edges. Not to mention I've got scratches and bruises all over my arms and hands.
It's freaking me out, especially considering there's actually noone else to prevent me from trying to commit suicide while sleeping. I wish I could confess dreams with naked women going all out, but my dreams usually end at the carebear phase of cuddling. So perhaps that's why I smash faces, pure sexual frustration.
Nice way to hellbump a thread from 2004.
Bump this thread next time instead
I only read the first page, so hence, someone bumped it, but it wasnt me.Originally Posted by Mut