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Thread: Dream discussion/ Interpretation

  1. #61
    ANBU Captain Paulyboy's Avatar
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    Yeah I have that most of the time, I think we have these wierd dreams cause we drink or do drugs, I don't know but I quit recently, smoking that good ol Mary Jane and yes I miss it god I was in love with MARIJUANA. But yet I still have some wierd vivid dreams, not all the time though.
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  2. #62
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Well, im not a fan of weed...although one of the few time i indulged,i had a weird dreamlike exp. but it wasnt really a dream...but still unbelievable.
    Last edited by rockmanj; Mon, 08-27-2007 at 11:34 AM.

  3. #63
    ANBU Captain Hikyuu's Avatar
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    Most of my dreams are vivid.. but too absurd to be real.. Besides the ones that like to trick me to stay asleep.. they happen right before I wake up and involve me sitting in school with my head on the desk falling asleep..
    EDIT: Also smoking weed messes with my dreams.. they aren't as clear
    Last edited by Hikyuu; Tue, 08-28-2007 at 07:42 PM.

  4. #64
    Genin Iridani's Avatar
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    I don't tend to dream often... just once in a while. When I do it's usually something oddly normal but yet not... and days, weeks or months later I'll have major deja vu and I'll be doing whatever it is I dreamt about exactly. Quite amusing really.
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  5. #65
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Let's see...the last dream i had, i was on a football team (the arizona cardinals) that was coached by Michael Irvin, who had tried coaching before, but was so bad at it that he quit 5 games into the season the first time he tried.Initially, i was trying out for the team, but the tryout room was indoors, and very small, and i had to actually play against Irvin, who criticized me for not using my speed and running my routes correctly.

    Long story short, i ended up making the team as a receiver that also played cornerback at times. The strange thing was that there were like video game controls and playbook artwork like at the top of the dream before every play, like in Madden or something, but the play art didnt make any sense, and most, if not all were illegal formations. Anyway, I dropped my first pass, but ended up with 2 touchdowns and 62 yards in like the 1st quarter.

    Then there was a situation where the QB threw the ball to the tight end, it bounced off his hands, i tipped it into the air, some one else tipped it, then he eventually caught it for the TD. I have no idea what this dream meant, but it was pretty weird, lucid, and vivid.

  6. #66
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    *brings back thread*

    It's 6:30am, and I have to post this before I forget.

    I had this dream where I was living back at my parent's house, and Assassin was living in the same neighbourhood (I guess cause we lived in the same area when I was going to school?). Anyway, his computer or internet broke or something but for some reason I was still able to download (although in reality there's only dialup at my parents) and so he came over to watch anime. He got there, and I showed him where the computer was, and then it turns out that Yuki was in town too, and Assassin had invited him over to watch anime too. When Yuki walked in the door, I was like, "Yuki!!!!" *hug* Cause in my dream I'd never met Yuki before. Then I went over to the barn across the field to do some chores for my parents, and while I was over there I ran into Lucifus who was on his way home from school, and he was like, "Hi KitKatZ"
    Me: "Oh hey, Assassin and Yuki are across the field at my house watching anime if you want to come."
    Him: "What anime?"
    Me: "Spice and Wolf"
    Him: "OMGZ YES!"

    So as we walked to the house, he was questioning me on why I didn't like Spice and Wolf, and I was telling him how I just didn't really get into it, cause not everyone likes the same animes. As we walked in the door, I was like, "For instance, I adored Mushishi but I know people who didn't get into it." And Assassin chimed in, "I had a friend who hated Mushishi." My mom had just made some cinnamon buns, so I offered them to the guys, and then continued doing chores for my parents while they watched anime.

    Overall, this dream was a weird mix of the mundane and the bizarre. And now I'm hungry for cinnamon buns....they smelled so delicious in the dream.

  7. #67
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    If I recall correctly KitKat, that's not the first time you've had dreams about Gotwoot people.

    I also like how the three of them just sat on their asses eating cinnamon buns and watching anime while you had to do chores.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  8. #68
    I'm proud to say that I've never dreamt of other Gotwoot members.

  9. #69
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Hmm....the ones I remember seeing in dreams were Terra, R3n, and Psyke and his wife...
    I'm sure there were others though...
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  10. #70
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    For me it was either Terra, el_boss, or Kraco, I think. Someone from some northern, snowy country at the very least. I can't remember that well.

    But yeah, they were just there hanging out with me and the rest of my friends as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Really weird.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  11. #71
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Haha, classic KitKatZ!

    I wouldn't have expected that even from youZ.

    I've never dreamed about Gotwoot but I did have an extremly nightmarish dream about being stuck in Photoshop. I think it was a C2 signature and I couldn't get the coloring right. I dreamt about that one think the entire dream so that was a bad night. xD

    You deserve a signature!

    Last edited by Lucifus; Sun, 02-10-2008 at 12:04 AM.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  12. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by KitKat
    *brings back thread*

    It's 6:30am, and I have to post this before I forget.

    I had this dream where I was living back at my parent's house, and Assassin was living in the same neighbourhood (I guess cause we lived in the same area when I was going to school?). Anyway, his computer or internet broke or something but for some reason I was still able to download (although in reality there's only dialup at my parents) and so he came over to watch anime. He got there, and I showed him where the computer was, and then it turns out that Yuki was in town too, and Assassin had invited him over to watch anime too. When Yuki walked in the door, I was like, "Yuki!!!!" *hug* Cause in my dream I'd never met Yuki before. Then I went over to the barn across the field to do some chores for my parents, and while I was over there I ran into Lucifus who was on his way home from school, and he was like, "Hi KitKatZ"
    Me: "Oh hey, Assassin and Yuki are across the field at my house watching anime if you want to come."
    Him: "What anime?"
    Me: "Spice and Wolf"
    Him: "OMGZ YES!"

    So as we walked to the house, he was questioning me on why I didn't like Spice and Wolf, and I was telling him how I just didn't really get into it, cause not everyone likes the same animes. As we walked in the door, I was like, "For instance, I adored Mushishi but I know people who didn't get into it." And Assassin chimed in, "I had a friend who hated Mushishi." My mom had just made some cinnamon buns, so I offered them to the guys, and then continued doing chores for my parents while they watched anime.

    Overall, this dream was a weird mix of the mundane and the bizarre. And now I'm hungry for cinnamon buns....they smelled so delicious in the dream.
    Rofl...maybe this had something to do with the fact that i never came to your house when you were here. Deep down you wanted that experience of you and me chilling and watching anime and eating delicious baked goods.

    Im certain i've had atleast one dream about gw members, though it was quite a while back so i can't remember anything now. I get the feeling it was about Kitkat, but that mite just be a false memory caused by reading her post.

    I did once have a really freaky dream which started out as me going to visit some friends at thier university, and thier class for some reason was in the basement, which was actually some big underground secret lab. I dont remember the transition but some how there was a lockdown, and then thier secret projects got loose. Turns out the secret projects were actually intelligent they killed the guards that weren't able to escape and took thier guns and like took over the underground lab. And i was all alone trying to escape while avoiding the guards. And all the doors were locked and, there'd be a long hallway, but every 30 feet or so, metal bars had dropped down sealing it off and splitting it up into several sections.

    It was a thoroughly freaky one point i had gotten to the lower most level, and managed to kick a small hole in a chain link fence/door to get into the hallway. But then 2 gorilla guards appeared, so i snuck into a room quickly....and for some reason this room turned out to be a bathroom, which looked exactly like the bathroom at home. So anyway, i was standing in the tub, hiding behind the shower curtain, and one of the gorilla guards enters the room, so i panick and punch him in the face and quickly run out the door. So now i have these 2 gorilla guards chasing me, and both have guns (but aren't shooting for some reason). I dive into another room and pick up a shot gun, presumably left behind by one of the fleeing guards, but as luck would have it, it doesn't work. So i get captured, and at this point im shit scared, (and twisting and turning in my bed). For whatever reason, my mind doesn't have/want a scenario where i win, but it also doesn't want a scenario where i as they're taking me down the hall, i manage to push one of the guards and run like hell....and as soon as i get past one of those metal jail-bar doors, i turn around and lock it. And the gorilla guard is literally 2 feet behind me, and i just get it to lock as he hits the door. That buys me some precious seconds, so i run to the next door and lock that as well, while they struggle with the first door....and eventually i get to the end of the hall and turn left and lose them.

    That was presumably the end of the dream....thats all i remember anyway. But man i was friggin i was physically trying to run in my sleep. Its funny cuz all the nightmares i've ever had revolve around me being chased, but my legs feel really heavy and i can't run fast enough (i guess cuz in reality im trying to run while sleeping). Often times i'll sort of realize that its a dream and try to control it, but it wont work. And then i'll be like "fuck, why can't i make myself run faster, or fly, or turn my arm into a rocket launcher!!". Usually i wake up rite after that point, before i have a chance to get control of my dream.

  13. #73
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    @ Assassin: Could be. I did invite you for anime and pie parties when I hosted them, but you never made it Maybe this summer we'll have an Ontario Gotwoot party with DF since he's stationed there now. He could steal a tank and we could drive it to an unsuspecting Canadian village and use it to chase seagulls and geese!

    @Xan: Hehe, well to be fair, this is the first dream I've had with Gotwoot people in it since that linguistics dream, and that was quite a while ago. And in my dream it was completely natural that they'd be hanging out, like hanging out with friends I've known since grade school, hence why I didn't feel like I had to 'entertain' them as guests, and pretty much kept doing whatever it was I was doing. Rearranging shelves I think....

  14. #74
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    I know this is going to sound weird...but I had a dream wherein I visited Psyke, and he changed the theme on my ps3. Very odd indeed.

  15. #75
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockmanj
    I know this is going to sound weird...but I had a dream wherein I visited Psyke, and he changed the theme on my ps3. Very odd indeed.

    I.... don't know what to say.
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  16. #76
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    It was all very strange....I also remember a lot of hamburgers being involved. -_-;;;

    Well, basically, the dream consisted of me going to visit Singapore, meeting Psyke, Giving him a gift (I think it was a set of hanbok), and for some reason I had my Ps3, which Psyke changed the theme to, then he cooked hamburgers, and that was basically it. So, kinda weird, but not that weird.
    Last edited by rockmanj; Wed, 11-12-2008 at 10:20 PM.

  17. #77
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    How come you never cook hamburgers for me in my dreams Pyske?

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  18. #78
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    I'll start by learning how to make them first. Free hamburgers for all!
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  19. #79
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    Free home-cooked hamburgers? Forget this dream business, that's worth going to Singapore for real. *starts packing her suitcase*

  20. #80
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    I dreamt a while back that I was visiting one of the guys from the #lulz channel, and he was cooking like 20 strips of bacon. Then he got pissed when I went near the bacon.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

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