I had a dream last night that involved me, two girls and a video camera... you do the math.
I love my dreams lately.
I had a dream last night that involved me, two girls and a video camera... you do the math.
I love my dreams lately.
Har?Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
I don't usually get angry, but if I'm pissed off that means something is really wrong.![]()
I usually have very vivid dreams which at the point of waking up, I'd want to return back to the dream. But sadly, I still tend to forget what the dream is about when I hit the shower. I've got a really poor memory (hence the phrase in my sig).
"Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。
For some reason, i had a dream that i was riding one of my old co-worker's motorcycle, crashed it, and broke my finger. And i went to the mechanic, that for some reason was in the phillipines, and he said the price was 2,000 pisos, which is around like, 50 bucks or so, and i paid with a us 100$ bill, but i only got like 2 dollars in change back...weird
I don't really remember many dreams I get, forget them straight away really.
Although, sometimes I am asleep, but not.
Like I can't move any of my body, my eyes are closed, my legs and arms aren't moving but I'm conscious, and I try to move and after a while I can, but for a little while there I'm completely stuck.
Anyone else get something like this?
Hard to write.
I spun out when I saw a JessiA thread on the front page.
Sleep Paralysis maybe?Originally Posted by kAi
2 nights ago I had a dream that a close relative of mine died. It was really tragic and also frustrating, 'cause I dreamed that no one else cared. Everyone else was trying to tell me to "get over it" minutes after it happened. I woke up depressed.
<@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs
That has happened to me exactly twice during my life, both times when I had happened to fall asleep in my beanbag chair. It has never happened otherwise, when sleeping in a bed of any kind or a sleeping bad or anything, so I guess it must be somehow related to the beanbag chair in my case.Originally Posted by kAi
Yeah, after reading through that, it seems that's what it is.Originally Posted by XanBcoo
I just had a dream that i was the character Gregory Deegan, from the webcomic "Dominic Deegan: oracle for hire". But at the same time i was the son of Jack O'Neil from the Stargate series (ya....dont ask). I dont remember much of it, but there some some kind of problem and everyone was worried. But the part i do remember was me walking up to my house, which now looked like a convenience store for some reason, and seeing these hoodlums who all happened to be chinese....but not like young kids, it was more like the typical back alley criminals you see in the movies...the one who operate out of the back of some restaurant in china town. So anyway, i see them in there, and i walk in and start kicking thier ass, i guess because they're in my house and trying to take over or something. So i start using magic, and use a strength spell and totally beat the crap out of everyone in a very badass way. And then when i was done, i go outside and use a 'flight' spell and fly off.
My friend would sometimes experience this...except he thinks it originated from this time when he was young and went into a coma for a week.Originally Posted by kAi
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
Strange dream from last night:
I am in the art classroom from my elementary school, having art class with my 5th grade art teacher. However, I am the same age I am now. In the dream I have a girlfriend (the girl wasn't recognizable to the real me) but we sat together and held hands during the dream. So i do something during art class that pisses my teacher off, I had been talking to my friends. Now here is the funny part, my two friends were Craig (Ice Cube) and D-Bo from the Friday movies. Anyway my art teacher gets pissed that I won't stop talking and we get into an argument before she kicks me out of the room. I say fine but if I'm leaving my girlfriend (I dont remember her name from the dream) is leaving too. So I take my girlfriend by the hand and we leave to drive around (we were both adults even though we were in 5th grade). I say bye Ice, peace D-Bo before leaving. That is when I woke up.
Who else want summa D-BO??
"They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin
How's this for strange? I had i dream that i was a single mother of 2 children that not only lived in the marvel universe, but was also a part time carpenter, and a liscensed psychologist. And towards the end of my dream, the guy i was dating broke up with me, and i was evicted from my place, because one of my kids clogged the toilet and didnt clean it up...o.O
sounds like you need a licensed psychologist...Originally Posted by rockmanj
last night was full of booze, but the night before I dreamed that I was visiting Afghanistan, and it was actually a pretty safe and OK place. There was some kind of festival going on and I danced and fell asleep in the town square with a bunch of other people. I wake up and this woman is leading a tour group around or something and even though she's speaking in some foreign language, I can tell she's talking about us and I'm really sketched out.
later on I am walking around and find that even though everything looks safe, I'd be living in a place with a history of terrorism. Somehow I find this old English guy who tries to tell me that I can't live in fear and that there are plenty of things I can do to not make myself a target. He also tells me something about praising God, but that part is fuzzy because I woke up soon afterwards.
i often have 'traveling' or dreams recently revolving around moving to some place new
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
Do you get drunk every night? Geez... And I dont think it was that strange...well the strangest part of the dream was that i tried to kill my ex-husband by throwing a car at him.
I'm the same way, can hardly remember my dreams beyond knowing I dreamt of something.Originally Posted by kAi
I've also had these "sleep paralysis" episodes, though what Xan linked to seemed to be more of a chronic condition requiring treatment than the annoyance that it was to me the few times it's happened in my life (hasn't happened in 10 years or so). What made it worse was that I'd hear my heart beating hard and a weird sound like you hear in chase scenes in horror movies, so I'd desperately try to move my arms and legs to wake up. It was even worse when I'd have the paralysis, wake up, then fall back asleep, then have the paralysis attack again.
“For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?”
Yeah i have the same thing Kainess. I get it frequently and it freaks the shit out of me. I usually have a headache afterward from forcing myself awake. Like animeniax said one of the more annoying things is when it happens over and over. I read somewhere that if you have poor sleeping habits it tends to happen more, and yeah, i have poor sleeping habits.Originally Posted by kAi
[21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot
So, I remember there was a thread on someones weird dream a few weeks ago.. So if the mods feel like merging this into there that (it's done) is fine.
Lately, at the end of my therapy sessions with my therapist ( Yes, Im crazy duh) I have been talking about my dreams. I happen to remember my dreams as they occur nightly and I usually wake up in the middle of them. It is quite interesting what your dreams can hold.. So in this thread. I will start it off and discuss the symbolism in my dreams .. and along with giving you insight into dreams in general -- it can give you a better understanding of what your fellow w00ters are going through ^^..Since this isn't the flaming pit try to take this seriously as I am opening up a lot as I hope others will.
So, I had this dream where I was out camping with my family and my ex scout friends( I used to be in boyscouts.. ) and all of a sudden all the cars came to life and began spouting deals on 0 percent APR and no money down and all that stuff.. Now most of this has very little to do with my life-- I have had controversy with the scouts as to my orientation and how they treat people with my beliefs(Then there is also the fact that it is the losers in a social circle and all have like debilitating ADHD.) The cars coming to life had to deal with my current issue of purchasing my first car. I hate driving. I get horrible anxiety from it and have therefore, not driven since I got my license(I even made my mother drive me home after I got my license). That was all I could really pull from this dream. If I were to delve deeper and give more insight then well.. yeah.
The other dream seems a bit more umm.. Dark. I was in a cleared forested area.. and there was a cage on the side.. and me and my family were confronted by the living dead. I can vaguely remember at least one human form and then a bunny rabbit. There was the tools of a jig saw and a Sort of bench saw except it was attached to along pole.. and I chased the rabbit/bunny around and he dodged gleefully.. then he outran me I stopped.. and I continued running so the buzz/table saw element caught my leg and slit into it. --my dreams are kind of segmented unfortunately so they will take leaps in story line--
later my father was trying to build something out of wood using that device as I kept warning him to be careful and something like this wasn't the right tool for the job.. So I used the jig saw and caught off some edges and such and of course ended up nicking myself again.. UP until here the dream is pretty normal for me..
I change the scenery into a dark lecture hall were it is filled with people I know from middle school. On their little fold out desks (which are attached to the seats.) are pamphlets on car info . For some reason I believe that events that happened in this room lead to the zombification (It is a dream I need no logic to make such assumptions)..So I tell everyone to clear out. Of course only a few people heed my warning. It is at this point where I take out the buzz saw device and begin to give people a larger reason to get out.. Still no movement. So I shrug and get to work hacking my middle school compatriots in half. There is no bloody mess for some reason it looked pretty pg and non chalant.. And I go down aisle by aisle destroying person and pamphlet alike.. then the bunny and the human like zombie reappear and thats about all.
I will post what I was able to draw from this dream later.. either by addition or editing of the post. I would like to hear some other peoples dreams and or thoughts/interpretations..
Last edited by masamuneehs; Sun, 08-26-2007 at 01:42 AM.
longest post evar
You were camping and then mechanic automobile human transporters go nuts? What happened to the woods when the cars you hate driving started rebellin against you? Sounds like a dream about moving on, to me, specially cuz your fam was in it and it involved a modern technological conrol/coping issue.
the second dream sounds like something you had when you were younger. i have never had an enteraction with your younger self, so i have no fucking clue what it might mean. sometimes though, i dream about things where i kill people as well... ... but, the people i kill are somehow, somehow not like people... probably too many video games at an early age...
I had a dream last night, and it involved GotWoot? forums. This is the first time that I've ever had a dream about this forum, so I considered it pretty significant, even though GoWoot? was only a very tiny part of the dream. It was mostly about anime.
My dream was some strange sort of insane collective assortment of my various online/computer related lives/personas, starting with Naruto (that episode 26 of Shippuuden which was actually damn good got me thinking about old Naruto fanboyism), incorporating Gundam Wing, and then involving GotWoot and some weird...
Well, anyway, it started that Sasuke was actually one of my long-time friends and I had to get him from going psycho in his grudge against Itachi. I wanted to save the kid, but I also accepted that I'd probably have to make Itachi worm food in order to help him in his 'dream'. Somehow, my friend winds up going to meet Itachi and gets kidnapped.
Then I meet up with crazy random people from my high school and several Gundam pilots from the Wing series. And I'm telling them that we have to get into this building, because to find out about Sasuke or whatever. We approach the building, and it's this 60 story monster skyscraper that is still very much under construction. Trowa, Heero, myself and whoever was 'Sakura' (think it was my friend Rachel) take opposite sides of the building while a bunch of Hindu kids create some kind of distraction at the front door.
I climb several stories up into the air on the construction material (that big orange plastic fence tape and metal) to get up the building. I look inside and see one security guard still walking up the indoor layout. At one point, I look down, and realize that I'm climbing a freaking goddamn 60 story skyscraper and that if I fell back for any reason I'd free-fall for about 5 whole, very long life-flashing, seconds and then die, immediatley. I scramble through some of the mesh and into the heart of the building.
There is no elecricity, it is totally dark except for a guard's flashlight almost five stories above me, but directly on the opposite side of the 70+ foot diameter floors of the building which is still not finished, so there's a straight line from him to me.
I keep creeping up the stairs as he ascends, trying to be quiet. Somehow, I remember that I'm not the only ones infilitrating the place (my three teammates), but I cannot see them everywhere. I get so sidetracked with the thought of thinking about exactly who my allies are and where they are, that I lose sight of the lone security guard towards the top floor. Noticing that the one man is gone, I initially am afraid he has spotted or heard me and is in a defensive outlook, waiting to ambush me and/or calling for backup.
But, I eventually get up the courage to advance up the last couple stories of the building. As I run, I start thinking that the enemy is not waiting for me, but that they have been taken out by my allies, and I grow confident. I get to the top level of the building.
(Yes, this part of the dream is so detailed because I full-out dreamed and experienced it as if it were happening to my actual body and mind, climbing every freaking story of that goddamn incomplete building until I finally got to the top)
At the very top floor of my dream, things became blurry and seperated again. I recognized that a large automobile was being suspended from a rope, hanging over the several dozen stories into nothing, and I had to get into it. Somehow I got to a crane and was manuvered onto the dangling car by a teammate. I opened the car door from the roof and slung myself inside.
I sat in this dangling car, 600 feet or so in the air and there was nothing in it. Nothing, I saw nothing. I panicked. I thought that it was a trap to capture me in this fucking dangling car and Whily Kayote drop the rope and send me to my gravitational smashing. I jumped out of the car, scrambled onto the arm crane, and got pulled back to safety.
The next part of the dream is a blur, except it involved us going to movie theaters to seek clues as to Sasuke's( my friend's) wherabouts.
Somehow, the entire little shitty rundown industrial town gets together a collective group of people that want to go out and find 'Sasuke' (as he's now grown on a meaning more important than my friend or the anime character, involving several people of the local community to get motivated to find the fucker)
And I warned them that they'd be fighting Itachi and he'd probably Genjutsu and Quick Shuriken them, and then they'd have cold steel in their chests or complete mush for mental capacity, and it'd be too late to regret, but these dumb fucking people wanted to save the guy I'd set out to help.
Somehow, we split up everyone into groups. And at this time I noticed all the people around me in my dream, and they were fucking people from this internet anime forum. And all these random personifications of people on GotWoot were there (I only vividly recall two of them, and I don't care to repeat it here), and we were all on this big dumb gay quest to save 'our friend Sasuke'.
And in the groups we split into I got BoC and freakin Animeniax (cuz Bud/Munsu and freaki kAi totally ninja picked all the worthwhile people to their teams). And I swore we were going to die because neither of my these two particular teammates, who happened to represent two individuals from this forum, would shut the holy mother of christ the fuck up.
But we advanced. We were scaling this freaking massive snowy freezing mountain. And what does me team freaking find? Sasuke! Beat the fuck up and passed out and we wake the dumb fucker up (and he wasn't really the anime character but somehow someone who myself and everyone around me were absurdly connected and loyal to) and he starts going on again about how we have to go kill fucking Uchiha Itachi.
So some of us carry the fucking emo boy while we ascend this place, and there's fucking evil enemy ninja come right out to meet us and jump out from behind cliffs and ledges and shit.
And we spray the snow red with their innards. Dozens of enemy die without myself and my group giving up a single quarter fluid ounce of blood. And we get to the top of the fucking ice mountain, and it's brimming with sunlight on the other side of the peak.
(the sun rose around this time, and it was like a glaring light in my dreams coming for me from the other side of the cliff - the horizon-)
And freakin comp and Yukimura and Mut and BoC and Animeniax and dumb other random motherfuckers from my real life who I mainly communicate with via interweb nowdays and GotWooters and people I know online appear and we're all about to go fight Uchiha Itachi.
And my freaking telephone rings.
(gotwoot was my dream diary today)
Last edited by masamuneehs; Sun, 08-26-2007 at 02:25 AM.
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
Hey Kai I have the same thing, but do you guys have like Deja Vu kinda like dreams, where you have a dream and then like weeks after you knew you had a dream about what just happened (Hard to explain). Like I had a trip to California and my bro was packing stuff on the car and I was looking at the time, then it hit me that I had a dream about this. Well its crazy but I hope you guys have the same thing.
No one but the enemy will ever teach you how to destroy and conquer. Only the enemy shows you where you are weak. Only the enemy tells you when he is strong. And the rules of the game are what you can do to him and what you can stop him from doing to you. I am your enemy from now on. From now on, I am your teacher."
-Mazer Rackham
Originally Posted by Paulyboy
Yea, i have those all the time...i thought it was only me, and didn't want to talk about it. But, it happens like all the time. I'll be like, going somewhere, or doing something, and then its like "did this happen before, or was it a dream"?
Also, has anyone ever had such a vivid dream that you didn't know it was a dream, and then you wake up, but you're confused, because you thought it was reality?