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Thread: TV: Eureka

  1. #21
    To get us in the mood for tonight, here's a scoop with Colin Ferguson:

    Colin Ferguson Previews Eureka's Inventive New Season

    If you're looking for sanity in Eureka, go no further than Colin Ferguson. Tuesday night, he begins his third season as Sheriff Jack Carter, who lends an Andy Taylor-like calm to a stormy Mayberry populated by crazy scientific geniuses. Ferguson explains why he's nuts about the show. (Eureka airs Tuesdays at 9 pm/ET, Sci Fi.)

    TV Guide: Give us some scoop!
    Colin Ferguson: A main character dies! How do you like that? Also, as last season ended, Eureka was wrecked [by an airborne metal-eating bacteria], so we bring in Frances Fisher [as a corporate hotshot] to fix the town. [The opener] is about a [rogue robot] that escapes. It's fun, though it's hard to act when a main character is a visual effect.

    TV Guide: What is the show's appeal?
    Ferguson: Some like the special effects and the fun, fast stories. Others like the humor. I think it's the relationships.

    TV Guide: Any other projects?
    Ferguson: I did NBC's Fear Itself, which is like The Twilight Zone. I played a serial killer and that was fun. I like to exercise different muscles.

    TV Guide: If you were a genius, what would you invent?
    Ferguson: Wow! I love antigravity. I'm all about recreational vehicles that fly. Or maybe a car that runs on water — that would be good! — G J Donnelly

    Major character dying... sounds good to me. My bet is Nathan or Henry.

  2. #22
    Just watched the first episode of the third season...

    I thought it was an alright episode. I'm still on the fence with the new character they introduced; we'll see how she plays out, though I'm glad she seems to have some ulterior motives to be there.

    I'm still hoping for Jack to regain his memories from the future. I think the series dynamic it would be bring would be great, especially now when the past has taken a different course already from what his "future's past" had, so I think Jack reconcilliating the two different "pasts" would be great. It would also be great to see him solve some cases with ease to the astonishment of others, while him gaining some insights on "criminals" from his future life, who may or may not be criminals currently now that the past has changed.

    I don't know, I just hope they explore that storyline once again and roll with it.

  3. #23
    Too soon to tell, but I get the feeling the new lady works for, or is maybe even the mastermind, of that organization that Beverly was working with. It was an okay episode... nothing major happening really.

  4. #24
    I liked the first bit of the episode, but there were a few things that annoyed me. Mainly it was the 'fixer' and how she started ordering people around....i found it really stupid that someone who was sent there to do a performance review suddenly takes charge during an emergency situation, giving orders to the CEO of the company, and a dozen scientists with PhD's who knew alot more about the situation then she did. Seriously, what were her qualifications, an MBA, maybe a law degree.....and all of a sudden shes giving orders to fighter planes? That was weak writing in my opinion.

    Also the fact that they tried to humanize the drone and make it 'cute'...its a sci-fi show, i dont wanna hear a military grade attack drone making R2D2 style beeps and hums. I want to see a scientific solution, not a lecture on 'being a rebellious teenager'.

    I did like the final scene though, and like whitey, i think she mite be working for the same people as beverly. I wonder what that purple liquid in her hand was?

  5. #25
    Just watched episode 2:

    I loved episode 2... quite a fun episode. So Henry is back in action, I wonder what made the new CEO want to get him back. Was it purely because she saw productivity in him, or did she work out a deal with him in that he'll become sort of a spy for her or some shit. I liked the last scene once again, with her looking at old footage from when apparently the Town of Eureka was first built, and with the atomic bomb testing, etc. It'll be interesting to see how that'll all tie up into this season's plot. I was hoping Jack would get some sort of permanent mutation though, that would've been kickass.

  6. #26
    i didn't quite understand the last scene...what was that mushroom cloud and lightining supposed to be? and prior to that, it showed a town/city being destroyed. was that supposed to be eureka? cuz then we see the 2 soldiers driving into eureka.

  7. #27
    Not sure if I saw it correctly, but I thought the mushroom cloud was tinted purple. I'm thinking it may be tied to the purple vial of liquid that she was holding at the end of the last episode, since it wouldn't make a whole lot of sense for her to react to a generic a-bomb cloud test.

    Glad Henry's back too... I hope he doesn't have to be a spy for the new lady since that would mean more secrets and lies. I'm hoping he'll eventually tell Jack the truth about the memory wipe and maybe trigger Jack into remembering everything and not just flashes.

  8. #28
    ya the cloud was slightly purple, and had 4 lightning bolts beside it. im sure it could be related to the vial she had.

  9. #29
    I'm downloading this right now, and its taking forever. I really hope it is worth the time, but this thread is quite active so its all good.

  10. #30
    Anyone see episode 3 yet?

    The episode itself was okay, but I was more interested in the bigger subplot developments. With the next episode preview too, I'm getting a really bad feeling. I have my suspicions about how things will turn out in the next episode, but I'm curious about what others think.

  11. #31
    Haven't seen any previews, but I enjoyed episode 3 quite a bit. The subplot developments are certainly interesting... the wedding thing and the CEO "tricking" Henry into analyzing some wierd form of radiation, etc.

  12. #32
    The preview hinted at the scoop posted a few weeks ago about a main character dying, so this will likely be a really good episode in terms of plot development. I'm seriously looking forward to seeing how it all plays out.

  13. #33
    Just watched the episode, it was a good one in my opinion. Don't want to say much yet since you guys probably haven't had the chance to watch it yet, but I have to say that it was well executed.

    I'll just say this, I hope the new character, played by Ever Carradine, sticks around.

  14. #34
    man, awesome ep....can't believe stark is gone. did not see that one coming. im really gonna miss the back and forth between carter and stark.

  15. #35
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Sep 2007
    Where the heart is
    R.I.P Stark. Gonna need to bring in atleast 5 more characters just to fill the space his ego took up.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
    Sapphire is awesome!

  16. #36
    Wow... that episode actually blew me away. Given the way the third episode ended, I was thinking that the CEO would try to silence Henry somehow for maybe being suspicious of her. Totally did not see that coming for Nathan. Probably the best episode of the season so far, imo.

  17. #37
    I didn't enjoy the latest episode much, with the whole Mummy curse thing and the killer insects. I found the solution to the problem quite dumb with the whole music thing. Hopefully next one will be a bit more exciting.

    Other than the episode plot, I liked the subplot progression with Henry denying the CEO help, and everything that went with it. Looks like Henry won't be our inside man now.

  18. #38
    i wonder if henry will start doing his own research on what the ceo is doing. he's obviously on to her, and he's gotta be curious about what she's up to.

  19. #39
    Anyone see the newest episode? I thought it was okay, but wasn't too keen on how they resolved the scientific crisis this time. The larger subplot seems to be amping up a bit more, and I really want to see more movement on that front. I will say at least this episode was better than the mummy one.

  20. #40
    the mummy one was just ridiculous...this one was alrite, though a few things could've been improved. like that hole in the basement wall, appearing rite when zain was comming down from the elevator shaft.

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