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Thread: TV: Eureka

  1. #1

    TV: Eureka

    I'm pretty sure some of you guys watch this series, I think it's entertaining. Right now we are on the 7th episode of the second season. I've liked the season so far, but I sometimes wish they would focus more on the main plot lines... they get easily sidetracked. I wanted to see more of the psychiatrist, she was a cool character.

    So, who's up-to-date?

    Won't talk more about it in the first post so that people won't get spoiled from the first post. Anyways, it's a fun series if you're looking for something else to watch.

    The sleepy Pacific Northwest town of Eureka is hiding a mysterious secret. The government has been relocating the world’s geniuses and their families to this rustic town for years where innovation and chaos have lived hand in hand. U.S. Marshal Jack Carter (Colin Ferguson) stumbles upon this odd town after wrecking his car and becoming stranded there. When the denizens of the town unleash an unknown scientific creation, Carter jumps in to try to restore order and consequently learns of one of the country’s best kept secrets.
    Last edited by Munsu; Fri, 01-18-2008 at 03:25 PM.

  2. #2
    So, no one here is watching this series?

    I really liked last episode, with Carter and Zoe having some new love interests. Which also makes it interesting with Carter pretty much losing what could've been his future and a possible baby.

  3. #3
    I watched the first season, and really liked it, but completely missed the start of the second season and haven't had time to catch up yet.

  4. #4
    Actually, if you listened carefully to how Allison makes her comments at the end, she seems to be tinged with some jealousy that he's on a date celebrating his anniversary with someone else. My take on it, anyway.

  5. #5
    Oh, no doubt... but she's also more open to the possibility of getting together with her ex, especially with all the progress their son is making. I like the laundry chick, so I hope she stays around.

  6. #6
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Here's a question. Is Nathan trustworthy? Henry was very reluctant to give up anything about Kim's death.

    As easy as it is to suspect Nathan, I think on this he's completely trustworthy. We couldn't trust him at all in season 1 since he was so stuck up on the Artifact. He came off as willing to do whatever it took to learn more from it.

    Now though, he's still after knowledge of the Artifact, but more concerned about protecting his son. He was willing to endanger the town to help his son and learn more about the connection with the Artifact, but it seemed to be genuine concern at least.

    What does everyone else think?

  7. #7
    I agree with you, and I always thought of him as trustworthy. All his actions have always been for a good cause and reason, the reason he seemed so untrustworthy before was because of his position, his hate for Carter, and being all secretive about what he was doing and reluctant to give away sensitive information. But he has always ended up doing the right thing when it counts, so I don't think it'll be any different now.

    But with the psychiatrist gone, there surely needs to be another mole around, I wonder who it is.

    Anyways, do you think that Carter will ever regain his memories from the parallel life? There have been several attempts to make him aware of the real picture, like when he was dying he saw when his memory got erased, and all the information he gathered when the scientist community was all dumbified.

  8. #8
    I dunno. I disagree about Nathan. I don't feel that he's trustworthy simply because he did hide so many things from both Carter and even Allison. I also feel like he does the right thing in the end only because of Allison. In many ways, he comes off as being extremely selfish because he does the things that he does for his own benefit.

    Not really sure where they plan to take Carter. They spent so much time building the tension between him and Allison only to throw a cold bucket of water over it at the end of the season. I think right now the only certain thing is that he'll continue to end up with the short straw in every scenario, including where his memories are concerned.

  9. #9
    Again, he was in a position that he really couldn't share unless he thought it was first relevant, and secondly of importance.

    As for Carter, each episode they are hinting more and more about his confrontation with Henry when he got his memories erased. Since we are approaching the season finale, I think he'll learn soon enough that he got his memory erased, and even regain his memories...I think he'll go into season 3 with his old memories again, maybe causing a strain with his new found relationship (if he still has it) with the laundry girl.

  10. #10
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Looks like Nathan and Alison have made an enemy out of Henry. Their decision was far and away the correct one, but there's really no doubt Henry is going to take it very badly. They've shown he's the type to keep up appearances and be very quiet, while still being incredibly angry.

    It's kind of nice to see Carter's relationship with Callie improving.

  11. #11
    I agree completely. Do you think Allison was also testing Henry, and see his reaction? With all the concerns that Carter brought to Allison, I think she'll be closely monitoring Henry and his actions.

    I really like Callie, and I hope she stays with the show until it ends. In fact, I want Carter to fall in love with her, and then regain his memories. But at this moment, I like Callie more than Allison.

  12. #12
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I can't say for sure if Allison was testing him, she's shown before she's concerned about Kevin over everything else. I think we need to know a little more first.

  13. #13
    Oh no, for sure. I'm just saying that she's probably aware that Henry is hiding something. So just as she's protecting her son, she'll too will be keeping an eye on him, I would think. It's like killing two birds with one stone.
    Last edited by Munsu; Fri, 09-21-2007 at 08:17 AM.

  14. #14
    Just an update if anyone's interested. SciFi has officially renewed Eureka for season 3 to air in summer of '08. Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming.

  15. #15
    Yep, I read the news yesterday... forgot to post it here, or maybe I was waiting for someone to comment on the latest episode before doing so. Here's where I read it:

    Anyways, last episode was great, and Henry shows his true colors once again and teammed up with Beverly. Looks like the season finale next week will be exciting.

  16. #16
    Comments on the season finale?

    I mostly liked the episode. Henry proved himself to be a good friend, and more trustworthy and honorable than everyone thought. I was actually rooting for him and didn't like the way the prior episode made him look. Favorite moment was Alison decking Beverly, although I have to say that her punch did look fairly weak. If you're gonna pick a fight put some weight behind it before letting loose!

    The burning question... what's your take on the last scene between Alison and Nathan? How do you think it will play out?

  17. #17
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I'll admit I was shocked by Henry's doublecross. I expected him to be both angry enough at Alison and Stark, and scientifically curious about the Field to actually go through with it.

    As far as relationship woes go, Nathan and Alison have been growing closer and closer back together since Carter fixed the Universe and tried to do it all over again. Every time he had attempted to get things to go the same way, he pushed them together. After Henry made him forget everything, they just gradually came together from Kevin. I kinda like Carter-Callie better recently anyway, even if they keep getting interrupted.

    Jo was looking rather nice this episode. I also really liked Carter's comment that if there were zombies in the morgue, he was going to quit.

  18. #18
    My opinion, Alison was not all that happy with the proposal or with Nathan based on the look on her face. It didn't strike me as a look of shocked happiness. I think despite everything that he's done to help her and her son, she still doesn't trust him to be honest with her. The whole situation with bringing Beverly back and not saying anything until after she was there didn't seem to sit well with Alison. I think that it was just enough to plant some seeds of doubt.

    As for Carter, he had some really good lines this episode. The zombie comment was good, and also the one about always being the volunteer. He's at his best when he tries to be a superman.

  19. #19
    Just an update for those interested... New episodes of Eureka starting on July 29. And in case anyone missed it, here's a promo/teaser to whet your appetites.


  20. #20
    Looking forward to it... hopefully Beverly comes back for some episodes; she's always been one of my favorite if not more interesting characters in the series.

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