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Thread: Naruto Chapter 367

  1. #81
    Quote Originally Posted by toonice714
    Ok guys wtf. Dont over analyze this chapter. If there's one thing we all know about naruto legacy is important as shit. Also you know that if there talking about his parents now there must be a reason for it. Someone is eventually going to make this clear to naruto in the next couple of chapters. They are pretty much done this mission with no development from shino, kiba, akamaru, hinata, suigetsu, juugo, or karin btw. This mission is shot so everyone should be returning home unless team hebi and team konoha meet. That most likely wont happen because the battle between jiraya and pein is more important. Lastly, sasuke and his brother are finally going to square off in a familiar place to both of them. They have a common acquaintance in the old lady and the young girl who runs their clan weapons bunker. There will some obviously be interference there followed by something important itachi has been keeping from his brother.

    Anyways I read the chapter and i read that tsunade and jiraya were talking about naruto's parents the 4th and some loud tomboyish whirlpool ninja. no disrespect guys.
    People interpret things differently, and people like to look for a deeper understanding. Still, this is a scanlation meaning, some of the translation can be off, as translations most of the time compromise the true meaning when changing languages, sometimes for lack of a better word or just a difference between languages.

    @February: I don't know if I could say miniscule similarities. People are entitled to making obersvations. Pein/Pain/Pane comes from the Rain country or whatever, and has Red Hair. The mother mentioned, the Uzumaki has red hair as well and came from the Whirlpool Village. It's not farfetched to try to connect these similiarities.

  2. #82
    Why has everyone ignored the stuff Itachi was saying to Sasuke? Itachi told Sasuke to meet him at the "Uchiha's hideout alone." Obviously Itachi wasn't intent on battling Sasuke at the moment if he didn't go to the cave personally. We have to remember that both of them are considered geniuses... it's quite possible that Itachi knows about the "real" leader behind Akatsuki. Maybe he's going to tell Sasuke more about what happened the day he wiped out their clan... and possibly give more info about Uchiha Madara. Who knows... either way Itachi is going to have trouble since Sasuke doesn't care to talk, he just wants to kill Itachi.

    On the 4th being Naruto's dad... I don't see why he wouldn't be. I've believed the 4th was his dad since I started reading the manga over 3 years ago. Obviously Kishi gave us the info because it will be important in the upcoming chapters.

    Pein definitely doesn't seem like he'd be Naruto's dad... who cares if he looks like him... Sai and Sasuke look alike but they're not related in any way. The only way I see Pein being related to Naruto at all is if Pein is Naruto's older brother... it could add yet another similarity between Naruto and Sasuke; they could then both hate their older brothers.

  3. #83
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    @animus: in support, Pein knows Tobi's true identity. This suggests another connection with Konoha. It's all very tenuous, and I'm excited to read more.

  4. #84
    Fine, if everyone wants to link somebody to someone in the naruto world, its my turn:

    They are half-brothers and they share super l33t regenerating abilities

  5. #85
    ANBU Captain Hikyuu's Avatar
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    Lol someone is gonna be like.> DONT COMPARE NARUTO WITH DBZ .. YOU HAVE BEEN WWARNED XD
    EDIT: Oh, btw they arent related they just shop at TJ MAX

  6. #86
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    Anyway..........Wow Kishi gave us both Naruto parents' names and finally said the obvious truth of the 4th...I mean Minato being his father. It's about damn time.

    But of course you giving us one thing means something has to go, and that very well is probably going to be Jiraiya although what Pein said conflicts with this (I still think he's going to die). We could also see the end of Itachi as well followed by an enormous flashback and the arrival of Tobi when the fight is over.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  7. #87
    Genin FullMetalAlchemist's Avatar
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    I think about 80% of you are over thinking all of this, narutos father is the 4th thats it, why would they talk about the 4th and his mother, but when they say "Him" they mean someone else, that makes no sense. Jiraya also talks about the 4th, and if he was a father blah blah blah.....then saying he sees naruto as a grandson, meaning the 4th like his son and the 4th's kid like his grandson. Tsunade says narutos mom became beautiful pein doesn't look like a beautiful women in anyway >.< acting tomboyish doesn't mean you look like a boy, you can dress like one and act like one but you can also be the hotest woman ever >.<.

  8. #88
    Quote Originally Posted by FullMetalAlchemist
    I think about 80% of you are over thinking all of this, narutos father is the 4th thats it, why would they talk about the 4th and his mother, but when they say "Him" they mean someone else, that makes no sense. Jiraya also talks about the 4th, and if he was a father blah blah blah.....then saying he sees naruto as a grandson, meaning the 4th like his son and the 4th's kid like his grandson. Tsunade says narutos mom became beautiful pein doesn't look like a beautiful women in anyway >.< acting tomboyish doesn't mean you look like a boy, you can dress like one and act like one but you can also be the hotest woman ever >.<.
    well said

  9. #89
    Well, the 4th being Naruto's father would make sense... it would be more reasonable to assume that the 4th sealed Kyuubi in his own son as part of his sacrifice to the village, instead of just picking some random ghetto baby.

  10. #90
    @FMA: It's apparently more fun to think things aren't as obvious as they seem to be. I buy the 4th + Uzumaki Kushina -> Uzumaki Naruto since I don't think Kishi would bother putting in so much veiled speech into a teenager/young adult themed manga. But the possibility still exists that it's not true so until there's absolutely no doubt I suspect plenty of people will choose not accept it in order to make the series feel more deep.

  11. #91
    Genin KCMmmmm's Avatar
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    Does anybody else get the impression that Kishimoto realized the Kabuto-Orochimaru plot twist was incredible bad just a little too late (too late to pull it from the Shonen issue before print that is), and he is now feeding us all of his plot ideas in such a few short chapters to make us forget about that terrible blunder?

    I mean, really - what with Tobi revealing his Sharingan, Jiraiya's upcoming fight with Pein, the revealing of Naruto's parents, and the confrontation between Sasuke and Itachi, who really expects Kabuto to make a re-appearance? I'm betting he will never show up again. Besides in a filler episode of the anime.

    Which is a good thing really...because it was stupid. Like, a supremely bad idea. Still, it may make a good filler arc.

  12. #92
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KCMmmmm
    Does anybody else get the impression that Kishimoto realized the Kabuto-Orochimaru plot twist was incredible bad just a little too late (too late to pull it from the Shonen issue before print that is), and he is now feeding us all of his plot ideas in such a few short chapters to make us forget about that terrible blunder?

    I mean, really - what with Tobi revealing his Sharingan, Jiraiya's upcoming fight with Pein, the revealing of Naruto's parents, and the confrontation between Sasuke and Itachi, who really expects Kabuto to make a re-appearance? I'm betting he will never show up again. Besides in a filler episode of the anime.

    Which is a good thing really...because it was stupid. Like, a supremely bad idea. Still, it may make a good filler arc.
    Nope...I would've sooner considered the roots to be a bad plot twist than Kabutoro, but clearly we'll be seeing more of roots unfold soon so......

    The way Kishimoto developed Kabuto was great. For the longest time he's just been sitting in the shadows, but just like so many before him, he's been inspired to change from Naruto's example...except this time it actually backfires on Naruto.

    Anyway, a Sasuke vs Kabutoro battle at this point would be almost as elite as the Sasuke vs Itachi battle coming up.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  13. #93
    Itachi better win.

  14. #94
    I hope they both end up killing eachother in an explosive double knock out.

  15. #95
    That would be even better. A true main character has to die off in Naruto or else the manga will become shit.

    Sasuke or Itachi need to go.

  16. #96
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
    Nope...I would've sooner considered the roots to be a bad plot twist than Kabutoro, but clearly we'll be seeing more of roots unfold soon so......

    The way Kishimoto developed Kabuto was great. For the longest time he's just been sitting in the shadows, but just like so many before him, he's been inspired to change from Naruto's example...except this time it actually backfires on Naruto.
    The more I think, the more I agree about this. I absolutely love Kabuto's tendency to show up when there's almost zero indication that he will, just when you think the plot is going to go somewhere else, it comes back to him. I never pegged him as that much of a fanatic (his initial reaction to Sasuke's killing Orochimaru left me very unsure if he was even going to retaliate, if he might have been even happy that Oro was dead), but it's clear that he is nuts for Orochimaru to even beyond Kimimaro level.

    Unfortunately, with the Hidden Village of Sound destroyed, and the main plotline there gone (Oro training Sasuke to use his body as a host), I'm at a loss to say what Kabuto will do in the future. I never really considered the 'Destruction of Konoha' angle to be that likely or threatening, as it seemed clear that the closest he'd get was when he fought the Third Hokage. Kabuto was pretty vague when he showed up to 'thank' Naruto... But I still am glad he's going to be in the story for at least a little while longer.

    Root... I loved them at first simply because I love Sai. Then again, they totally appeared out of nowhere and the 'hardline militarist' can surely offer some major problems in the future (especially since Jiraiya referred to them in his potentially last words to Tsunade). But I'm not compelled by their story at all.

    The more I think about Root, the more I think it should have been introduced earlier. I mean, where the fucking hell were they when the Hokage position was temporarily vacated? It just seemed like a sudden idea Kishi had, for Sai to be loyal to someone other than Tsunade and to have his own secret little mission. Maybe he'll make something good out of it, but right now I could care less about Root.

    Finally, I'm thinking that if we're considering open storylines, we've got the following (in order of appearance and with how I think they'll go down):

    Sasuke's grudge vs. Itachi (Itachi-Sasuke duel, maybe Hebi involved).
    Orochimaru (him completely taking over Kabuto's mind and body, dying in a duel with either Naruto or Tsunade, or whoever is Hokage)
    Akatsuki's targeting of the Bijuu (Naruto's got to take care of this one by himself, probably with some support from Konoha nin, at least Sakura)
    Bringing Sasuke home (the very freaking end)
    Root (no idea, depends)

    The real question to me is in what order these storylines are going be concluded. I can't help but think that the quickest one to bring to a close is Orochimaru, as it involves killing just one single person, and because a bunch of people can do it.

    I feel like Itachi could end soon. I don't think he'll actually fight Sasuke in their much anticipated meeting in Konoha, more likely just reveal more backstory. But soon after that, Sasuke and Hebi could bag him. However, at that point there'd need to be something else for Sasuke to do (possibly created by this upcoming meeting). I don't think Sasuke will overcome this anytime soon, even if he does kill Itachi. If anything, I see Itachi (or his legacy) as being the final Akatsuki to end.

    Root might be nothing more than an overblown threat, but I doubt it... I see them as being a way to, at the very end, center the action around Konoha again. Hell, they might become the reason why Sasuke returns. They might even create the next vacancy in the Hokage position.

    For some reason, I can't see Akatsuki as being the last storyline left, particularly given the rapid rate of death (granted, the ones that are left are no slouches) and that everyone and their mother in Konoha is coming after them.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  17. #97
    I've been waiting for so long to see what was inside that letter Sai gave to Orochimaru.... it most definitely has to do with roots.

  18. #98

    As you said everyone and their dogs kitchen sink are going after Akatsuki so I think they'll be the first to fall, after itachi pulls out or dies. Wondering about tobis/peins importance though, thinking that will be revealed the next couple of chapters at this rate..

    I doubt Kabutoro would play such a minor role, I think he's got big plans/importance for the future considering how vital either ove them have been before and I doubt they'd introduce him to just remove him. But unsure of his motives.

    Personally I'm hoping for a Sasuke/Naruto showdown, but then again I'm hoping that Sasuke will win said showdown which we all know will never happen.

  19. #99
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs

    Root might be nothing more than an overblown threat, but I doubt it... I see them as being a way to, at the very end, center the action around Konoha again. Hell, they might become the reason why Sasuke returns. They might even create the next vacancy in the Hokage position.
    Hope it isn't something lame like Itachi is part of Root and that's why he killed the clan...

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  20. #100
    Genin FullMetalAlchemist's Avatar
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    I find it strange how itachi did not fight sasuke in the cave, i believe he is gonna reveal why he really killed the clan in the next meeting. I still think madara had something to do with it, and while itachi tells sasuke everything madara/tobi appears and kills itachi, or something along those lines. Remember how madara talks about sasuke sharingan, he has itachi yet he is looking at sasuke. There might be something special about sasuke not yet revealed and the true meaning of why he was the only uchiha spared.

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