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Thread: Naruto Chapter 367

  1. #101
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Masa you're missing an important item in your list: Tobi / Uchiha Madara.

    I see Roots, Kabutoro and Tobi / Uchiha Madara as the 3 main adversaries after the Akatsuki demise.

    I like where you're going with "Tsunade or Naruto, whoever is Hokage" vs Kabutoro.
    It would be neat of him to become the residual arch nemesis of Naruto that pops up various times throughout the rest of the story and even beyond Naruto becoming Hokage.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  2. #102
    Yea but surely when Naruto becomes Hokage the storyline ends (after all related fighting such as revenge is done and dusted), so I don't think any enemy will survive beyond that point.

    Plus, we have Kakashi who could become Hokage before Naruto. The only way I don't see that happening is a) Naruto grows a damn brain and becomes a proper ninja or b) Kakashi doesn't give a shit and thus Naruto becomes Hokage anyway.

  3. #103
    there will probably be an epilogue that explains what happens to all the characters, and i heard that the next series will be in a different village, with some cameos from some characters. Thats what i heard...

  4. #104
    ANBU Captain Hikyuu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
    I think I prefer calling it Kabumaru

  5. #105
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hikyuu
    I think I prefer calling it Kabumaru
    Well that's unfortunate for you then
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  6. #106
    If Kakashi is a front runner for Hokage after Tsunade that would imply he's one of the best warriors Konoha has to offer right now. I don't doubt his intelligence or leadership ability but his battle record is a bit spotty seeing as how we've never seen him walk away from a named opponent he defeated on his own two legs as far as I can remember.
    My question is, where are all the Jounin level ninja's from the 4th's generation? Shouldn't there be people around the age of the fourth that were jounin when Kakashi was growing up? Older than him but younger than the Sannin, I know they've lost a lot of people with the wars and the Kyuubi attack, but having Kakashi be stronger than every surviving ninja of the Fourths generation (they should be all be in their mid to late 30's by now) seems a bit of a stretch to me. What could have happened to them all? Or did they al just suck except for Kakashi, the Fourth, the Sannin, and Kakashi's dad.

  7. #107
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Kakashi's also an ideal candidate because he's part of the student/teacher line of hokages. Actually him or Rin need to become hokage in order to complete the lineage to Naruto.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  8. #108
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    If Kakashi is a front runner for Hokage after Tsunade that would imply he's one of the best warriors Konoha has to offer right now. I don't doubt his intelligence or leadership ability but his battle record is a bit spotty seeing as how we've never seen him walk away from a named opponent he defeated on his own two legs as far as I can remember.
    My question is, where are all the Jounin level ninja's from the 4th's generation? Shouldn't there be people around the age of the fourth that were jounin when Kakashi was growing up? Older than him but younger than the Sannin, I know they've lost a lot of people with the wars and the Kyuubi attack, but having Kakashi be stronger than every surviving ninja of the Fourths generation (they should be all be in their mid to late 30's by now) seems a bit of a stretch to me. What could have happened to them all? Or did they al just suck except for Kakashi, the Fourth, the Sannin, and Kakashi's dad.
    Jounin-level ninjas from the Leaf village only appear when Kishi wants them to, really. Captain Yamato (sp?) appeared when it was convenient for him to lead Team Kakashi while Kakashi was recovering.

    And I hope the series doesn't end when Naruto becomes hokage, that would be lame. I hope to see if he matured or not and see him in battle amongst other elite ninjas.

  9. #109
    ANBU Captain Hikyuu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
    Well that's unfortunate for you then
    You dont form a name by merging the first parts of their names together.. you have to have like .. a front and a back.. Like KABUmaru :O or orobuto

  10. #110
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    I didn`t knew there was a rule for merging names...

    this is obviously points to jiraiya vs. pein

    good thing : we get to see peins abilities

    bad things: jiraiya is almost dead.. noooooooo
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  11. #111
    I'm betting Jiraiya is as dead as a doornail... but it will take a lot of chapters for him to fight his final battle.

    Like many other people, I still think Itachi's stated reason for killing his clan was a load of crap. His real reason had to do with whatever was in the temple that he told Sasuke to look for (the Uchiha Shrine). Hopefully, Sasuke and Itachi will just meet to talk instead of fight because it's way too early for an Itachi-Sasuke showdown. Instead, I believe Kishimoto will reveal everything about the Uchiha clan.

    I can sympathize with Masa, there are way too many open plot threads right now. Roots seems like an afterthought on Kishi's part - what were they doing when Konoha had no hokage and they're low on ninja's??? They could have staged a coup and taken over easily. I have no idea where the Kabuto/Oro plot could be going, but how about this: he teams up with Root to take over Konoha and install a new hokage. Tsunade and Kakashi die in the battle, and Naruto becomes the leader of Konoha-in-exile. But that's pretty far out there...

    Anyway, Kishi needs to do a little clean-up IMO.

  12. #112
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Super5
    I'm betting Jiraiya is as dead as a doornail... but it will take a lot of chapters for him to fight his final battle.
    That's what I was hoping for with Oro too... But noooo Kishi went another route which I didn't really like.

    But I still believe Oro is alive and will come back.

  13. #113
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Id3aLiStiC
    That's what I was hoping for with Oro too... But noooo Kishi went another route which I didn't really like.

    But I still believe Oro is alive and will come back.
    Yeah, because Kabuto went and said that he incorporated Orochimaru into his own body... And there was evidence that Kabuto is slowly losing control, that Orochimaru is taking him over bit by bit. So, yeah, you'd think that he will be back, wouldn't you?

    Also, the more you guys go on and on with your crazy theories, the more I actually start buying into them! Now I'm even doubting that Itachi annihilated his clan for reasons other than expressly stated... hell, I don't know what to think about it now...

    But Orobuto joining forces with Root? That one just sounds absurd. I thought the leader of Root was just a hardline, practical militarist... not someone who really wanted Konoha to go to a crazy mad scientist... Seeing as how the Sound have fallen and lost almost all their strength, siding with a madman like Oro wouldn't bring them any real kind of advantage...

    What I do see Root doing is helping Oro slip in or get into a position to kill Tsunade, in the hopes that afterwards they can drive Oro out and put in their own government. But, that'd be recreating exactly the same opportunity that they missed when the 3rd died...

    Now I'm just sounding like an idiot... I need to read some other manga and not think so much on these crazy theories...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  14. #114
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Super5
    Anyway, Kishi needs to do a little clean-up IMO.
    Yeah when was the last time Kishi closed any open plot holes anyway? oh wait... looked like UChessmaster said "we get to see penis abilities"
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  15. #115
    Genin FullMetalAlchemist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Super5
    Like many other people, I still think Itachi's stated reason for killing his clan was a load of crap. His real reason had to do with whatever was in the temple that he told Sasuke to look for (the Uchiha Shrine). Hopefully, Sasuke and Itachi will just meet to talk instead of fight because it's way too early for an Itachi-Sasuke showdown. Instead, I believe Kishimoto will reveal everything about the Uchiha clan.

    I've been really thinking about this to and kinda thought of something in that regard. Remember how the clan had something special going on a mission of some sort, and even some meetings that itachi was apart of and seemed very important to the clan which they were relying on itachi alot on, maybe that had something to do with him killing the whole clan.

    funny how these last couple chapters have really opened the possibilities on the show that we didn't even think of 6 months ago .

  16. #116
    I think the question is, with all these subplots still open, how many of them will Kishi turn into a swerve, and how many will play out exactly as we expected? I think, if anything, to tie up all these subplots, some of them are going to end up intertwining ie "we were in it together all along!" or any other number of ways.

  17. #117
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    If Kakashi is a front runner for Hokage after Tsunade that would imply he's one of the best warriors Konoha has to offer right now. I don't doubt his intelligence or leadership ability but his battle record is a bit spotty seeing as how we've never seen him walk away from a named opponent he defeated on his own two legs as far as I can remember.
    My question is, where are all the Jounin level ninja's from the 4th's generation? Shouldn't there be people around the age of the fourth that were jounin when Kakashi was growing up? Older than him but younger than the Sannin, I know they've lost a lot of people with the wars and the Kyuubi attack, but having Kakashi be stronger than every surviving ninja of the Fourths generation (they should be all be in their mid to late 30's by now) seems a bit of a stretch to me. What could have happened to them all? Or did they al just suck except for Kakashi, the Fourth, the Sannin, and Kakashi's dad.
    Well according to the databooks kakashi is the strongest jounin in the leaf.
    And well kakashi not walking away from a fight, i think that is cause of his "low" stamina, meaning he won't go all out unless he needs to.
    After playing around with zabuza, he gave him some backhands and made him is bitch :P.
    He was also the only real defense against Itachi, if it wasn't for him, kurenai would've been so killed by that clone bomb.
    I would say kakashi is better then Itachi, seeing how he was a super genuis even without sharingan, even graduating and becoming jounin etc.. earlier then itachi, Tsukiyomi just fucked him up bad, heck it might've killed any other jounin.

    Then there is the whole deidara thing, well kakashi was once again the only defense they had against the bomb, and he did what he had to do to save everyone, at the expense of fucking himself up big time.
    Naruto saving kakashi crew from kakuzu? I don't buy that, to me it felt like kakashi was fighting zabuza again, and we all know how he turned that around, he also still had his hax mangekyou as a trump card.

    And I think the only really active and jounin from the 4th's generation is Anko, judging from her encounter with orochimaru, she is prolly fucking strong, where kakashi almost second guessed his reasoning, she was prepared to blow herself up to kill him, and judging from the games, once she does it, there is no escaping it, you just die.

    /analysis :P

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